Automation in Mining Business Process Using Drones
Saurabh Priyadarshi
Advisor- Exploration, Mining & Metals | Prompt Engineer (AI & ML) | Critical & Strategic Minerals (CSM) ; EV Battery Metals; Rare Earth Elements (REE) | Mining Value Chain |
These days everyone is talking about Drones. Drones have become the favourite toy in the mining industry. Drones are basically one of the many types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of collecting high quality images and unlimited aerial data safely and quickly across any geography.
Today roughly 50-60 % of the global mining giants are using drones for varied purpose in their mining operations. Unfortunately, the smaller and mid-tier mining companies are yet to understand the value addition that drones can do to their coffers.
These days drones have become the tool of choice for forward looking mining companies’ geologists and mining engineers due to their unmatched capability to fly into inhospitable terrains and capture high quality images and unlimited data in a short time. Drones have also been instrumental in reducing health & safety risks of mining personnel and hence are more than welcome by the mining industry.
The upside of drone data generated across each of the 6 mining activities is they are digital and can be dovetailed at a pre or post process stage to create a Blockchain that holds all inputs,process and outputs across each mining value chain to reflect authencity and transparency of mining practices across the Mine to Customer .
Based on out hands-on experience please find below 6 of the many mining activities than can be replicated flawlessly by drones.
Mining Value Chain is a complex dovetailing process involving 3 E's : Exploration,Evaluation Excavation
1. Topographic Survey
Topographic survey is an important activity carried out in mines at specific intervals. Its very well known that Topographic Survey is a manpower intensive & time-consuming exercise. Topographic survey can be replicated by using drones which can complete the survey more accurately using very less manpower in a shorter time and hence at a less cost. Drone surveys are likely to be 50-70% less expensive than manual surveys. Moreover, drone surveys are more reliable with minimal deviation due to absence of human intervention.
2.Geological Mapping
Geological mapping is acritical activity undertaken physically at an unknown terrain by a geologist after reconnoitery studies and even during full-fledged mining operations to define the outcrops, contact zones, attitude and extent of mineral prospects spread over large areas. Drones can be deployed by the geologist to undertake all the above tasks in much less time and accurately. Geologists cam use the drone acquired data and images to create a high-quality geological map. Drone mapping also mitigates health & safety risks of geologists and surveyors encountered in an unknown terrain.
3.Dump yard & Stockpile Management
One of the biggest challenges in mining operations is the dumpyard & stockpile management as they are dynamic in nature due to their continued change in height and area till the life of mine. Generally, dumpyard & stockpile are physically surveyed at regular intervals but it is a daunting task as it requires manpower and is time consuming. Drones can be deployed to carry out the dumpyard and stockyard survey and the data so generated can be used to prepare aerial terrain models which can be used to monitor the dumpyard safety as well as stockpile volumes..
4.Haulage Road Optimisation
The haul roads are the lifeline of any mining operations. To achieve safe and unhindered haulage of ROM from pit to crusher the haul roads must be constantly monitored. Drones can be deployed to monitor the haul road network and their conditions and the aerial data so generated during the fly by can be used by the mining and maintenance engineers for planning, designing, construction and maintenance activities.
5.Tailings Dam Monitoring
Drones are rapidly being deployed by mining companies for aerial survey of the tailings dam area with a view to look out for dam breaches to ensure safety of people, dam and adjacent areas and inhabitation. Drones work 24x7 and reduce the need for cumbersome and frequent physical surveys. Dones provide a Realtime data and image of the tailings dam to the mining operations team and enables them to take immediate measures in the event of any breach.
National-Sr. Sales|Tech.Support Manager- Maptek Terrestrial 3D Laser Scanner
4 年Not denying on multiple applications and variety of task captured with drone. Concern is the volumetric measurements. As per my experience, no big coal mine is accepting drone results. We do have drone of Sensefly which is world best drone company. Also payload is a big issue due to DGCA guidlines and import rules...
GIS l Geospatial technology l photogrammetry l smart city l agriculture l watershed l web development l project management l drone & lidar l survey l environmental study l geology l GEE l python
4 年UAV is quick and excellent technology in mining sector for tracking mining operations, planning, management, safety & security. Even though it is available at any time using with different payloads. We can also use drone in mechanical assistant for fetching things one pat to other part of the mine which save our time and energy. This is one of the best alternative of satellite image on mining.
National-Sr. Sales|Tech.Support Manager- Maptek Terrestrial 3D Laser Scanner
4 年Thanks for sharing view on drones. For mining application, accuracy is the main concern and considering that people are using Total station and DGPS.. Now it's time for 3D Laser Scanner where accuracy is better than any other technology provides. We did some case study with drone , TS and Scanner but still drone output has lot of questions in terms of Volume accuracy...
Industry sector solutions & services Experience Domain Metals Minerals , Mining
4 年I did a case study in Copper Mine, as part of a Drone company bought - On Daily basis - your listed points being monitored in number of Mining companies. Additional points - PPK (Post processing kinematics) have extended accuracy without need of GCP s. Orthomosaic, DSM , 3D point clouds have reasonable level of data granularity. I am further seeing appetite for Many Mining companies to start discussion on Remote Monitoring for fragmetation analysis, slope stabilization and additional use cases