Avoid Confusion with SALTO's Near Detection Mode.
The need for access control solutions that are able to adapt to unique environments has never been greater than it is now.
Many facilities require that access control readers be installed in small spaces, nearby one another, as facility managers require to constantly juggle access to different areas for different groups.
In addition, the usage of electronic credentials has never been more prevalent. Electronic credentials allow for users to store credentials on their phone or smart device, which can then send out a Bluetooth signal to the lock to gain access.
One problem that electronic access control systems often face is that when multiple wall readers are installed near one another, the wrong reader risks interfering with Bluetooth signal of the users electronic credential. Thus confusing the user, and delaying them from getting where they need to be.
Thankfully, SALTO has created an intelligent solution in order to bypass this problem - Near Detection Mode.
When activated, Near Detection Mode reduces the radius of signal emitted by the wall reader to 10-15cm in order to avoid interference from nearby readers. Thus, reducing the risk of the the electronic credential receiving interference from undesired readers.
Near Detection Mode can be deactivated at any time and the reader will once again be able to receive Bluetooth signals from a greater distance.
Intelligent features such as these, make SALTO the ideal access control choice for many commercial settings where readers may need to be be installed in close proximity to one another. These may include:
In industries where staff already work highly stressful jobs, such as in healthcare. It is imperative, that any new access control solution does not distract from the job at hand, and is simple & intuitive for its users.
Therefore, when choosing an access control solution, facility managers must endeavour to install a product that minimises any additional confusion for it's staff/occupants, and requires minimal training.
SALTO is that solution.
Get in touch with your account manager for more information.