Average Marketing Surrounds Me and I’m Tired of it!
In every business category, too often we see average output. Not terrible production, not reprehensibly bad service or solutions. Just average. Neither exciting, nor awful, delighting, nor offending. And in my line of work – digital marketing – I see the same thing. Marketing companies approach digital marketing duties as a series of tasks on a checklist and one by one, undertakings are checked off the list and the item is said to be done.
This is unacceptable!
We now live in an in-the-moment world where marketing success has become data-dependent and digitally-driven. Marking an empty box with an innocuous checkmark and forgetting about it until the next week, month, quarter or year is no longer tolerable in a marketplace peppered with competitors who are acting swiftly to adapt their marketing to these in-the-moment consumers. Therefore, average marketing is no longer simply something that neither thrills, nor upsets. It’s now destructive, harmful and worst of all a fee you pay to drive yourself right out of business.
Average marketing creates a cost with no benefit, extraordinary marketing produces revenue and pays the bills.
Does your website speak to your customer and provide a journey to success? Or is it average?
Is your SEO targeting, working as designed, measurable and driving leads? Or is it average?
Does your social media marketing meet buyers where they assemble with messaging that aligns with how they’re expressing themselves? Or is it average?
Is your PPC, remarketing, and display advertising directing buyers to make buying decisions? Or is it average?
Whether shopping for a new car, looking for the right real estate agent or the last place you dined, average is ubiquitous. And because average is everywhere, we tend to accept it at face value, never even recognizing how dissatisfied we should be with it. But the one thing we shouldn't permit to be average – our company’s digital marketing outcomes – too often falls into this same uneventful category.
Isn't it about time marketing plans got treated as more than a group of tasks needing to be checked off a to-do list?
Single Throw is No Average Digital Marketing Company.
Don’t let average linger around any longer.Create a digital strategy that frees you of average marketing and creates campaigns that are accountable, measurable and above all, get you customers.
Book Author at Uncle Matty Comes Home
9 年You are welcome Kristin sorry I did not get to talk to you much - hope you can make our next one in October
Operations, Marketing & Digital Manager
9 年This morning's seminar was wonderful - thanks again!