Avocado seed + Nectar Agave Organic :)
Because our Water Premium Gourmet Tonic "QuinaVa" has avocado seed .....
Avocado besides being delicious, provides us with antioxidants and natural fats that help us to stay healthy and feel better. Seeds on the other hand contain fiber and amino acids and help prevent heart disease - and avocado seeds are the best of both worlds. Here are thirteen reasons to start grinding those seeds and include them in your daily diet:
1.- 70% of the avocado's amino acids are in the seed, their oil lowers cholesterol levels and helps defend the body from cardiovascular disease and cardiac arrest.
2.- Studies have proven that avocado seeds have more soluble fiber than any other food.
3.- The avocado seed is excellent for combating inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract as well as diarrhea. In South America they use the seed as a remedy for infections and stomach problems.
4.- They contain phenolic compounds that prevent intestinal ulcers and viral and bacterial infections.
5.- The flavonol containing the seeds prevents the growth of tumors.
6.- They strengthen the immune system and help prevent debilitating diseases and their antioxidants slow down the aging process.
7.- The anti-inflammatory properties of seeds seem to help people suffering from arthritis and other diseases.
8.- Rejuvenating effect: Studies have shown that they increase the amount of collagen in the skin, giving it a smooth appearance and free of wrinkles.
9.- The seed oil will give extra shine to your hair and helps prevent dandruff.
10.- The seeds help to lose weight because according to some studies reduces blood glucose.
11.- Scratching, roasting and drinking the seeds in tea helps control asthma.
12.- According to QiGong medicine water seeds contain high levels of Qi energy, which help us to feel in tune with the energy of life.
13.- The seeds can be consumed in many ways: they can be dried, scratched, roasted, roasted and eaten. You can eat in salads, drink in teas, smoothies and smoothies or eat alone (if you do not mind the bitter taste).
Avocado is the perfect example of a fruit that we like to eat and yet we discard the healthiest part: its seed. Why waste your seed if we can eat it? Whether it is health or vanity to consume 100% of an avocado is the most responsible thing we can do to keep our bodies and minds aligned while taking full advantage of everything that nature gives us.
Guillermo Vidal
CEO and Founder