Automotive aluminum specifications and models
Mingtai Aluminum

Automotive aluminum specifications and models

With the increasing demand for energy saving and consumption reduction in the society, the lightweight of automobiles is the development direction of the current automotive industry.

Aluminum alloy has become an ideal lightweight material. Automotive aluminum can also be applied to the body, frame, engine block, cylinder head, piston, and piston according to the difference of the alloy and the difference of the manufacturing process. Air manifolds, rocker arms, engine mount brackets, actuator housings, clutch housings, brake components, and cover housings are effective in reducing the overall vehicle quality and improving overall performance.

The aluminum alloy plate has many advantages such as light weight, high strength, good stretchability and high corrosion resistance, and is favored by the automobile and auto parts processing industries.

Mingtai Aluminum

The following is a description of the aluminum plate specifications that should be used from the various parts of the car: Automotive aluminum is generally concentrated in the three aspects of car wheels, car engine gearbox casings, and car frames. Of course, there are some such as interiors, floors and so on.

1, automobile body, commonly used aluminum alloy materials mainly include 2000 series, 5000 series, 6000 series alloy sheet, profiles, pipes and high-performance cast aluminum, different types of parts are made of different types of aluminum alloy materials. The 2000 series alloy is a heat-treated and reinforced aluminum alloy with excellent forgeability, high strength and good welding performance, good baking strengthening effect, but its corrosion resistance is worse than other series of aluminum alloys. . Currently, 2036 and 2022 alloys have been partially used in automotive body panels. The 5000 series alloy is a kind of aluminum alloy which can not be strengthened by heat treatment, and has good corrosion resistance and welding performance. However, in the annealed state, the Rydes line and delayed yield may be generated during processing deformation, so it is mainly used for shapes such as the inner panel of the vehicle body. Complex parts. The 6000 series alloy is a heat-treated reinforced aluminum alloy with high strength, good plasticity and excellent corrosion resistance. Compared with the steel plate, the 6000 series 2T4 plate has similar yield strength and tensile strength, and the hardening coefficient even exceeds the steel plate. At present, the 6009, 6010 and 6016 aluminum alloys are used for the outer and inner panels of automobile bodies due to their good plasticity and the ability to achieve artificial aging during the post-forming paint baking process. The Audi A8’s body panels are made from this aluminum alloy. In addition, in order to enhance the buffer capacity and enhance the fatigue resistance of the automobile, VAW of Germany, KOK of Japan, and Mingtai Aluminum of China have developed and developed high-performance Automotive aluminum and aluminum profiles based on this alloy.

1.At present, the 6000 series alloy is the main force of the body panel.

2, the car chassis, using 5000 series or 6000 series materials.

3, the car skeleton, the body is the most stressed part, using 2000 series or 7000 series materials, heat treatment and strengthening.

4, car seat, 2000 series or 6000 series materials, heat treatment and strengthening.

5, the skin part, the secondary force part of the body, using 5000 series or 6000 series materials.

6, the door part, using 5000 series or 6000 series materials.



