Rev. Christian Mawuko
Preacher, Revivalist, Theologian, Writer, Adult Literacy Expert, Church Planter
"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness."--Matt 7:21-23
" Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”--Acts 2.37-39
Conversion is the biblical term that is used to explain the change process that one undergoes upon receiving Christ.
What is a cult? Christian cults are new religious movements that have a Christian background but are considered to be theologically deviant by members of other #christian churches.
Several experiences have motivated me to write on the topic CULT CHRISTIANITY but l will just use a few examples to buttress my points.
A few years ago, l decided to part of a group of Pastors who were calling themselves SON'S of a certain popular man of God who lives in one of our neighboring countries. I contacted the leaders of the group and l was asked to purchase hundred Ghana cedi membership form. l was also required to pay membership dues and three other forms of giving which were covenant seed, tithe and another one. The requirements for remaining a son of this "powerful" man of God was so demanding that if l decide to use all our church offerings and tithes for that purpose, l will still not be able to meet the requirement. So l decided to discontinue my membership of the group because l already have a few SPIRITUAL FATHERS who don't demand a penny from me in order to mentor me and offer me relevant counsel.
When l told the leader of the group that l am no longer a part of their group, they all completely cut off all communications or contacts between me and them. They are mad with me for deciding not to be part of a group that worships someone they call a " Spiritual Father".
A few weeks ago, in my dream l saw that Spiritual Father of this people on a football field in the company of bodyguards. He called my name and ask me to come closer. l was so excited for meeting him one on one, so immediately l got in front of him l knelt before him so that he can lay hands on my head for me to receive some of his "power and anointing". As soon as l knelt before him this powerful man of God suddenly changed into a little black ant. Those who were watching fled in fear when they saw the man of God turned into an ant. l was also shocked too and was about to flee too when l heard a voice say to me, "RESPECT AND HONOUR ALL MEN BUT NEVER WORSHIP ANYONE EXCEPT JESUS CHRIST.
There are many young Pastors today who believes that the new formula for growing a church faster is to give weekly or monthly tithes and offerings to popular preachers. They forgot that themselves are not popular but their members gave them their tithes . l believe in honoring Senior Ministers of God and l believe in giving tithes to Spiritual Fathers but if it becomes something we must do for our Churches to grow then we are entering the realms of what l am calling,"CULT CHRISTIANITY". I thank God for one of the godly men in my life l will call a Spiritual Father. He is someone who will not demand from you what he knows you don't have. l don't like visiting him because he will rather want to bless you with money.God bless such godly men of God!
"Follow your Pastor with an open Bible" is a quote from my friend Dr. Moses Barima Djimatey. If you don't follow your Church and Pastor with an open Bible when they are in error you will be wrong too. If they are lost you will be lost too. If they are hell bound you will be there too!
The popularity of your Church or your Pastor does not determine how close your Pastor is to heaven or God!
Stop bragging about the popularity of your Church and your Pastor. If your Pastor's popularity is so important to God then never expect him to die someday. All men will die someday. That is why we must all learn to respect, honor and love everyone. Let us give our worship and adoration to only God!
1.Love God
2.Love your neighbor
3.Forgive others who have wronged you.
4.Love your enemies
5.Always ask God to forgive our sins
6.Repentance of sin is very important
7.Jesus is the only person mandated by God to forgive our sins. He paid the penalty for the consequences of our sins.
1.Must portray a changed life.
2.Must be filled the Spirit of God.
3.Must be an imitator of Jesus Christ
4.Must believe in life after death.
Doesn't behave like a Church elder l know who says there is no life after death. l wonder who made him a Church elder.
5.Must walk in faith
6.Must be someone who has received Salvation or is Saved
7.Must respond to the calling of God. See John 6.44
For some Christians, a relationship with Jesus consists of praying to Him and going to church on Sunday. They allow Jesus to be a sacrifice for their sins, but the relationship with Him stops there. For others, Jesus is an example to follow, and they try their best to live as He did. But since Jesus is in heaven and they are here, they don't really expect to have much of a relationship with Him, and therefore, in fact, do not. Such relationships with Jesus can, at best, be described as “distant.”
The Bible, however, speaks about an intimate and dynamic relationship with Jesus. He is, after all, a person, not a “theological concept;" not someone who once lived on the earth and now is far away, but a person who is alive and can be very near. He, Himself, was tempted in all points just as you are, but overcame sin and death. See Hebrews 4.15 and Romans 6.8 .
Because of His faithfulness, He has all the power and grace to help you to overcome sin in your life. This also means that your relationship with Him can be full of life – not something lifeless and stagnant – because He Himself is alive! See Revelations 1:18
Avoid what l call "cult Christianity! "
My thesis is that true Christianity is not merely believing a certain set of dry abstract propositions: it is to live in a daily personal communication with an actual living person--JESUS CHRIST!
Reflect on a statement by C.S Lewis as l conclude. He said," Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true ,of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important".
Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!--Pastor Christian Mawuko. Golden Gospel Church, Accra,Ghana.
Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp/Text : 233.244225870
Linkedln: Rev. Christian Mawuko
Youtube : Pastor Christian Mawuko
Preacher, Revivalist, Theologian, Writer, Adult Literacy Expert, Church Planter
3 年Christian Kelch