Average to Googler in Four Weeks: A Study Plan
Google's Headquarters, photo from stubgroup.com

Average to Googler in Four Weeks: A Study Plan


I was successfully able to plan for and achieve a successful interview at Google. Here is my routine, the subject matter I studied, and some other tips.


I have already written a number of posts on my first attempt at landing a job at Google. Though that attempt didn't get me the job, it helped me understand myself, my career path, and my shortcomings a great deal better. That is why I advise that everyone at least try their hand at one such extensive interview process -- if not Google's, then somebody else's.

I held off writing this "guide" until I was at the job for a little while, because I wanted to know more about the correlation between the interview process and the job itself. A lot of people want to know how much of their times will be spent using "algorithms" or "data structures", since that seems to be one of the most important components of the interview preparation process. I aim to answer that question at the end of this post.

Before getting into the meat of the post, I will first clarify some points and then talk a little bit about who I consider to be an average software engineer. Then, I will talk about the routine I picked, why I picked it, what are some important things to note about it, and how to replicate it. After that, I will go into what I chose to study and why, what I actually got to study, and what I reprioritize based on my times. Finally, I will talk about the interview process and how it relates to the job itself, and why it is designed the way it is (based on my own experience, and not that of anyone else at Google). So, feel free to skip any of the sections you feel are not interesting to you, though I would be happier knowing that you have read all of this rather long post.


This post or anything else on my blog is not affiliated with Google in any way, nor does it reflect Google's position, opinions, or stance on any matter. Everything is the result of my own experience, and should be read as the philosophizing and musings of an engineer, rather than the position of a company.

How Much Time to Really Put In

I think it bears mentioning that if you have MORE than four weeks, then by all means, you should put more in. The most important part of this article is not the study plan for four weeks. Rather, among other things, it is:

  • The material you should cover,
  • The importance of problem solving skills,
  • How to be methodical and establish a routine


First of all, let me clarify that I didn't go through the phone interviews this time around. For more on that, you can read my entry on the interview process I went through. So, you might not actually need to limit yourself to four weeks.

Also, I was already pretty invested in taking the chance and going for the interview. If you aren't, find a reason to be. If you can't, don't bother. That is because this process is tiresome and extremely time-consuming, and if you aren't fully committed, you will soon find yourself with excuses and reasons to not do this part or not read that chapter.

A very important point to mention is that my wife went all in with me. She was as invested in making this move as I was. This meant that she helped me with distractions, she helped me with my eating and sleeping habits, and she did a fantastic job in helping me with interview questions by asking me the questions and reading me the hints.

Another clarification I would like to make is that this process is by no means a catch-all, meant to convert every average Joe to Google employees; rather, it is a framework for connecting with the subject matter deeply enough that you would feel comfortable solving the problems in an interview setting.

It should also be noted that I prepared for my interview without taking any days off, except for the couple of days leading up to the interview, and the day of the interview itself.

Lastly, I would like to note that it has been years since I got out of university, and even more years since I formally studied the subject matter I introduce here. Therefore, if you have had recent brushes with this material and are already familiar/comfortable enough with it that you think you can immediately jump into problem-solving, don't bother with this schedule.

Who is Average

Alright, so the title of the post suggests that an "average" engineer should be able to prepare for the interview in about four weeks.

The average person, in my mind's eye, has these attributes:

  • She is comfortable writing code in at least one programming language -- preferably a higher level language such as Java or C, rather than a purely scripting language such as JavaScript, though that is absolutely fine.
  • Understands how a computer works. I am talking about basic understanding of operating systems, hardware architecture, and the intrinsic architecture of the language itself. Know what it means to write a while loop within a for loop. Do your homework and know how much memory you are going to use in your "super-fast" implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm.
  • She knows what data structures and algorithms are, at least at a very high level.
  • She understands why we need to write code that is readable, maintainable, and performant.
  • She loves her job already. You can't be a real software engineer if you aren't in it for the love of the job. You must love the creativity, and be excited about the repetitive parts as opportunities for improvement. You must get excited at the prospect of being given a problem to solve. If you aren't, you will end up a miserable 60 years-old that is waiting impatiently for retirement to kick in and be rid of it all.

It's All in the Routine

So, now that we are past the title, let's get into how we are actually going to achieve this. The first thing to note is that it is all about the routine. I have mentioned it earlier, but in case you missed it, you have got to be a hundred percent committed. You must really keep up the good work, from moment zero to the moment you are out of the interview, and even a little while after that (until you start working at the new place, at which point, you will have to be always at your best, otherwise, why bother?).

Therefore, it is absolutely paramount that you create a routine and stick to it. My routine consisted of getting home at about 5-6pm, getting a super quick shower, studying for two and a half to three hours, giving myself a one hour break, and studying for another two and half to three hours. Then, I would rest for half an hour to clear my mind and get ready for sleep. Then I would go to sleep for however much I could, aiming to be as close to 7 hours as possible (really, mostly 5 hours :D), wake up at 7am, go to work, and repeat the process. I'd supplement the lack of sleep with short naps during the day and in my rest time.

The aim of the routine is manifold:

  • Reducing decision making overhead time
  • Increasing productivity by allowing for a habit to grow on you
  • Creating a measurable path towards your goal
  • Creating a repeatable experience

Therefore, be prepared to be harsh to yourself. Scold yourself if you stray from the routine.

Let's break this down a little bit more.

Study Time

In your study periods, study for exactly 45 minutes. Keep a stopwatch going to measure how long you are studying each day. The goal is to start slow, at 2 hours of useful study time and ramp it up as much as possible.

Do not extend your study time. Do not go over the 45 minutes marker at any cost. Even if at minute 42 you realize that by sitting down for 10 more minutes you might finish the current section or topic, you must not sacrifice your rest. This seemingly benign deviation will be detrimental to your focus and precision in the long run.

It is absolutely okay to not achieve your goal 100%. In fact, if you are consistently hitting your goal, you are probably not planning ambitiously enough.

Make sure that your study corner is solely dedicated to your study. If you live in a study, or share a room with a roommate, this can be an unused corner of your room, facing the wall. If possible, find a spot where your field of vision is clear of distractions. Once your 45 minutes is up, get out of that spot and don't go there again until you intend to study.

Make sure that when you are studying, you are 100% committed to your study topic, and not bothered by distractions or fatigue. This is much more easily said than done. And believe me, as a person suffering from mild OCD and a very short attention span, I can completely understand you if at this point you have your hands in the air and are about to close the browser window. So, let's get into that.

Dealing with Distractions

Distractions are usually stray thoughts that derail you from your focus of attention because you are already aware that they are fleeting, momentary thoughts, questions, and/or inspirations. As such, you feel an urge to follow them immediately, lest you forget them later on, thus letting go of your current task. Therefore, the first step is to reassure yourself that you are not going to forget them. This is simply done by the expediency of using a "distraction list". A distraction list can be anything: a piece of paper, a Notes document, a txt file, a blog entry. Whatever makes you feel like you are less likely to lose it. I created a todo list on Notes on my MacBook, synced it with iCloud, and then I felt safe that even should my MacBook be stolen or lost, my distraction list will not follow suit (I sure have my priorities straight, right?).

Having created a distraction list, whenever something comes to your mind that demands your immediate attention, instead of following it up, you jot it down. Remember that the purpose of this exercise is to be more productive, so, don't spend more than a few seconds writing the idea down. Usually, you can summarize these fleeting ideas in a few words: "white buffalo woman", "monad theory", "iPhone gyroscope accuracy", "find out how you should hold a fountain pen without staining your fingers", etc.

Next, comes the trust in this distraction list, since only a part of the problem stems from your fear of losing the idea. The next part is fearing that you would never follow it up. As such, your next task is to appraise your distraction list during your hour-long break (or other long stretches of break time you are giving yourself, if your routine is different than mine). Pick at least one item and do it. Pick something that is not completely out there (e.g. "book a Hawaii vacation") or physically exhausting (e.g. "try a triathlon"). Don't cross out anything. Keep these distraction items around and even if you don't ever get to do them, they will be a source of inspiration for later on.

Your smartphone can be your enemy, and it can also be your ally. Delete your social accounts from your phone, or at least disable their notifications. Delete addictive games that tempt you. Don't worry, you are going to restore all of that in a month and get back to smashing monsters and annihilating neighboring tribes and mega-liking your friends' awesome pictures. Instead, use your phone as a tool to boost your productivity. I did so, and have included links to some apps I used at the very end. I don't think posting pictures of your study routine is going to help you, since you will most likely be tempted to check your Instagram every so many minutes to see who has seen, liked, shared, saved, and otherwise reacted to your picture.

Dealing with Fatigue

It is completely natural to feel exhausted after extended periods of study, especially during the first few days. So, make the best of your break time. Choose a mentally relaxing activity beforehand. Remember that your breaks are precious and you don't want to spend ten minutes each time figuring out what you want to do. I chose to watch "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" in 15-minute increments. I governed my break time (as well as my study time) with countdowns that would alert me when time was up.

Find a posture that helps your body relax during this time. I laid down with a cushion in front of the TV and made sure that my back was resting, and I wasn't straining my shoulders or my neck.

If possible, pick an activity that lets you close your eyes a little bit, though make sure that you don't doze off.

Once your 15 minutes is over, sharpen your mind. You must have a test of some sort handy to make sure your mind is functioning at a good pace before going back to study mode. I used the Quick Math app on my iPhone, and made sure that I would not start studying until I had hit three stars in the "solve" mode on beginner difficulty. I didn't want to exhaust myself, I just wanted to focus my mind with something repetitive, while attention-demanding. If after about a few minutes I was still not doing much better, I would rest for another fifteen minutes, and repeat the process.

There are tons of ways to do this instead. You can try doing the alphabet in reverse order five times without any mistakes. You can try to rewrite a simple sentence with synonymous words. I chose math, because doing math exercises engages the same parts of the brain as studying algorithms and other abstractions [citation needed] (don't cite me, I'm relying on my memory here; but it doesn't sound illogical, so there.).

Study Comfort Level

Measure your comfort level in your study environment. Make adjustments. Try to be ergonomic. If you can't have an ergonomic environment at home, go to a coffee shop, a library, or even a park. See what's comfortable for you, but don't spend too much time. Settle on a "comfortable enough" study environment that lets you get to rest and back quickly enough. Pay special attention to lighting and distraction levels.

Exercising and Your Physique

Make sure that your body gets enough physical activity. Otherwise, you are going to cramp up and lose your concentration, or be unable to perform at your best. You aren't doing anyone any favors by cramping yourself up in a corner and tightening your neck muscles all day long.

If possible, do desk exercises. There are tons of videos out there instructing you how to do this without hurting yourself. I chose this one. Also make sure that during your long breaks, at the beginning of your day of study, and before going to bed, you are doing stretches. Don't forget to shower, use the bathroom regularly, and inhale enough air to keep your body healthy.

The Paper Trail

If your studying doesn't leave any physical evidence, it is as if you didn't study. Take notes. Do not highlight the actual text, do not write in the margins. Take up a dedicated notebook and write in that notebook. Be organized. You are going to thank yourself later on when you are neck-deep in nerves and want to remember that thing you read two and a half weeks ago.

Don't overdo it though. Your notes should remind you of what the textbook said, or what the solution was all about. You don't want a replica of the textbook in your pocket. In my opinion, every hour of study should produce between 3 to 6 pages in a pocket-size notebook and no more than that. Pick a pen and stick to it. Don't use multiple colors. These aren't class notes. These are intended for the very short term. Also, you can always come back and color it up, which supposedly increases your memory retention.

Use your own words, pictures, diagrams, and keywords. After all, your notes should reflect your understanding of the text, not just the text itself.

Eating, Sleeping, and the Rest

Make sure you eat meals at regular intervals. Again, this is all about the commitment and sticking to the routine. Make sure your meals are nutritious, and also filling, but not overwhelmingly so. You don't want to feel your bowels jiggling around whenever you lean this way and that (and yes, I did have to paint that picture).

If you can, keep your meals light and instead snack frequently during your breaks.

Don't miss a bedtime. Even if your planned 45 minutes study period isn't done yet, don't miss your bedtime. Think of your bedtime as a the super alarm that overrides and supersedes all other times. The police are going to come and arrest you and the FBI will lock you up forever in jail without letting anyone know and they will let a Koala bear take over all your social accounts if you do (though in my case, that would probably be an improvement).

I realize that this might result in less pure study time, since up until this point we have added so many triggers for shortening the study periods (rest alarm, focus trigger, etc.), but believe me, being able to study for half the time with full attention will pay higher dividends in the long run.

Also, don't kill off your relationship with your family members, your significant other, and your roommates by being obsessively annoying, intolerable, and intolerant. Remember that you might get the job, but end up losing your closest allies in life.

What to Study

Now that all of that has been said and done, let's get to what I actually planned to study. I divided my studying into three portions:

  • Review everything on my resume.
  • Focus on filling the gaps in my CS knowledge as well as remember things I haven't used in a while
  • Focus on being able to come up with answers quickly.

The first item is obvious. You absolutely must have a great command of everything you have included on your resume. Anything you put on your resume is fair game, so you better prepare for it. That being said, I do encourage you to read the section "Why the Text Books?" to have a better understanding of what type of questions are being asked, and how that would correlate with your current resume.

The second item seems very similar to the third; but it really isn't. In the second portion, my approach was very academic. I focused on reading the textbooks and material that were being taught in universities, as well as other books suggested by people in the industry. In contrast, in the last portion of my studies, I mainly focused on having a very pragmatic approach to the subject matter. I didn't focus on learning the material very deeply. That was for the previous portion. Rather, I tried to make myself adept at figuring out which technical subject a problem was related to, what were some of the gotchas and loopholes that would be problematic, and expose myself to as many problems as possible.

Before talking about the plan itself, I am going to talk a little bit about the topics I covered, why I chose to do it, and how I went about it. If you don't care, skip to the plan.

Academic Material

I planned to read the academic material for about three weeks, and reserve a week or so for solving interview-related problems. To that end, I first selected subjects I would like to invest in:

  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • Problem Solving
  • Systems Design
  • Operating Systems
  • Networks

So, here is a list of the material I planned to read:

As I have mentioned before, I didn't consider a section finished until I had physical evidence and an organized paper trail leading to that section. So, naturally I realized that I wouldn't be able to finish all of these in three weeks. Therefore, I decided to only focus on these subjects:

  • Algorithms & Data Structures: I decided that since algorithms and data structures were an important part of this, I should read CLRS, and supplement it with Skiena's book, but not read Algorithm Design, as that is a more in-depth discussion of the philosophies and approaches to algorithms rather than a primer on the theoretics.
  • Problem Solving: Programming Pearls looked like an excellent source of applicable knowledge, applying the basics of computer science to real-world problem from a hardened, experienced professional. I also loved the little anecdotes in the book. So, I decided to read this book, instead of George Polya's great book on problem solving as a pure skill.
  • Systems Design: I remembered from my brush with the book that "Introduction to Information Retrieval" touched on many different subjects and opened up a great discussion about highly scalable information processing systems and their design. That is one reason I chose to prefer this book. Another is that the subject matter closely resonates with what Google is at its core. It even dedicates a good portion of the book to the discussion of a good search engine and tries to unravel the secret algorithms used at Google.

Having fleshed out a plan for these three subjects, I realized that I wouldn't have time to read the rest of the subjects in any meaningful way. Since these topics were more important than the others, I chose to not compromise these in any way, and instead forewent the study of the other subjects altogether.

I chose to read the topics in the order presented above, based on my own prioritization. Now, I will get to how I studied each topic.

Algorithms and Data Structures

For this topic, I had to choose a foundational book, and between Robert Sedgewick's book and CLRS, I decided to read CLRS first. I don't like Robert Sedgewick's book on algorithms for two reasons:

  1. I don't like the code
  2. I don't like the order in which the subject is explained

NOTE: That is by no means meant to disrespect the author or his work. I'm purely writing from the point of view of someone short on time and out of touch with the basics.

Skiena's book is more of a supplementary book, since it glosses over a lot of the important algorithms and data structures, but offers a lot of great insight when it comes to the real world applications of these algorithms. I particularly love its graph section, dynamic programming chapter, and its study of heuristic approaches.

So, I decided that I would first read a section thoroughly, then, I would go back to it, reread it, and take notes, and finally, I would sit down and implement the algorithms and data structures I learned in Java. It should be noted that I had first started to implement a bunch of these algorithms back in 2015. So, this time around, instead of implementing them, I would read through my code, annotate them with comments, and read the tests I had written for them to make sure I remembered their implementations.

Why Java? Because that is a language I am very comfortable in. My focus was doing some real world experimentations with the code, not to make it super beautiful or very performant. It was meant to represent the concepts introduced in the book very clearly.

I created a GitHub repository and started to upload my code there. You can find this repository (now made public) here: https://github.com/mmnaseri/cs-review

It has a separate module for CLRS (cs-clrs) and another one for Skiena's book (cs-skiena). I haven't taken notes from or implemented anything in Skiena's book that I had already covered in CLRS, so, reading Skiena's book was much quicker for me.

Problem Solving

Reading Programming Pearls is an interesting experience, especially after reading something as rigorous and mathematically correct and stringent as CLRS and Skiena. It is like reading a story book interspersed with problems and challenges. So, I decided to treat it that way. I would read a complete column, go back, take notes, and then go to the problems section. I would select a few of the problems that looked more interesting to me and would dedicate a study session to solving those and writing down my findings.

This book is extremely important. I don't think people realize it nowadays, but being able to perform back-of-the-envelope calculations, being able to deal with extreme constraints, and knowing when to do optimizations that look ridiculous is a very important skill.

Obviously, there are sections in this book that overlap with what is in CLRS and Skiena's books, so, I happily skipped over them.

Systems Design

For systems design, I focused on Introduction to Information Retrieval, which gives great insight into the design and implementation of a search engine, both from an academic perspective and looking at the theories, as well as an engineering outlook.

There is an online reading, free version of the book available from the authors' website, which is actually more up-to-date than the one available on Amazon.

Since this book covers a very wide variety of subjects, I would find myself looking up additional information for more context on what I was reading. My reading of this book was a little different: I would first read a section, annotate it with the information I had looked up, then I would go back, reread, take notes, and move on to the next section.

The book does have chapter and section problems, but they are not very helpful in preparing you for the interview process and are also very time-consuming on average.

Preparatory Material

After I finished reading the academic material listed above, I proceeded to focus on applying the material I had learned to problem solving. For this portion of my preparation, I used the following material:

  • DZone RefCardz (which are small cheatsheets and one-pagers that talk about various technologies, theories, and practices); I consulted this mainly to quickly remember design patterns, enterprise application integration patterns, and the like.
  • Programming Interviews Exposed, 3rd Edition (by Morgan et al); This is what I read before moving to "Cracking the Coding Interview", mainly because it didn't have as many problems, and also because it was a tutorial+exercise kind of book, which was in sync with what I was reading before. I usually like to manage my transitions so that they aren't too sudden.
  • Cracking the Coding Interview, 6th Edition (by Gayle Laakmann McDowell); The sixth edition here is the keyword. This edition not only has more problems, but more importantly, has interview-style hints that are a great asset for preparing yourself for interviews in which you are completely stumped and need some help from the interviewer.

I kept the RefCardz as a side reference. I would consult them from time to time, but I didn't make any concrete plans around them.

Right after my academic studies, I jumped into reading Programming Interviews Exposed. I first would read a chapter, solve the exercises before the book gave the solutions, and then would jump to chapter problems and rigorously solve all of them on paper. I didn't use any computer coding for this. I always coded on paper, using a pencil, and confined myself to using as little paper as possible. This is a great exercise for helping you manage your real estate, because in an actual interview you are most likely going to be coding on a whiteboard with limited space, and you cannot erase the things you have previously written on the whiteboard.

One particular part of this book I found very useful was the section on bit manipulation. It gives you a very good idea of how to do bit manipulation without getting lost in the minutiae of the binary arithmetic involved.

Once I was done with this book, I moved to Cracking the Coding Interview (CtCI). I first spent about half a day on everything in the book preceding the interview questions. These are legitimate parts of the book that cover things like how to get ahold of a recruiter, how to properly comport yourself in the interview, behavioral questions, talking numbers, and so on. Then, I proceeded to solve interview questions.

I would first skim through the subject matter in the chapter. I say skim, because most of the material is what you should already be more than familiar with at this point. Then, I would give myself 20 minutes to solve each question. For each question, I would do the following:

  1. Repeat the question out loud in my own words.
  2. Say out loud what the general approach would look like (e.g. "for this question the brute force algorithm would be to scan the linked list and then cache all the values").
  3. Start by writing code for the brute force version.
  4. Write the solution on a small whiteboard or a piece of paper.
  5. Demonstrate why it works using a small and general sample. Choosing test inputs is a great part of this process. Don't choose samples that would take 10 minutes to go through. But don't bake assumptions into your tests. Don't worry. You will get better at this as you solve more questions.
  6. Avoid writing parameter checks for your methods. Just say out loud things like "we should check for nulls here". In a real interview, some interviewers might opt to ask you to write those checks, while most wouldn't. The important thing is to be aware that these checks should be performed.
  7. Think of edge cases and fix any errors.
  8. Think of how things can be improved.
  9. Consult the book for hints, in case you have missed the answer.

I would repeat this process continuously and improve my approach. One thing you will get really good at is figuring out which problems are hard. Also, don't worry if at first your time is closer to 40 minutes than 20. Just make sure that you unstuck yourself early on by consulting the hints in the book. Keep looking at the clock and improving your time. You will start solving problems in way less than 20 minutes the more you go through them. I even hit 5 minutes for some of the problems.

Here are some general hints and tips for doing the exercises:

  1. Don't overoptimize. As Donald Knuth would have it: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil". Don't try to come up with the efficient, beautiful solution. Make sure your solution is legible, modularized, and most importantly, fully functional.
  2. Try to come up with ways the answer could be improved.
  3. Calculate the memory and time complexity of your answers. Don't be overly specific, just say O(n^2) or O(nlgn). You don't need to prove it, just make reasonable checks to see you are right. Remember that by this point, you are past the academic phase of your studies.
  4. If your tests work and you are sure of your answer, you don't necessarily need to check the answer against the book, but seeing how a third person would do it is not a bad thing. This all depends on how you want to manage your time.
  5. Once all of this is done, think of how you can improve the solution (e.g. caching, remodeling, alternate solutions, etc.)

As I have mentioned before, I concentrated the problem solving at the very end of my schedule. This was intentional. First of all, the sense of urgency helped me manage my time better. I am one of those people who functions well under a deadline. If you aren't, maybe you should give yourself more breathing room. Secondly, this concentration means that you will soon find a very good rhythm in solving problems. You will move past the initial awkwardness of getting the meaning of the question to the business end of writing code very quickly. Thirdly, this will put you in the right state of mind right before your interviews.

Learn About the Company

Needless to say, another preparatory piece of reading for you is learning about the company.

Some of the questions you should ask yourself are:

  • What is its mission statement?
  • Who is/are its CEO(s)?
  • How is it doing in the stock market?
  • How does it make money?
  • What products does it make?
  • What's about it in the news?
  • Which products are things you are excited about?
  • What is its history?
  • How do I fit in the big picture?
  • What appeals to me?

And so on. This isn't elementary school, so, nobody is going to ask you directly about any of this. However, having a good understanding of these topics will lead to really sane conversations with the people you meet.

What About Mock Interviews?

Mock interviews are great, but not very helpful for short-term plans. Imagine going for a mock interview a week before your actual interview. If you did well, it would reaffirm your plan, but also waste a whole day. If you did poorly, you wouldn't really have the time to course-correct. But that's just my opinion, and I am sure that many people would disagree. Even I ended up doing mock interviews of a sort, with my wife stating questions, letting me rephrase, observing me while I solved, giving out hints from the book when I was stuck, and finally helping me compare the solution to that of the book.

The Plan

Finally, here is my study plan for the whole four weeks. Compare this to the list at the end of this section which explores how well I stuck to this plan and how much of it I missed.

The code words here are:

  • CLRS: Introduction to Algorithms
  • Skiena: The Algorithm Design Manual
  • Pearls: Programming Pearls
  • MIR: Introduction to Information Retrieval
  • PIE: Programming Interviews Exposed
  • CtCI: Cracking the Coding Interview

I will present the plan week by week.

Week 1

  • Day 1: CLRS chapter 1 to 5; 6 hours of study
  • Day 2: CLRS chapter 6 to 9; 6 hours of study
  • Day 3: CLRS chapter 10 to 12; 6 hours of study
  • Day 4: CLRS chapter 13 to 14; 6 hours of study
  • Day 5: CLRS chapter 15 to 17; 6 hours of study
  • Day 6: CLRS chapter 18 to 21; 10 hours of study
  • Day 7: CLRS chapter 22 to 26; 12 hours of study

Week 2

  • Day 8: CLRS chapter 27 to 29; 6 hours of study
  • Day 9: CLRS chapter 30 to 32; 6 hours of study
  • Day 10: CLRS chapter 33 to 35, CLRS review; 6 hours of study
  • Day 11: Skiena chapter 1 to 4; 6 hours of study
  • Day 12: Skiena chapter 5 to 7; 6 hours of study
  • Day 13: Skiena chapters 8 and 9, the catalog; 12 hours of study
  • Day 14: Pearls, column 1 to 10; 12 hours of study

Week 3

  • Day 15: Pearls, column 11 to 15; 6 hours of study
  • Day 16: MIR, chapter 1 to 6; 6 hours of study
  • Day 17: MIR, chapter 7 to 12; 6 hours of study
  • Day 18: MIR, chapter 13 to 17; 6 hours of study
  • Day 19: MIR, chapter 18 to 21; 6 hours of study
  • Day 20: PIE, chapter 1 to 6; 12 hours of study
  • Day 21: PIE, chapter 7 to 12; 12 hours of study

Week 4

  • Day 22: PIE, chapter 13 to 15; 6 hours of study
  • Day 23: PIE, chapter 16 to 17; 6 hours of study
  • Day 24: CtCI, beginning to interview questions; 6 hours of study
  • Day 25: CtCI, Questions, 1 to 6; 6 hours of study
  • Day 26: CtCI, Questions, 7 to 10; 6 hours of study
  • Day 27: CtCI, Questions, 11 to 17; 12 hour of study
  • Day 28: CtCI, Questions, 18 and Advanced Topics; Review resume and notes; 12 hours of study

Here's what I actually ended up doing. At first, I didn't stick to the plan, and quickly realized that I am getting derailed, so I hastened to catch up in the following days. An important thing to note is that because I was writing down everything and measuring my time, I was able to quickly realize how much difference there was between my planned time usage and my actual time usage.

Secondly, I needed more time to study the MIR book than I had originally imagined. It turned out to be a very heavy read for me, so, I had to put in more hours. This led to me putting in some time to review the notes I had taken, up to that point. Finally, I ended up solving the problems from Cracking the Coding Interviews at a much faster pace, because 1) at that point I had a really great momentum, and 2) I really needed to.

Week 1

  • Day 1: Review resume, read RefCardz, look online for questions and answers and tips; 4 hours of study
  • Day 2: CLRS, chapter 1 to 7; 7 hours of study
  • Day 3: CLRS, chapter 8 to 10; 6 hours of study
  • Day 4: CLRS, chapter 11 to 14; 7 hours of study
  • Day 5: CLRS, chapter 15 to 17; 6 hours of study
  • Day 6: CLRS, chapter 18 to 21; 10 hours of study
  • Day 7: CLRS, chapter 22 to 26; 12 hours of study

Week 2

  • Day 8: CLRS, chapter 27 to 30; 6 hours of study
  • Day 9: CLRS, chapter 31 to 32; 6 hours of study
  • Day 10: CLRS, chapter 33 to 34; 6 hours of study
  • Day 11: CLRS, chapter 35 and CLRS review; 4 hours of study
  • Day 12: Skiena, chapter 1 to 6; 7 hours of study
  • Day 13: Skiena, chapter 7 to 9, the catalog; 12 hours of study
  • Day 14: Pearls, column 1 to 11; 12 hours of study

Week 3

  • Day 15: Pearls, column 12 to 15; MIR, chapter 1 to 3; 6 hours of study
  • Day 16: MIR, chapter 4 to 7; 6 hours of study
  • Day 17: MIR, chapter 8 to 10; 6 hours of study
  • Day 18: MIR, chapter 11 to 16; 6 hours of study
  • Day 19: MIR, chapter 17 to 18; 6 hours of study
  • Day 20: MIR, chapter 19 to 21, MIR review; 12 hours of study
  • Day 21: Review notes, PIE chapter 1 to 3; 10 hours of study

Week 4

  • Day 22: PIE chapter 4 to 6; 6 hours of study
  • Day 23: PIE chapter 7 to 15; 6 hours of study
  • Day 24: PIE chapter 16 to 17; 4 hours of study
  • Day 25: CtCI first part; 5 hours of study
  • Day 26: CtCI questions 1 to 9; 7 hours of study
  • Day 27: CtCI questions 10 to 17; 11 hours of study
  • Day 28: CtCI questions 18, advanced topics, review; 12 hours of study

The Day of the Interview

The day of the interview is extremely important (duh!). Try to wake up a little earlier the day before, so that you have ample time to rest the following night after finishing your exercises. When you wake up, do stretches, meditate, or do whatever it takes to relax your mind. Bring your mind to focus using one of the methods I mentioned in the section "It's All in the Routine". Then, revisit a few of the problems you thought were particularly interesting from the CtCI or PIE books.

Try to remember the solution or rethink it. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you bring your mind into a problem-solving mode. It shouldn't be too difficult if you have spent the majority of your free time for the past week and a half focusing on solving interview problems.

Eat a light and nutritious breakfast. Fruit, vegetables, or anything else that works for you.

If possible, arrive there about 30 minutes earlier. This gives you time to get past the initial nervousness of getting to a new place. Then, look around, get comfortable, and do a last-minute review of your notes. This is where the notes being in pocket size format comes in handy. I was able to cover all of CLRS in the 20 minutes I was sitting there.

Finally, these tidbits might help you:

  • As my wife kindly pointed out to me, the interviewers aren't superior human beings. They are (if you do this right) going to be your colleagues one day soon, and they just want to have a friendly chat about the problems you are given.
  • Be humble. Don't ever refuse answering a technical question. If the problem seems too easy, you probably have missed a detail. Have you forgotten to ask clarifying questions? If the problem is too difficult, don't worry, reiterate the question and make sure you understand the intent. Then ask for hints if none is offered.
  • The interviewers know that you are nervous and they don't expect you to have the answer completely ready. Rather, they want to hear you think your way through it. Don't ever let silence stretch. Think out loud. At best, you are going to hit upon a great idea and hear encouragement, at worst, you are going to learn that your line of reasoning is flawed. Both are positive outcomes.
  • Don't immediately jump into writing code. Usually, when an interviewer says "Write a function that ..." the last thing they want is for you to actually start coding. Restate the problem first. It buys you time and lets you know if you have misunderstood. Then, explain your proposed approach, and once the interviewer is satisfied, go for coding. Most of the time, they will just say "let's see some code" or something similar.
  • Write clean code. Some interviewers don't care about slight syntactical mistakes while others do. Just check with them.
  • Once you are given the question, write down the keywords and important bits of it on the whiteboard. This helps you focus on those important parts, tells your interviewer what you think to be important (which they might potentially refute and correct), and also helps you remember your line of reasoning while you are solving the problems.
  • Avoid writing boilerplate code initially. Just say "I need to check the range of this input, do you want me to write the condition?". Most of the times, the answer is no. The interviewer doesn't enjoy sitting there looking at you writing tons of exception handling conditionals.
  • Use functions. They modularize your code, let you fill them in later, and help you outline your answer.
  • Don't EVER try to write the best answer first. Work with the best working solution that comes to your mind. Find its flaws, and figure out how you can improve on it.
  • The interviewers aren't there to be your friends. Remember that if they don't strike you as particularly friendly or happy-faced, it has nothing to do with you or your performance.
  • If you have seen the question you are being asked, let the interviewer know immediately. This is specially true if the question has been asked of you on the same day.
  • Remember that you start each interview with a completely clean slate. If you messed up one interview, relax, clear up your mind, and do your best at the next. I messed up my first, and got my act together for the rest of them. It worked for me. It has worked for tons of people. It will work for you.
  • Most interviewers will let you ask questions from them at the very end, for about 5 to 10 minutes. Don't come up with questions on the spot. Have something ready. Some good questions to ask Googlers are what they are currently doing, what 20% projects they are involved in, if any, and how do they like it there. Also, you can ask about company culture, things that make it unique for them, fun facts about the company, and most importantly, their own professional daily lives.

Why the Text Books?

Now, I need to address the all-important question of why do recruiters, interviewers, and advocates constantly badger us about sticking to the good old textbooks, instead of having us do what engineers do best: use technology to solve our problems. At most companies, having something like "Spring" or "Apache Storm" on your resume is a great boost, and sometimes even mandatory. You are sometimes even asked very specific and pedantic questions about these technologies. Companies like Google, though, simply don't care.

What they are there to evaluate is how well can you solve problems, in a very contained environment, using the most basic (albeit extremely powerful) tools at your disposal, namely, algorithms, data structures, and systems design.

Therefore, focusing on these textbooks will hone your skills in applying these tools of trade to the problems in their most abstract form: you are not going to bother about thinking whether or not a particular technology is suitable to solving a given problem; rather, you will be forced to think your way through modeling a given problem into its most basic algorithmic form, applying the algorithms you have learned, and finally testing the solution.

You will be evaluated on your problem-solving skills, which to be honest, is the only part of your experience that you will take with you to Google (or any other big company, really). The CI tools you are used to, the technologies, the conventions, and even the techniques, will for the most part be irrelevant to how things are done at Google.

They either have similar tools and technologies to solve their problems, or they circumvent the issue in some other way. For instance, it is no secret that Google internally uses Guice instead of Spring for dependency injection.

So, the aim of the interview process is to make sure the best problem solvers are filtered through, and that these people are well-suited for thinking about their solution, sharing it with others, accepting criticism and guidance from more senior people, and finally implementing it.

You will be expected to know the things on your resume and be able to speak for them, but unless the role you are applying to doesn't specifically mention a given technology, chances are you are not going to be asked detailed and specific questions.

The process might seem like it is aimed to filter out people based on their educational background or age, but in truth it isn't. In my Noogler team there were people of all ages, backgrounds, and experience levels. If you are ready to commit yourself to preparing for an intense study period, and then a fun and yet very challenging process, this job is right for you.


I have tried to be very thorough in my explanation of what went in my head from the moment I decided to give the interview to the moment I actually went in. The material I have written about in here is by no means a conclusive list. It is just what I ended up doing.

If you want to hear on the same matter from a more experienced person, Steve Yegge has a great blog post titled "Get that job at Google" which is a great post and also a great source of inspiration for this article.

This post was written with the intent of getting you ready for a generic SWE job at Google. Don't forget to ask your recruiter for more specific material pertaining to the actual role you are applying for.

Also, I would be very happy to know if you have benefited from this post, think something is missing, want to know more about something, or generally have a comment. Let me know and get in touch!

Send Me Your Resume

If you think you have done your homework, are interested, and most importantly, are committed, send me your resume. Maybe we can even chat a little about your career goals, and whether or not this is the right move.

To quote a colleague of mine: every software engineer should experience working at Google at least once.

Resources and Assets

iPhone apps I used to convert my phone from a liability to an asset:

  • Quick Math (for sharpening my mind)
  • Timer+ (for keeping track of my study, break, and aggregate time)
  • Notes (for keeping a running distraction list)
  • Books: as mentioned in the reading material section (see What to Study)


Other online resources


You might also be interested in the other article I just published, which contains tips on taking notes while studying, as well as links to download my own study notes.

NoteThis article has been cross-posted on LinkedIn for better visibility and reaching a wider audience. For the original, and other posts in the same vein, see my blog.

If you find this article useful, please share it with your network.

Omid Pouya

Senior Software Engineer at JPMorgan - Rice University Graduate

9 个月

Still I go through this post to get prepared for interviews and get career advice. RIP Milad.

Marjan Farsi

Salesforce Developer | Full-Stack Software Engineer | Front-End Web Developer

2 年

Thank you very much, Milad, for taking the time to prepare this very useful article and share it with us. I went through the whole article. The article was organized very well, and its contents answered many of my questions and worries. The best point of this article was that it was based on your actual experience. I truly appreciate it! ??

Maya M.

Technology Support I Engineer @ JPMorgan Chase & Co. | Infrastructure Solutions, Puppet, Terraform

2 年

What a good read. Thanks for sharing your process and 'throwing back the boat' to aspiring software engineers trying to cross the sea. Cheers!

Tamojay Dey

Frontend | SafeSend

3 年

Hello Milad, Thanks for posting this. I just wanted to know how much did you mean when you said someone who knows how to code in a higher-level language and not just a scripting language because all I know is JavaScript right now as I am a frontend developer. Do I really need to learn a backend language before starting to prepare for coding interviews?


