Automation Testing
Automated testing is the application of software tools to automate a human-driven manual process of reviewing and validating a software product. Most modern agile and DevOps software projects now include automated testing from inception.
In software testing, test automation is the use of software separate from the software being tested to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes with predicted outcomes.
Skilled required for Automation Testing :-
Programming and Scripting Skill
Types of Automation Testing :-
How Test Automation Works
The automated testing process generally follows these steps:
Benefits of Automated Software Testing
Automated software testing offers numerous advantages. Here are the top five:
1. Enhanced Accuracy
Automated testing eliminates human error, ensuring that each test case is executed precisely as intended. This helps catch bugs early in development, reducing the risk of unnoticed defects causing issues later.
2. Improved Consistency
Automation provides consistent quality assurance by running the same tests each time. This reduces the risk of regression and ensures reliable test results.
3. Increased Speed
Automated testing allows for the rapid execution of numerous tests in parallel saving time and freeing up resources for other essential tasks.
4. Greater Efficiency
Automation saves time and resources and enables the focus on strategic tasks, such as exploratory testing and complex scenario testing.
5. Higher Confidence
Automated testing thoroughly verifies the software, increasing confidence among developers and stakeholders in the reliability and quality of the product.