In the beginning it has been hard to predict the global impact this pandemic has had on the aviation industry. But the times are for recovery and preparation for what is to come. Aviation has never seen such dark times, compared to major historical impacts such as 9/11, the 2003 SARS pandemic, or even the 2008-2009 economic crisis. In all these events there was a detail that made all the difference, the planes did not stop.

At the end of April 2020, more than 65% of the “Pre-COVID-19” fleet, corresponding to 27,500 commercial aircraft, were parked at the stands. The global trade contraction was colossal and never seen before in any other crisis.

The percentage of the total number of passenger jets that are in service in Europe continues to underperform against the world average. At the end of Feb-2021, 56% were in service in Europe. This was a slight increase from 54% at the end of Jan-2021, but some 9 ppts below the global average of 65%.Moreover, Europe's figure has fallen from its end Aug-2020 peak of 65%, whereas the world average has been broadly stable since then.” (CAPA, 2021)Studies predict that the fleets will only resume their “Pre-Covid” size at the end of the year 2022.

All major crises or historical events are ephemeral, but they all forced us to evolve and change paradigms. The new passenger “Post-COVID-19”, will not be the same as it was before the Pandemia COVID-19. Many will be afraid to fly, or may not even agree with the new safety rules implemented. The major challenge facing airlines is the flexibility to adapt and their quick response to the demands of the new market.

But are the airlines looking to identify new consumer trends? Or instead the focus is on financial losses?

This is the question that will demarcate an airline's ability to survive or give up.

The first “Post-COVID-19” passengers will be young passengers, since their risk is considered to be lower and travel prices have decreased, so they are more attractive to this market niche. Business trips will permanently reduce, considering that the new concept of “Telework” has come to prove that people do not need to leave home for a job or business to be carried out. Of course, entrepreneurs still believe that personal contact is advantageous, but not so necessary.

A new era has begun and only good management will save an Airline.

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