Avoid Becoming A One-Hit-Wonder By Creating A Book Funnel To Go With Your Best Seller

Avoid Becoming A One-Hit-Wonder By Creating A Book Funnel To Go With Your Best Seller

“You should write a book!”

Maybe your friends or family have told you that. Maybe you told yourself that.

But maybe you’re also thinking, it’s going to take forever and you’re not totally sure what you’d write about because you have a lot of ideas floating through your head.

Or maybe you’re thinking if you’re going to spend all that time on something, it better produce some big result … and you’re not sure how to get that to happen, so you don’t bother to even start putting that book inside your head onto paper. The procrastination - GAH!

Can I be straight with you? There’s something about the book coaching and self-publishing industry that drives me crazy.... (click below to continue reading)



Vickie Gould -Energy and Sound Healer Accredited Certification Programs的更多文章

