Automation! Fun!
Brian Loevner
An Innovative Community Leader Driving Culture Change and Maximizing Social Impact Through Leadership Development, Change Management, Research, Collaborative Problem-Solving, and Ongoing Support.
Start by thinking about what you are good at. Consider the areas of your life that you feel confident...that you know you have this part of your life mastered when it comes to the product you create. When you cook, do you make yourself happy more often than not? When you do laundry, is it always tight and tidy, just the way you like it? How about sending flowers to friends? Or remembering birthdays. Or calling your mom. Start with the tasks you already do well...and AUTOMATE them. Put a process around these, and shed some time and effort. Already good at making dinner? Build a process around it that saves you time, money and/or effort. If you have confidence that you know what you like and how to make that happen, you can find ways. Pre-prep, boxed meals, freezer meals, buying in bulk, pick your idea.
Already good at doing the laundry? Find a laundromat that does it just the way you like it, and outsource it. How much is your hourly at work? How many hours do you spend doing laundry? Is it worth $1.25 a pound?
You get the idea. Build a system and process around what you already have confidence in. Make the good, better. And the better, best. Then worry about fixing what you’re bad at. You’ll have more time to spend figuring out how.