Automation Trends To Continue Watching In 2022

Automation Trends To Continue Watching In 2022

In our new normal you will find a lot of people arguing to automate repetitive work. Many are looking to automate the repetitive tasks that no one wants to do. While automating more sophisticated front office functions is certainly more difficult, it's going to become increasingly accessible in the future with A.I getting better and better.?

A lot of companies are going to start leveraging the power of technology to automate quality customer experiences. That doesn't mean there won't be human customer service agents and customer support agents, but it does mean these tasks will start to get infiltrated with automation. As many as 30% of all customers say that not having the opportunity to speak with a real agent is one of the most frustrating aspects of their customer journey. Therefore, you cannot expect the entire role to be automated.

You can anticipate automation infiltrating into the marketing and sales side of things too. As many as 75% of sales teams mention that they need to effectively collaborate between departments. This is a very important component of an effective sales process. With automation in place, it only makes communication easier and more seamless. With automation, Customer Relationship Managers can easily hand over customers and share data as the customer continues to move throughout the buying cycle.

The majority of sales professionals utilize technology in their lives to generate leads and close deals. Even with this, only 34% of the time spent by these professionals is spent selling. The rest of it is wasted with them having to spend so much time catching up with administrative work and data entry.?

A lot of this can be effectively automated. It's no wonder sales and marketing teams see the power of leveraging automation to get rid of a lot of the repetition involved. A lot of the major CRM software and tools are coming up with more and more automation features. This is helping companies automate a lot of routine tasks to boost the speed at which customers convert, send out personalized messages, and even respond to customer support inquiries quicker.

Nowadays, the majority of good customer interactions and experiences are personalized. With more and more software in place, it's easier to personalize things than ever before. With automation, customized messages can be easily set up to be delivered at the right place and right time.?

While A.I may have been more frequently mentioned and used in movies than in real life, but that's certainly not the case any longer. Nowadays, you will find A.I being used in a range of business applications. A lot of the best business tools leverage the power of A.I. It's become so commonly used in business that it's not even noticeable sometimes. You may find it being used without even realizing it.?

Business Chatbots

Chatbots have taken over many industries. Live chat is very important to delivering a good customer experience. As many as 73% of customers like chatbots. Along with this, it can save a business a whopping 30% in support costs. While a lot of the businesses in the marketplace currently use live chat to facilitate real-time communication between support staff and customers, a lot more of them are setting up chatbots.

With chatbots in place, a company could theoretically offer answers to the most frequently asked questions and concerns. This means they can offer support without having to take a live chat agent to do so. Along with this, they can offer full-time support agents with A.I. In the future, they are only going to get better and more intelligent. They are soon going to integrate voice functionality into it.?

Automated Decision Making

One of the most tiring elements in a business is decision-making. You need to have all of the data to make good decisions. With A.I, you don't have your bias clouding your judgment. You can get the highest quality and most accurate data and use it to make the best decisions.?

Some of the decisions can be easily made using automation and some of them will still need human intervention.?

Automated Data Collecting

Automating the data collection process is one of the best ways to guarantee the data is accurate and quality. Reporting is just as important but can be even more difficult. It doesn't need to involve exporting Excel files and waste hours of manpower. You can consolidate all of the customer data with an iPaaS solution which can help you get better reporting with limited effort.?

Nowadays, you will find every business has a lot more information and tools at its disposal. With automation only getting better, more companies are going to have to hire dedicated employees to ensure everything is running seamlessly.?

The tools that are chosen for your business will dictate its effectiveness of it. They will help your business become more efficient, more productive, and more profitable. For better results, every company will need to connect their tools to ensure they are working synergistically.

More Productivity

RPA is typically referred to as robots. It's defined as the automation of rules-based processes with various software that uses a U.I that is capable of running on any platform. In the future, RPA is only going to become more essential to one's workflow.?

Is Automation Changing?

This is an easy one to answer. Of course, automation is changing. By the year 2030, it's expected that as many as 400 to 800 million people will be displaced because of it. However, the better productivity increases and economic growth resulting from automation can reduce the negative impact it can have on the overall economy.

The entire purpose of automation is to get things taken care of that a robot or machine could do better. It doesn't replace the normal things you get with human interactions. When you automate something, you don't need to lose the human element.?

To do it in the best way, you'll want to craft an automation strategy that can help your employees focus on what's important. You want to choose tools that can free up their time, improve their workflow, enhance your tech stack, and improve productivity.

Rob Llewellyn

I help managers, leaders & consultants have more impact on transformation.

2 年

Great post Evan Kirstel. Well-trained workforces equipped with the skills required to embrace and capitalise on automation will ensure their organisations thrive. The ability to do that in the context of hyperautomation takes it all one step further.

Bill Staikos

Ranked #15 CX Leader, globally (CX Magazine). LinkedIn Top Voice. I help companies drive revenue, reduce costs, and improve culture through customer experience, analytics, and change leadership.

2 年

I think about data and automation in the context all the time. It’s the future of the discipline. In particular, machine-to-machine journey orchestration can keep us customers in the Sales funnel or bring us back in if we fall out. It’s changing the way we think about experiences all together.


Good stuff Evan. I believe the staffing challenges are often overlooked when evaluating AI benefits/RoI. Some geographies and sectors will be forced to AI simply based on human capital resources versus a primary desire to reduce costs.

? Daniel Burrus

Technology Futurist Keynote Speaker, Business Strategist and Disruptive Innovation Expert

2 年

The only way humans can beat the exponential growth of advanced AI-enabled automation in the future and have meaningful, good-paying employment or self-employment is to become increasingly more valuable than machines. Time is growing short — now is the time to be an opportunity manager and start getting better at all of them. If you don’t, you will soon be a crisis manager falling behind exponentially faster.

Cygnus is fully automated zero human interaction live risk management 125 assets to the millisecond.


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