Avoid Common Application Errors
Resume Canada
A Toronto based firm helping professionals take the necessary steps for career advancement.
Every day, new jobs are listed on platforms such as Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and Trabajo. It’s not unusual for each position to receive up to 200 applications. Many applications go unnoticed or ignored for various reasons.
Mismatch With the Applicant Tracking System
The Applicant Tracking System or (ATS) is a program designed to make a recruiter’s job a little easier and filter out resumes that don’t fit the job description. In most cases the ATS will not reject of the resume but rather downgrade, allowing the recruiter to prioritize certain applications. Before you apply for a job it is crucial to carefully read the job description, especially the responsibilities and requirements section.
Pay attention to keywords. If you are applying for a digital marketing position, the job posting will likely include terms such as SEO, PPC, and algorithm. Make sure to reflect these on your resume. Tailor your resume to match the job description and avoid being generic. Some applicants use the same resume for every application, often applying for roles for which they are not fully qualified.
Failure to Follow Instructions
It is likely that job seekers are applying to as many jobs as possible, so they might miss some important instructions. Some employers prefer the resume and cover letter to be included in the same document. You will want to pay attention to the fine details, you would hate to be passed up for something so trivial.
High Volume of Applications
As a job seeker, you have no control over how many applications an employer receives. However, you can still stand out. If a recruiter or hiring manager is named in the job posting, connect with them on LinkedIn before applying. Start a conversation about an industry-specific subject without being pushy or needy and casually mention that you are interested in applying for the advertised role.
Lastly, make sure your application is complete and list your qualifications effectively. You want to impress the reader from the start by crafting a compelling professional summary, include keywords, metrics and detailed accomplishments, relevant education and certificates. ?
Job seekers should also consider centralizing their own application process to track which applications are most successful so they can figure out how they tailored their resume and application to best pass that difficult first round!