Automation Testing
Test Lead | Automation Test Engineer |Python | Selenium | pytest | ISTQB -CTFL | Microsoft AZ- 204| Google ACE | Robot framework | postman | Copado Robotic Testing | Quality Assurance | C#| Applitools| Az-104| Java | BDD
As an Automation test engineer you should be familiarized with the terms HTML Tags, Element Locators, Web Application Environments, and basic idea behind how the web application works.
Let's see.....
What is HTML?
HTML is an acronym which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language which is used for creating web pages and web applications.
Hyper Text: Hyper Text simply means “Text within Text.” A text has a link within it, is a hypertext. HyperText is a way to link two or more web pages (HTML documents) with each other.
Markup language: A markup language is a computer language that is used to apply layout and formatting conventions to a text document. Markup language makes text more interactive and dynamic. It can turn text into images, tables, links, etc.
Web Page: A web page is a document which is commonly written in HTML and translated by a web browser. A web page can be identified by entering an URL.
Hence, HTML is a markup language which is used for creating attractive web pages with the help of styling, and which looks in a nice format on a web browser.
An HTML document is made of many HTML tags and each HTML tag contains different content.
What are HTML Elements?
In HTML, an element is a section of an HTML document. Some HTML elements represent visible components on a web page, such as text, images, or buttons, while others denote different sections of the page or provide meta-information about the document.
HTML elements are created with tags. An HTML tag consists of text between angle brackets (<>).
Even though there are well over 100 elements in HTML5, you really only need to know a dozen or two to write HTML effectively.
Important Web or HTML elements:
Browser – A tool (software) to access web pages
Page – It is a document, commonly written in HTML, that is viewed in an Internet browser.
Frame – A section of a Web page.
1. Text Link – Click – It Redirects
2. Image Link – Click – It Redirects
3. Button – Click – It Submits
4. Image Buttons – Click – It Submits
5. Edit Box – Enter a Value – It takes input
6. Text Box – Enter a Value – It takes input
7. Comment Box – Enter a Value – It takes input
8. Image – Visible
9. Drop down box – Select an Item – It Selects the Item
10. List Box – Select One or more items – It selects one or more items
11. Combo Box (Edit Box + Drop down box) – Select an Item or Enter a Value
12. Check Box – Click – It Checks/It Unchecks
13. Radio Button – Click – It Selects
14. Web Table/HTML Table – It displays the data in tabular format
15. Text/Error Message/Hep Message/Content – It Displays
Mouse Over
Date Picker
Inline Elements
Important Web or HTML Element Locators
1. id()
2. name()
3. className()
4. tagName()
5. linkText()
6. partialLinkText()
8. xpath()
Important HTML Tags
HTML tags are like keywords which defines that how web browser will format and display the content. With the help of tags, a web browser can distinguish between an HTML content and a simple content.
1. <!–…–> – Defines a HTML comment
2. <!DOCTYPE> – Defines the document type
3. <a> – Defines a hyperlink
4. <article> – Defines an article
5. <audio> – Defines embedded sound content
6. <b> – Defines bold text
7. <body> – Defines the document’s body
8. <br> – Defines a single line break
9. <button> – Defines a clickable button
10. <code> – Defines a piece of computer code
11. <data> – Adds a machine-readable translation of a given content
12. <div> – Defines a section in a document
13. <embed> – Defines a container for an external application
14. <form> – Defines an HTML form for user input
15. <h1> to <h6> – Defines HTML headings
16. <head> – Contains metadata/information for the document
17. <header> – Defines a header for a document or section
18. <html> – Defines the root of an HTML document
19. <iframe> – Defines an inline frame
20. <img> – Defines an image
21. <input> – Defines an input control
22. <label> – Defines a label for an <input> element
23. <li> – Defines a list item
24. <meta> – Defines metadata about an HTML document
25. <ol> – Defines an ordered list
26. <p> – Defines a paragraph
27. <script> – Defines a client-side script
28. <section> – Defines a section in a document
29. <select> – Defines a drop-down list
30. <small> – Defines smaller text
31. <source> – Defines multiple media resources for media elements (<video> and <audio>)
32. <span> – Defines a section in a document
33. <strong> – Defines important text
34. <table> – Defines a table
35. <td> – Defines a cell in a table
36. <time> – Defines a specific time (or datetime)
37. <title> – Defines a title for the document
38. <tr> – Defines a row in a table
39. <ul> – Defines an unordered list
40. <var> – Defines a variable
41. <video> – Defines embedded video content
Web Application Environment
Browser – Tool for accessing Web applications
HTML – Web page design
XML – Data Transporter
Flash – For Enhancing the Web UI
JavaScript – Client-side validation – Client side script Ex: JavaScript
VBScript – Server-side validation (Server-side Scripting)
PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.
Java / C#.Net – Programming – EDP (Electronic Data Processing)
Tomcat – Web Server
ASP/JSP – Container
WebLogic/JBoss/WebSphere – Application Server
Oracle/MS SQL Server/MySQL – Database Server
HTML is simply :
1.Document Structure
?? <html>
?? <head>
?? <title>
?? <meta>
?? <link>
?? <script>
? <noscript>
2.Text Content
?? <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>
?? <p>
?? <span>
?? <strong>
?? <em>
?? <br>
?? <hr>
?? <ul>
?? <ol>
?? <li>
?? <dl>
?? <dt>
?? <dd>
4.Links and Navigation
?? <a>
?? <nav>
?? <link>
5.Embedded Content
?? <img>
?? <audio>
?? <video>
?? <iframe>
?? <canvas>
?? <svg>
?? <form>
?? <input>
?? <textarea>
?? <button>
?? <select>
?? <option>
?? <label>
?? <fieldset>
?? <legend>
?? <datalist>
?? <output>
?? <table>
?? <tr>
?? <th>
?? <td>
?? <caption>
8.Semantic Elements
?? <article>
?? <section>
?? <header>
?? <footer>
?? <aside>
?? <main>
?? <figure>
?? <figcaption>
?? <mark>
?? <progress>
?? <time>
?? <details>
?? <summary>
#Automationtesting #WebApplication #HTML