Avoid downtime with your Old but not obsolete gear!
Sun, HP, IBM, Dell, Storagetek, NetApp, EMC, Cisco, Hitachi
Do you have any old but not obsolete gear you want to put under annual maintenance support contracts?
We can support you thru-out the USA and internationally in 48 countries at half the cost of the OEM’s. We are independent from the OEM’s and we also support other global service providers for their customers requiring support on competitive products. We have depots all across the world so if you need something right away upgrades or systems we can help you out.
Servers, Storage, Disk Drives, Memory, HBA’s, Power supplies, Routers, Switches, GBics, Phones, Cables, wind turbines & Solar installations for data centers.
7x24x365 onsite service with 4 hour response for hardware and 7x24x365 helpdesk support.
8x5 onsite service with 4 hour response and M-F helpdesk support
We can also provide customized Service level agreements to fit your needs and not the manufactures. On site spares for multi vendor hardware support
If you want to self maintain we can also provide you with parts next day if you’re in a jam.
Please ask us for a quick competitive quote as well this can only help you when you to go to battle with the OEMs…..
John Arnt jarnt@arntconsulting.com 727-586-0242