Automobile Abbreviations and Acronyms (II-D to J)

Automobile Abbreviations and Acronyms (II-D to J)

DAB - Delayed Accessory Bus
DAB - Driver AirBag (module)
DART - Diagnostic And Reprogramming Tool
dB - Decibels
dBA - decibels on A-weighted scale
DBB - Dual Bed Bead
DBM - Dual Bed Monolith
DC - Direct Current
DC - Duty Cycle
DCM - Door Control Module
DDM - Driver's Door Module
DDS - Deflection Detection System
DDS - Driver's Door Switch
DE - Drive End
dec - Decrement
DEC - Digital Electronic Controller
DERM - Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module
des - Desired
DFCO - Decelleration Fuel CutOff
DFI - Direct Fuel Injection
DGI - Direct Gasoline Injection
DI - Distributor Ignition
DIC - Driver Information Center
diff - Differential
DIM - Dashboard Integration Module
dis - Disable
DIS - Direct (aka Distributorless) Ignition System (replaced with EI)
disc - Disconnect
DISI - Direct Injection, Spark Ignition
DIST - Distributor
DIY - Do It Yourself
DLC - Data Link Connector
DLC - Diamond Logic Computer
DMCM - Driver Motor Control Module
DMM - Digital MultiMeter
DOHC - Double Overhead Cam
DNR - Dolby Noise Reduction
DOL - Data Output Line
DPFE - Differential Pressure Feedback EGR
DPI - Dual Plug Inhibit
DRB - Diagnostic Readout Box
DRF - Deactivating Roller Follower
DRL - Daytime Running Lamps
DRR - Digital Radio Receiver
DSDA - Dual Stage Driver Airbag
DSI - Dual Stage Inflator
DSM - Driver's Seat module
DSO - Digital Storage Oscilloscope
DSP - Digital Signal Process
DSPA - Dual Stage Passenger Airbag
DSS - Downshift Solenoid
DSST - Dunlop Self Supporting Tire
DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code
DTM - Diagnostic Test Mode
DTT - Diesel Transmission Technologies
DVOM - Digital Volt-Ohmmeter
E4OD - Electronic 4-Speed Overdrive
EA - Electronic Accelerator
EAC - Electronic Air Control (replaced with AIR)
EAIR - Electronic (secondary) Air Injection Reaction
EAS - Electrically Assisted Steering
EAS - Electronic Air Switching
EATC - Electronic Automatic Temperature Control
EBC - Electronic Brake Control
EBCM - Electronic Brake Control Module
EBD - Electronic Brake force Distribution
EBM - Electronic Brake Module
EBP - Exhaust Back Pressure
EBTCM - Electronic Brake and Traction Control Module
EC - Electronic Control
E&C - Entertainment and Comfort
ECA - Electronic Control Assembly (replaced with PCM)
ECC - Electronic Climate Control
ECD - Electronically Controlled Deceleration
ECI - Extended Compressor at Idle
ECL - Engine Coolant Level
ECM - Electronic Control Module
ECM - Engine Control Module
ECS - Electronic Crash Sensor
ECS - Emission Control System
ECT - Engine Coolant Temperature (Switch, Sensor)
ECU - Electronic Control Unit
EDF - Electric Drive Fan (relay)
EDIS - Electronic Direct Ignition System (replaced with EI)
EDR - Event Data Recorder
EDSR - Electronic Dealer Service (Investigation) Report
EEC - Electronic Engine Control
EEDS - Electric-Electronic Distribution System
EEPROM - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memeory
EEVIR - Evaporator Equalized Values In Receiver
EFE - Early Fuel Evaporation
EFI - Electronic Fuel Injection
EGC - Electronic Gauge Cluster
EGO - Exhaust Gas Oxygen (replaced with O2S)
EGOG - EGO Ground
EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGRC - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control
EGRT - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature (switch)
EGR TVV - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Thermal Vacuum Valve
EGRV - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Vent
EGTS - Exhaust Gas Temperature Switch (replaced with EGRT)
EHB - Electro-Hydraulic Brake
EHCU - Electronic Hydraulic Control Unit
EHOC - Electrically Heated Oxidation Catalyst
EHPAS - Electric Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering
EHTWC - Electrically Heated Three Way Catalyst
EI - Electronic Ignition (includes Distributorless Ignition System, formerly DIS)
ELC - Electronic Level Control
EM - Energy Management
EM - Engine Modification
EMAS - Engine Management and Analysis System
EMAT - Electro-Mechanical Automatic Transmission
EMB - Electromagnetic Brakes
EMB - Electro-Mechanical Brake
EMCC - Electronically Modulated Converter Clutch
EMF - Electromotive Force (voltage)
EMI - Electromagnetic Interference
EMR - Electronic Module Retard
EMR - Emission Maintenance Reminder
EOP - Engine Oil Pressure
EOT - Engine Oil Temperature
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
EPC - Electronic Pressure Control
EPHS - Electrically Powered Hydraulic Steering
EPR - Exhaust Pressure Regulator
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPS - Electric Power Steering
EPS - Electric Power Steering
EPS - Engine Position Sensor
EPT - EGR Pressure Transducer (replaced with PFE)
ERH - Extended Ride Height
ESB - Expansion Spring Brake
ESC - Electrical Systems Controller
ESC - Electronic Spark Control
ESC - Electronic Suspension Control
ESD - Electrostatic Discharge
ESM - Electronic Steering Module
ESN - Electronic Serial Number
ESO - Engine ShutOff
ESOF - Electronic Shift On (the) Fly
ESP - Electronic Stability Program
EST - Electronic Spark Timing
ETBE - Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
ETC - Electronic Temperature Control
ETC - Electronic Throttle Control
ETC - Electronic Timing Control
ETCC - Electronic Touch Climate Control
ETR - Electronically Tuned Receiver
ETS - Enhanced Traction System
EUDC-LP - Extra-Urban Driving Cycle for Low Power vehicles
EV - Electric Vehicle
EVA - Electronic Vibration Analyzer
EVAP - Evaporative Emission
EVAP Canister Purge - Evaporative Emission Canister Purge
EVIC - Electronic Vehicle Information Center
EVMV - Electric Vapour Management Valve
EVO - Electronic Variable Orifice
EVP - EGR Valve Position (sensor)
EVR - EGR Vacuum Regulator
EVTOP - Enhanced Tactical Vehicle Occupant Protection
EVTM - Electrical & Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual
EXH - Exhaust
F4WD - Full Time Four Wheel Drive
FABS - Flexible Auto Body System
FAF - Fan Air Flow
FBC - Feedback Carburetor
FC - Fan Control
FC - Friction Curve
FCM - Front Control module
FCP - Fuel Cell Partnership
FCU - Front Control Unit
FCV - Fuel Cell Vehicle
FDBK - Feedback
FDC - Fuel Data Center
FEAD - Front End Accessory Drive (belt)
FED - Federal (except California)
FEDS - Fuel Enable Data Stream
FEDS - Flexible Engine Diagnostic System
FEIC - Fuel Economy Integrated Counter
FET - Field Effect Transistor
FF - Flexible Fuel
FFCRS - Front-Facing Child Restraint System
FFFP - Fuel-Flexible Fuel Processor
FFS - Fine-blanking and Finishing System
FFS - Flexible Fuel Sensor
FFWS - Fuel Filter Water Separator
FI - Fuel Injection
FICM - Fuel Injector Control Module
FIDO - Flame Ionization Detector Optimization
FIM - Fuel Indicator Module
FIPL - Fuel Injection Pump Lever
FIPT - Fuel Inlet Pressure Test
Fl - Front Left
FLO - Fast Light-Off
flr - Floor
FLVV - Fill Limit Vent Valve
FM - Frequency Modulation
FMEM - Failure Mode Effects Management
FMVSS - Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
FP - Fuel Pump
FPCM - Fuel injection Pump Control Module
FPDM - Fuel Pump Driver Module
FPI - Fins Per Inch
FPM - Fuel Pump Monitor
FPR - Fuel Pump Regulator
FPRC - Fuel Pressure Regulator Circuit
FPS - Fast Pass Standard
FR - Front Right
FRACAS - Failure Reporting And Corrective Action System
FRC - Forced
freq - Frequency
frnt - Front
FRP - Fuel Rail Pressure
FRS - Face Recognition System FRV - First Response Vehicle
FSDI - Four-Stroke, Direct Injection
FT - Fuel Trim
FTP - Federal Test Procedure
FTP - Fuel Tank Pressure
FUDC - Federal Urban Driving Cycle
fwd - Forward
FWD - Front Wheel Drive
GA - Gage
GAWR - Gross Axle Weight Rating
GCW - Gross Combined Weight
g/cyl - Grams per Cylinder
GCWR - Gross Combined Weight Rating
GDI - Gasoline Direct Injection
GEN - Generator
GEM - Gasoline Engine Management
GEM - Generic Electronic Module
GGT - Gas Guzzler Tax
GHG - GreenHouse Gas
GISMO - Geographic Information System, Mobile
GND - Ground
GOVN - Governor Module
GPS - Global Positioning System
GS - Garage Shift
g/sec - Grams per Second
GTL - Gas To Liquid
GVW - Gross Vehicle Weight
GVWR - Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
H - Hydrogen
H2O - Water
HAST - High Accelerated Stress Test
HBA - Hydraulic Brake Assist
HBU - Hub Bearing Unit
HC - Hydrocarbons
HCCI - Homogeneous-Charge, Compression Ignition
HCM - Heating Control Module
HCU - Hydraulic Control Unit
HCV - Heavy Commercial Vehicle
H/CMPR - High Compression
HD - Heavy Duty
HDC - Heavy Duty Cooling
HDGV - Heavy Duty Gasoline-fueled Vehicle
HD-UDDS - Heavy Duty Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule
HEC - Hybrid Electronic Cluster
HEDF - High Speed Electro Drive Fan (relay or circuit)
HEGO - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (sensor) (replaced with HO2S)
HEGOG - HEGO Ground (circuit)
HEPS - Hydraulic Electric Power Steering
HEUI - Hydraulic-actuated Electronically-controlled Unit Injector
HFC - High Fan Control
HFC - Hydraulic Fading Compensation
HFM - Hot Film Meter
HFP - High Fuel Pump
Hg - Mercury
Hi Alt - Hi Altitude
HID - High Intensity Discharge
HIS - Horizontal Impact Sensor
hist - History
HLDT - Heavy Light-Duty Truck
HLOS - Hardware Limited Operating Strategy
HO - High Output
HO2S - Heated Oxygen Sensor
hp - Horsepower
HPDI - High Pressure Direct Injection
HPL - High Pressure Liquid
HPS - Head Protection System
HPS - High Performance System
HPV - High Pressure Vapour
HRC - Headlamp Range Control
HSA - Head Side Airbag
HSC - High Swirl Combustion
HSCDS - High-Sensitivity Collision Detection System
HSDI - High-Speed Direct Injection
HSE - High-Speed Enrichment
HSEA - High Solar Energy Absorbing (glass)
HTCM - Heating-ventilation-air-conditioning Thermal Control Module
HUD - Heads Up Display
HVAC - Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning
HVACM - Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning Module
HVI - High Viscosity Index
HVM - Heater Vent Mondule
HW - Heated Windshield
HWFET - Highway Fuel Economy Test (driving schedule)
HYPAS - Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering
Hz - Hertz
IA - Intake Air
IABM - Integrated AirBag Module
IAC - Idle Air Control
IAFM - Integrated Air Fuel Module
IAFS - Integrated Air Fuel System
IAT - Intake Air Temperature
iATN - International Automotive Technicians Network
IBOB - Intelligent BreakOut Box
IC - Ignition Control
IC - Integrated Circuit
ICA - Injector Cam Actuation
ICC - Intelligent Cruise Control
ICCS - Integrated Chassis Control System
ICDX - Integrated Compact Disc Changer
ICE - Internal Combustion Engine
ICM - Ignition Control Module
ICP - Injection Control Pressure
ICS - Integrated Chassis System
ICWS - Intersection Collision Warning System
ID - Identification
ID - Inside Diameter
IDI - Integrated Direct Ignition
IDIS - International Dismantling Information System
IDM - Ignition Diagnostic Module
IDM - Injector Driver Module
IEDIS - Integrated Electronic Distributorless Ignition System
IFES - Integrated Front End System
IFI - Indirect Diesel Injection
IFS - Inertia Fuel Shutoff
IFSM - Integrated Fuel System Module
IGN - Ignition
ILC - Idle Load Compensator
illum - Illumination
I/M - Inspection Maintenance
IMA - Integrated Motor Assist
IMDX - Integrated Mini Disc Changer
IMLUT - Inspection/Maintenance Look-Up Table
immo - Immobilizer
IMRC - Intake Manifold Runner Control
IMS - Inductive Magnetic Saturation
IMS - Instant Mobility System
IMT - Intake Manifold Tuning
IMTD - Intake Manifold Temperature Differential
in - Inch(es)
inadv - Inadvertant
inc - Increment
INCA - In-Car Aquisition
incand - Incandescent
infl - Inflatable
init - Initial
INJ - Injector
INP - Input
inst - Instant
int - Interior
INT - Integrator (replaced with ST FUEL TRIM)
I/O - In/Out
IOC - Instant Oil Change
I/P - Instrument Panel
IPC - Instrument Panel Cluster
IPM - Instrument Panel Module
IPM - Integrated Power Module
IPR - Injector Pressure Regulator
IRDS - Independant Rear Drive Suspension
IRQ - Interrupt Request
ISA - Integrated Starter-Alternator
ISAD - Integrated Starter Alternator Damper
ISB - Interact System B
ISC - Idle Speed Control
ISG - Integrated Starter-Generator
ISI - Ion Sensing Ignition
ISO - Interior Systems Optimization
ISO - International Standards Organization
iso - Isolation
ISS - Input Shaft Speed
ITARDA - Institute for Traffic Acccident Research and Data Analysis
ITTB - Idle Time To Boil
ITTR - Inflatable Tubular Torso Restraint
ITS - Idle Tracking Switch
IVC - Integral Vapour Canister
IVCS - Integrated Vehicle Control System
IVI - Intelligent Vehicle Initiative
IVIS - In Vehicle Information System
IVS - Idle Validation Switch
IVSC - Integrated Vehicle Speed Control
IWC - Inertia Weight Class


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