Automation ROI?
David Moses
Looking for a Sr Manager or Director level Product, U.A.T., or Program/Project Department leadership role.
One of the best questions I have ever gotten from Customers is when they ask me to justify the ROI they will get by automating testing, code builds, workflows/processes, etc.
Not to sound snarky, but this is the equivalent of asking if it is is better to fly around the world rather than walk. Not only is walking much less efficient, it's impossible! The same goes for manual processes in most cases.
But looking closer there are areas of ROI that could create amazing efficiencies and sometimes even save you.
If you work in an industry that is regulated by government entities you usually have very specific regulatory rules you must follow. Federal rules are difficult enough to ensure compliance with but when you have different, and sometimes changing, rules for each state, it is critical that you automate the testing of these.
And don't forget that specific set of requirements for these rules that's maintained on a strict schedule, right?
Another fun idea is running your “record and play†type automation in production. Most production monitoring tools review code. They can’t “see†a missing button image, but a test automation tool can.
This can also be a way to assist the team that manages your production environment. If you’re wanting to venture into the realm of DevOps, these are the types of bridges you need to build.
One last point. Everyone I’ve ever known who is successfully doing DevOps agrees that a high percentage of automation is a fundamental piece of the puzzle. You can't do it without it.
Automated testing not only ensures you have covered all the rules, every time you test, it removes chances for human error and... it saves time!
In some cases, automation is like the CIA. If you do your work well, no one should ever notice, but if you fail, it is a disaster. The obvious benefits of automating can easily be eclipsed by the unseen ROI of preventing an issue that could put your company out of business.
Test automation is focused on preventing problems. Automating workflows, code builds, releases, etc. are essential steps to all higher goals out there; transformation, modernization, and DevOps. We’re reaching a point where more and more technical teams are putting those buzzwords into practice with great success. Don't get left behind.
Taking this into account, ask yourself if you have automated everything you can. If you haven’t, ask yourself if you can afford not to.