Autumn Issue

Autumn Issue

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Measuring methane

Teagasc researchers are establishing a technique that allows them to rank sheep based on methane output, in order to generate breeding values for methane production.

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Food safety in dairy environments Researchers at Teagasc and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria, are identifying the bacteria present in dairy processing environments to evaluate their impact on the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.

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Look but don't touch

By studying milk, faeces and saliva, researchers at Teagasc, the University of Leon and the University of Murcia are gaining a better understanding of piglets – without even touching them.

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Health help from kelp

A common native Irish kelp species could offer a promising preventative remedy for high blood pressure.

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Meet the scholars

The Teagasc Walsh Scholarships Programme offers fantastic opportunities for postgraduate students wishing to pursue a PhD. For a better insight into what it is like to do a PhD, we spoke to several Walsh Scholars to hear their experiences and what they have learned.

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The future of protein production

The use of precision fermentation to produce proteins is on the rise in the food industry, so what does this mean for the livestock industry?

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Enhancing the multi-actor approach

Teagasc social scientists have produced evaluation and impact assessment tools to support innovation-driven collaboration between actors.



