- .xml file:- Database that stores data in the form of tags and texts.
- .arxml file:- AUTOSAR .xml Database of AUTOSAR Configuration parameter.
Types of arxml file present are:-
- System Configuration
- ECU Extract
- ECU Configuration
- Software Description
- BSW Module Description.
1. System Configuration File:-
- Information of Multiple ECU's
- Messages, Signals sent and received by the ECU
- Ports, Interfaces of software component across ECU's
- System configuration is basically represented as a network of a ECU, so the system configuration of a file contains the information that means the signals, messages or components present in each ECU are represented in the system configuration.
- Message and signals sent or received by a single ECU.
- SWC details like Port and Interfaces of a single ECU.
- We can say ECU extract is the subset of the system configuration.
- Contain configuration parameter of BSW modules as specified in AUTOSAR SWS.
- Module specific configuration.
- User can edit the configuration and generate the module as per AUTOSAR methodologies.
- AUTOSAR tool chain takes the ECU extract as an input imports it to the tool chain and provide the configuration, ECU Configuration as the output.
- We have seen ECU Configuration like COM, PduR, CanIf etc. so these are the module specific configuration that are part of the ECU Configuration.
- SWC details separates from ECU extract.
- SWC details of specific SWC.
- No message and signals.
5. BSW Module Description:-
- BSW module decryption is provided for every AUTOSAR BSW module.
- This basically contains the configuration of the schedulable entities of a particular BSW module.
System Configuration, ECU Extract, SWC Description, BSWMD contains configuration parameters like:-
- System Signals, Isignals, Frame, Isignal, IPdu.
- Atomic Software Component, Service Software Component, Internal Behaviour, P-port, R-port.
- Runnable entity, Timing event, Data Received Event.
- Sender Receiver Interface, Client Server Interface, Mode Switch Interface.
- Configuration of BSW module:- COM, PduR, CanIf, EcuM, DCM,Nvm etc.
- ComSignal, ComSignalGroup, PduRouting path, EcuM General, CanIfRxPdu, Dcm, Nvm Block Description.