AV as a Life Experience
Corey Moss
Owner at Corey Moss/CMG Consulting - - incl. podcasting, sales, : producing, marketing.
My entry to the audio visual industry, after several years in computers brought about a life I'm not sure I could have expected. It brought me to a world of integration sales focused on the meeting room, the classroom, and other commercial environments. I worked closely alongside my Director of Engineering (whom I considered my right hand man) winning large jobs working in synchronicity, as well as my project managers – which is of course the way I always like to work - as a team. I had always been a relationships person and built upon that concept – never tried to do it alone.
There are those in sales who have the I do it my way only approach - I just heard about one of those stories the other day as a matter of fact. I'm sure if you put your ear to an industry's ground, you can hear those stories too. Working as a team? It can only bring you to success as far as I can see - I can't ever figure a situation where teamwork can lead to anything but, except where challenges may just be difficult to overcome. However even at that, a team at least guarantees a winning chance. I do an industry podcast and those who do it with me I consider a team - we work closely together to put together a rock solid product - just like a manufacturer that sells the best widget in town. That's right - sells.
AV had been a strictly hardware-centric environment (where now it is gaining a bit more of a “move beyond the hardware” profile) and I sold and integrated various types of projectors, displays, Crestron and AMX control systems, Tandberg codecs and much more in meeting room and higher ed classroom systems (along with designing the custom furniture when specified for a job). The SMART Board as well for K-12 - in fact it became a cornerstone of my business where education was one of my target markets, and anyone who works for or has a student in school knows exactly what one is. SMART now makes Kapp - which can be used in numerous environments, very versatile and mobile-app driven as well - one of a plethora of advanced-technology driven products available today.
There are those integrators that do get it today and I have already seen examples of what is determined to be AV and IT in the industry. A great recent use case that I came upon the other day involves Christie, one of the industry's global leaders in display technology and a high profile installation by a well-known industry integrator. I must say when I saw it, I was literally knocked out. For years (literally) I have been trying to figure out this AV/IT convergence thing - and one look at this and the light bulb went on - this is it:
Looking to take operations management beyond individual desktop computers, the Iowa Communications Network (ICN) worked with Christie??? and CCS Presentation Systems? to install a Visual Presence Monitoring System within its Broadband Information Center (BRIC), creating a collaborative tool for additional visibility to monitor its state-wide broadband network.
Now there are certainly others out there who do such work, and do it well - however when looking for models of what AV/IT (and convergence) really comes to stand for, you're looking at it.
The full Christie press release can be read here.
I do like to find such cases and either write on them, discuss them in every day discussion and even podcasts. I like to see technology focuses, the way companies work as a team from sales to project management to marketing, overall services they provide and more. The AV integrator is the lifeblood of this industry – their models of advancement serve as example. One company may well see another as their tooth and nail competitor – however open mind perspective to others' successes can possibly lead to enhancement of one’s own business model. AV, as well as any industry as a whole certainly needs that to thrive.
Industry manufacturers today are providing key solutions targeted to various markets, cloud and software-based solutions enter on a regular basis at this point. Standard hardware-based control solutions are being joined by software-based as well as cloud solutions. As for videoconferencing/UC the market may be the greatest yet and nothing short of booming, cloud and VM solutions to go with the hardware that still exists and target various markets - enterprise, education, healthcare and more. Interoperability is a word that comes in the same sentence as the proper solution, as well as cost for the end user. Mobile and BYOD enter into the picture here and where mobility exists in the business world today, it's essential that platforms work on devices and major OS's.
New industry innovators? That's seen at the InfoComm Show Innovations Showcase - last year’s winner - Collaboration Squared with their Ubiety cloud video collaboration solution. I look at companies, and I've seen numerous qualifiers already, which I believe may not only be in this year’s showcase, but have a very good chance of winning it. At the show last year I picked my Top 10 Disruptive Solutions at InfoCommm – here is that list. I'm looking to pick a new list at the show this year and have plans to add more categories to it.
There are many young and innovative minds in the AV industry to go with those who have blazed trails for numerous years and I see so many of them there are almost too many to choose as to who would be selected for the industry's top young professional award. Last year's awardee is listed here among other winners.
As the AV industry moves forward and progresses I see the positives and what could be a bright future as the industry's leadership does as well. I look to continue to follow it closely as the year moves ahead. AV, as for many i the industry, is a life experience. Mine has added in other realms of technology over the last several years, however once its in your blood, it's in there for good.