Avoid a Christmas Hangover

Avoid a Christmas Hangover

With the Christmas season just around the corner, lots of businesses are thinking about their Christmas nights out.?We’re not the HR police, and we love a night out as much as anyone, but we don’t want to see you suffering a hangover this Christmas. You don’t want to deal with HR issues following what should be a time of celebration.


So, we thought we would give you Christmas HR advice to avoid any problems.? We’re normally very busy in December dealing with such issues, so we’re qualified to give advice on this topic!


It’s important that you realise the potential issues which could arise as a result of a Christmas party. You should also seek HR advice when you are faced with certain issues. Whether this is in the office, within working hours, out of hours or away from the office.? Regardless of when and where you hold the event, this is seen as an extension of the workplace.


Do invite all colleagues. Although, remember, people may not want to attend for religious or family reasons.?

Think about those that can’t make it for operational reasons. You may have shift workers and they need to provide cover when your event is taking place.? Can you do something else for them? Either a separate event or provide pizza when they’re at work?


Don’t force everyone to go – this could be seen as potentially discriminatory.? Attendance should be voluntary.


Secret Santa?

Do be mindful of presents exchanged in a secret Santa which could be seen as offensive.? There’s banter and what could cross the line!


Don’t condone any discriminatory behaviour as you and the company are liable for the acts of your employees



Food and Drink

Do make sure there is enough food to line everyone’s stomach and not too much free alcohol.? We’ve seen companies limit this per person by using tokens to monitor consumption.? We had a case a few years back where a manager blamed his conduct on the fact the company provided free alcohol and no food!


Do check if anyone has any dietary requirements. This is important to avoid any allergic reactions, and for religious reasons.


Do ensure there are enough soft drinks and water available (again for religious reasons and non-drinkers).


Don’t allow underage drinking (its illegal!).


Employee Discussions


Do remember that conversations that take place are seen as an extension of the workplace. so, don’t give feedback to people on work performance, career progression or pay increases! And don’t talk about other colleagues with your team!


Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination


Do make it clear to all employees that bullying, harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated, ensure it is clear in your polices that anything that occurs at the party is in the course of their employment and therefore would be investigated using the disciplinary procedure.?Do ensure your policies are up to date within your Employee Handbook.


Don’t comment on the way someone looks unless you have that type of relationship with them – this could be taken out of context.? Don’t engage in banter with people who you do not know very well, especially if you are in a managerial position as any comments made could offend someone. Even if this is unintentional this could amount to discrimination leaving the company liable for the actions of that employee in a claim of discrimination.


Don’t make any sexual advances on any of your staff. ?Sexual advances are usually one sided and a common issue at Christmas parties. I’ve seen many managers be the subject of a sex discrimination claim as a result. In addition, we suggest you seek Christmas HR advice as this needs to be taken seriously.


Don’t be afraid to tell anyone who is behaving badly or inappropriately to leave the party.? You’re still the boss!


Do be consistent in your approach to all staff – this avoids complaints of bias or unfair treatment.


Criminal Offences and Drugs

Do remember it is an offence for an employer to knowingly permit or even ignore the use or supply of controlled drugs taking on their premises (this extends to work parties off site).? The same applies to knowingly let people drive home after consuming alcohol.


Social Media

Do use social media but allocate a designated person to post the office party photos (only if you have permission of the individual to post the photo).


Do submit all posts after the event and not during it to avoid mistakes or posting inappropriate material.


Don’t let staff do what they want as this could damage the reputation of the company and could result in complaints by staff who did not agree to the posting of their photograph online.


Do have a social media policy in place.


Getting Home Safely

Do – ensure your employees get home safely, be mindful of the drunken state some will be in and provide taxi numbers and/ or check the train times and be mindful of your female and younger employees.? Could you organise your own transport for people, or arrange accommodation for those that live a fair distance from the venue?

For more Christmas HR advice, contact us: https://www.thehrbooth.co.uk/contact/


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