Aviation Brain Drain
Bruce Miller?
Aviation Aftermarket Expert - Business Development Leader, Author of "This is Your Captain Speaking -The Book on the Aviation Aftermarket"
Thanks to Covid-19, thousands of aviation professionals have been given the freedom to explore exciting new opportunities in the burgeoning gig economy. Ouch. They empty their desks and carry their old careers home in a cardboard box, wondering what happened to their careers. (Cartoon by Mike Baldwin)
The Coronavirus is causing an unprecedented brain drain in the aerospace profession. Will the people in new jobs be lost to aviation forever?
Let’s hope not. Every day I see a LinkedIn notification that So-and-So, who has been employed in aviation for years, is now delighted to drive for Uber and deliver Papa John’s - occasionally at the same time. Forget giving passengers a mint; for $2.50, here’s a slice of pepperoni pizza to up-sale the customers.
Other clever aviation/aerospace experts have gone to work as headhunters, hoping that their first and only client will be themselves.
Desperate and destitute, I even auditioned for a part in the adult entertainment film industry, but they told me that I was underqualified for the role! That was the unkindest cut of all. Then when I tried to sell my blood, I was rejected because of my cinematic ventures. I ask you – is that fair?
Some people have taken side jobs to make ends meet. So, in the spirit of diversification, I offer you the coaching services of the self-styled genius behind Av-101, aviation’s most effective and unconventional learning center.
Ask yourself, “Is my LinkedIn page truly excellent?” If you pause to answer even for a second, you are desperately in need of guidance, if you know what I mean, and I think you don’t. When your profile photo is a picture of a box of rocks, you need help.
This is the part where I impress you with my beaucoup credentials on this platform. But it’s not bragging when it’s the truth – I’m at the Mensa level of LinkedIn; if there were a black belt for LinkedIn, I’d have two of them. Forget Bruce Lee’s kung-fu; Bruce Miller’s gun-fu will show you how to precisely target connections, endorsements, recommendations, and more.
Still doing the credential stuff: It’s quality, not quantity, that matters. I’m down to only 14K aviation connections after dumping 2000 of ‘em last month. As for skills – few people have skills with 99+ endorsements. I’ve deleted skills with 99+ endorsements just to make room for better ones. From the It-Ain’t-Bragging Department: I’ve run the table with 99+ endorsements for all 50 skills (over 1000 for Aviation). My posts and articles have been read over 100K times. On my Dashboard LinkedIn has labeled me as an “All Star” (what’s better than that – “God’s Gift to LinkedIn”?).
There’s a point to all this: If you want the training, I can show you how to do all this yourself.
You, too, have it within you to make a name for yourself on Linkedin – to build your professional brand. There are two ways to do this: You can either take ten years and get halfway there on your own, or you can accelerate your progress with my secret sauce.
Using never-before available guerrilla tactics that you will never learn anywhere else, I will both show and tell you how to ratchet up your LinkedIn page like Arnold Schwarzenegger on steroids. No foolin’: these unconventional methods recently netted one of my clients 1000 new professional aviation connections in a single week, all while I plumped up his profile better than Dolly Parton’s plastic surgeon.
Here’s where I ask a question to draw you in: Do you want to raise your visibility with more aviation decision-makers, improve your professional appearance, and get noticed by headhunters? You have come to the right place. My ought-to-be-patented, one-on-one, ten-hour, 110-point improvement plan is available now on a limited basis. Nobody else does anything remotely like this, believe you me. It takes an entrepreneurial altruistic nature to offer such solutions to you; I do it only because I’m such a swell guy. NOT.
This is the Call To Action part, Bubba: To get started, write to [email protected] for details, and be sure to put “LinkedIn Training” in the title and your phone number in the body. I’ll review your LinkedIn profile and put together a custom program that suits your most desperately unmet needs. And did I mention that it was FREE? No, I did not do any such thing, and there’s a very good reason for that. We need to have a little heart-to-heart talk, just you and me, before we get going solving your LinkedIn problems.
But wait – there’s more! After your tutoring, I’ll even throw in an autographed copy of my next book just as soon as I get around to publishing it. You want to be sure to have your very own first edition of The Av-101 Guide to Rookies of All Ages, which is not suitable for all ages, of course. This will be a collector’s item - unless I can unload part of this collection on you.
This is the real deal, my friend. You don’t have to suffer any longer with a lame LinkedIn page.
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