Automation Object Model in HPE UFT!

Automation Object Model in HPE UFT!

Follow 'Software Testing Studio' to learn more about Automation Testing concepts.

An object model is a logical interface, software or system that is modeled through the use of object-oriented techniques. It enables the creation of an architectural software or system model prior to development or programming. Automation object Model (AOM) can be understood as a structural representation of objects that comprise the implementation of the software or application.

HP UFT provides a COM interface that allows automation of UFT itself. This AOM enables user to write code to perform the core UFT tasks such as:

  1. Launching UFT
  2. Configuring UFT
  3. Running a UFT Test script
  4. Loading the add-ins
  5. Changing the iterations for a test script
  6. Passing arguments to a test script
  7. Launching UFT on a remote machine

How to launch UFT, open and execute a test script using AOM?

‘Create an instance of the UFT application

Set uftApp = CreateObject(“QuickTest.Application”)


uftApp.Visible = True

‘Open a test script

uftApp.Open “C:\Test UFT”\Sample Test”,True

‘Run the test


‘Closing UFT


Set uftApp = Nothing

Loading add-ins at run-time

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