Automatizer: The Revolution for CRM

Automatizer: The Revolution for CRM

It’s no secret that the covid pandemic has pushed the digital world many years ahead - we would say at least 5 years, perhaps even more. The pressure to have a digital strategy is crucial, and we would say it’s impossible to function as a business if you don’t have one.

The pandemic has caused a transformation in society that is changing everything we do, and how and why we do it. We see these changes in how we produce, how we consume, in transport and endless other sectors. A primary change that has come about is in the way we communicate. Zoom rapidly transformed from a company no one had ever heard of to a world brand. It’s the platform through which much business is conducted and schooling is even done.

Through technology, every company needs to focus, and out of that focus to become more efficient. From efficiency comes productivity, and from productivity comes profitability.


Let’s take a look at the crucial role that CRM is playing in this transformation, and why Automatizer is, for the future, the core of our CRM product.

For the first time in this technology movement we’re in, we have a system with which someone can automate many different processes. We’ve created an engine for this purpose, that becomes the center of CRM technology. Almost anyone can configure and use it.

The most widely used application in history is: Microsoft Excel. Just about anyone can pick it up and use it immediately, so extensive study is not required. At the same time, you can dive deep and take years to learn Excel’s more complex functionality in-depth, which many have done. With scripting skills, you can even create automation in Excel.

Today we need different technology, one for the purpose of automating as many repetitive tasks as possible. It must be as simple to pick up and use as Excel. This is why Automatizer was created. It is the hub around which everything else revolves. Like a wheel has spokes, many functions radiate out from this Automatizer hub.

And also like Excel, Automatizer can be used for more sophisticated tasks. It is not only useful for automating the simpler daily repetitive activities but for more complex work, it allows you to regularly assemble data from multiple touchpoints and summarize or otherwise analyze or utilize it.

The Problem Being Solved

In many ways, the Automatizer is the next in a very long line of time and labor-saving devices going back to the beginning of time. Just one example is that somewhere sometime back, somebody got sick and tired of having to wash dishes after every meal, and decided to invent the dishwasher. Another task people became weary of - washing clothes - resulted in the washing machine. When buildings became higher and climbing stairs became too much of a chore, the elevator was invented.

It’s a similar situation today. There are many tasks performed as part of sales that rob the salesperson of value, simply because these tasks could be automated. Such tasks are not only boring, but any intelligent person would ask, “Why do I have a computer? Why isn’t the computer doing this?” As an example, copy-paste was one of the core concepts for the Macintosh computer. It’s now everywhere, and we’ve become very used to it. But if someone performs copy-paste 100 times a day, they would rightly think, “Why can’t the computer do that? It’s a waste of my valuable time.”

Not to Replace Humans

We are definitely becoming wiser with the way we utilize technology. We’re using it to remove repetitive work that normally hinders people in building relationships. That is the heart of automation - it should not replace people, but should free people to pursue their actual purpose, whatever that may be. People were not made to perform repetitive tasks; they become depressed, angry, or upset when they have to do the same thing over and over.

We’re now living in a world where technology can take over simple or complex repetitive activities, which in fact technology can perform much better than humans. Machines never make mistakes, they are never sick, they work 24/7, and don’t require vacation


The processes you can create with Automatizer are endless. Through creating these processes you become more focused. Here we circle back to the beginning of this article, because out of being focused you learn and become more efficient. Efficiency makes you more productive, and from that productivity comes profitability.

When your organization focuses on the right technology utilized for the right purpose, it can’t help but be successful. As technology is utilized, it needs to be constantly fine-tuned. This fine-tuning should be so easy that everyone can learn it.


?? Don't miss out! Secure your spot for our exclusive event: Don’t Get Left Behind!, in Vienna on 16th April!

The panelists:

Moderation by Stephan Blahut, the Secretary-General of the Austrian Trade Association (?sterreichischer Gewerbeverein ?GV).


This concludes our newsletter for the week. We trust you found it insightful and look forward to reconnecting in the next edition.

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Christel-Silvia Fischer

DER BUNTE VOGEL ?? Internationaler Wissenstransfer - Influencerin bei Corporate Influencer Club | Wirtschaftswissenschaften Universit?t Münster

10 个月

Thank you



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