Avery's New Color Shift Line
Scot Reedy
I produce vehicle wraps to help businesses advertise and market themselves. I also produce wedding and event printed graphics.
Today, Avery debuted their new color shift vinyl line. This line offers a spectacular array of colors Including; Rising Sun (Red/Gold), Urban Jungle (Silver/Green), Roaring Thunder (Blue/Red, Fresh Spring (Gold/silver), and Rushing Riptide (Cyan/Purple). I’m going to show you why each color was paired with the other, and the effects it has on the overall color for two of the five new Colorflow colors. Avery call’s their new color shift’s the “Colorflow Series” and today, you’re going to find out why!
Rushing Riptide (Cyan/Purple)
In this Beautiful wrap, you can see different shades of purple/pink, and blue/purple. Cyan is a light blue, almost turquoise color. When a light blue shade gets mixed with such a dominate color such as purple; pinks and purple are going to be seen more in the wrap. On the other hand, you will never get the true Cyan color. When The Cyan mixes with different pigments of the purple you will get a deep purple/blue instead of the pink/purple shades.
Rising Sun (Red/Gold)
In this Color shift vinyl, you see a few different colors, such as, gold, light green, orange, red, and a little bit of yellow. You might be wondering (especially with the green color), “How are there so many colors when they only used Red and Gold?” The answer is simple, while red is a primary color, gold is made up of many different colors. To be specific Gold is made out of Yellow, Magenta, and Blue. Now we can see how the green and orange is made in the wrap. The yellow and blue pigments in the gold create the green effect, and the yellow in the gold mixed in with the red create the orange color! Don’t be surprised if you even see a little bit of pink when the light hits it, the color magenta loves to randomly pop up!
Now, not only do you know why Avery chose the colors they did, you know how the colors work together to make the “shift” effect! Read next week’s blog to figure out how, Fresh Spring and Roaring Thunder were created!