Aviation′s Environmental Concern, the COLLABORATIVE lie !
The history of humanity teaches us that big lies are often shared, by multiple entities, involved in scenarios, inevitably affected by uncomfortable realities.
For those who dare to face reality, there is no other possible conclusion, regarding aviation stakeholders′ alleged concern, with environmental damage.
Let’s have a look at how much aviation stakeholders collaboratively ignore, on this very subject, when they point to SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuels), as the future solution for an issue, to which they have historically turned their back.
ICAO has long defined that ATC services at an airport, are limited to the Maneuvering Area (Runways and Taxiways)
Therefore, operation of aircraft and vehicles, within the Apron, will be as safe and efficient as developed by its owner (the Airport Concessionary) and/or its partners, in Apron operation (airlines and ground handlers).
The FAA has long acknowledged it and all busy airports in US, have Apron operations managed by dedicated Apron Control units. Europe took a bit longer to understand it, but sooner or later, logic imposes itself - EASA (EU) 2020/1234 (AMS – Apron Management Service).
Who cares ?
Most airport operators insist in pretending that Apron operation should be optimized by ATC providers, while focusing all their investments, in innovative technologies for passenger handling.
ICAO has long suggested that, at highly congested operational scenarios, fuel efficiency (and environmental protection) should be given higher priority than door close punctuality. That′s what is behind GDP (Ground Delay Program) - Step 1 of the so called “CDM Operation”.
Who cares ?
Some type of pact of silence prevails, amongst aviation managers, users and regulatory agencies. All we want is to get passengers on board and pushback, as scheduled. Further delays are ATC′s fault ! We even have an IATA delay code, to help us blame the bad guys !
ICAO has long suggested that stakeholders′ common access to real time surveillance data, is key for efficiency, capacity and predictability of surface operations (ICAO GANP ASBU SURF-B0/2 - Comprehensive Situation Awareness of Surface Operations)
Who cares ?
Airports and airlines stick to blind surface operation.
"We have always operated in blind mode and blind people can still walk". Why change it?
Looking at all the above, it’s easy to realize how transport activity unnecessarily burns so much fuel and damages the environment.
We all know getting passengers on board and pushing back, towards massive congestions - at surface (large takeoff cues) or airborne (predictable airborne holdings), will not lead them to arrive any earlier, to their destinations.
And we don′t mind burning extra fuel and emitting extra CO2, to keep the lie credible !
So, we continue to fool passengers, saying we did good, by closing door and pushing back on-time. We are so sorry ATC bad guys will delay them.
Actually, when we get together, to appease our conscience and promise we will do better, in the future, with sustainable aviation fuels, I feel that’s the only actual “collaboration”, that exists amongst Aviation stakeholders.
But lies never last forever ! ?