If the time of day when the sun is going down is the golden time of day, then Fall?must?be the golden time of year. As the summer sun starts to get just a tad bit lazier and our clocks hang back an hour, we’re slowly and surely forced to reckon with the mortality of our surroundings. Fall provides us with the time to realize that nothing, including the seasons, the trees, or our beloved sunlight, lasts forever.
While the earth’s tones start to induce pinches of introspection in us all, this season highlights what’s important in life. It gifts us a profound sense of accomplishment before we hibernate because after all, we’ve all certainly come so far this year.
Yeah, the summer is gone, baby. But don’t fret, Fall knows what it’s doing.
We love to watch the trees take turns greeting us with some of the prettiest colors we’ll ever see.
The November sky has a way of painting her canvas to the tune of totally different rainbows than the ones birthed by April’s showers. There are so many reds and oranges and yellows and greens that it’s damn near impossible to feel blue.
These aren’t spring trees, baby, Autumn caught those.
Not unlike your favorite jazz song, these autumn trees play in concert with one another, each serving the arrangement uniquely. Leaves fall to the ground in a type of organized chaos akin to the ways that only a few musicians can tickle piano keys or blow a horn.
And, on a good day, we watch the wind invite them to dance to the music as they swirl around to the rhythms of nature. And just as the leaves leave the trees, we see Fall fall… right into our laps where it belongs.
These ain’t no wall flowers, Autumn caught those too.
Like easing down from a good high, or a train readying to pull into its final stop, Fall is both cool and calm. It’s right on time like a cat nap on the couch, and hits the spot like a midnight snack. It is the girl next door.
And just as the grand finale punctuated the July fireworks from a season ago, Fall is nature’s swan song. It’s her way of showing off her beauty right before she shuts down shop. Because once the kitchen’s closed, you won’t again ‘til tomorrow. Like the Olympian gold medalist prancing around the final ceremonies with her jewelry, we stan from the stands and marvel at her latest masterpiece all around us.
Because that’s just what people do during the golden time of year.
For Lack of a Wetter Bird, Autumn caught 'em all.