The average person in the world today, without faith and without God and without hope, is engaged in a desperate personal search and struggle througho
The average person in the world today, without faith and without God and without hope, is engaged in a desperate personal search and struggle throughout his lifetime.
He does not really know what he is doing here.
He does not know where he is going.
The sad commentary is that everything he is doing is being done on borrowed time, borrowed money and borrowed strength—and he already knows that in the end he will surely die!
It boils down to the bewildered confession of many humans that they have lost God somewhere along the way.
Man, made more like God than any other creature, has become less like God than any other creature.
Created to reflect the glory of God, he has retreated sullenly into his cave—reflecting only his own sinfulness.
Certainly it is a tragedy above all tragedies in this world that love has gone from man's heart.
Beyond that, light has gone from his mind.
Having lost God, he blindly stumbled on through this dark world to find only a grave at the end!
Thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to dust.
Psalm 104:29