Automation Deployment With Groovy Script
Bobby Singh
?? Immediate Joiner | DevOps & Cloud Engineer | 3x RedHat | 3x Microsoft | Aviatrix Certified Engineer | Multi-Hybrid Cloud | Solution Architecture | Kubernetes | Jenkins | CI/CD Expert
Perform third task with the help of Jenkins coding file ( called as jenkinsfile approach ) and perform the with following phases:
1. Create container image that’s has Jenkins installed using dockerfile Or You can use the Jenkins Server on RHEL 8/7
2. When we launch this image, it should automatically starts Jenkins service in the container.
3. Create a job chain of job1, job2, job3 using build pipeline plugin in Jenkins
4. Job2 ( Seed Job ) : Pull the Github repo automatically when some developers push repo to Github.
5. Further on jobs should be pipeline using written code using Groovy language by the developer
6. Job1 :
1. By looking at the code or program file, Jenkins should automatically start the respective language interpreter installed image container to deploy code on top of Kubernetes ( eg. If code is of PHP, then Jenkins should start the container that has PHP already installed )
2. Expose your pod so that testing team could perform the testing on the pod
3. Make the data to remain persistent using PVC ( If server collects some data like logs, other user information )
7. Job3 : Test your app if it is working or not.
8. : if app is not working , then send email to developer with error messages and redeploy the application after code is being edited by the developer
- Docker installed
- K8s setup in your system
- kubectl configured.
Step-1)Make a jenkins Container
- Here i am using Dockerfile for jenkins conatiner.
- Code
FROM centos RUN yum install wget -y RUN wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo RUN rpm --import RUN yum install java-11-openjdk.x86_64 -y RUN yum install jenkins -y RUN yum install -y openssh-server RUN yum install net-tools -y RUN yum install git -y RUN yum install httpd -y RUN yum install which -y RUN yum install python36 -y RUN curl -LO`curl -s`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl RUN chmod +x ./kubectl RUN mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl RUN mkdir .kube COPY ca.crt /root/ COPY client.crt /root/ COPY client.key /root/ COPY config /root/.kube/ RUN echo "jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers RUN echo "java -jar /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins.war &" >> /root/.bashrc
RUN bash
- Now build this Dockerfile:
docker build -t bobby8249/kube_clu .
- Now start your jenkins conatiner.
docker run -it -p 8085:8080 --name jenkube bobby8249/kube_clu
Step-2)Setup the Jenkins.
- After this , type your IP:8085 in your browser:
- Copy the password from the terminal and paste, for unlock jenkins.
- Otherwise run the below command inside the containner
cat /root/.jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
- Install suggested plugins it will install all basic use plugins for you . If you not need to install all plugins then close it .
- Click on Start using Jenkins.
- jenkins Home Page.
- Now we need to install plugins in jenkins.
- Goto Manage Jenkins > Plugins Manage > Available, install the plugins, => Github , Job DSL, Build Pipeline.
- Click on Download now nd install after restart.
Step-3)Make Seed job. (task6_job2)
- Goto jenkins homepage > Click on New Items > Name it(task6_job2)>Select free style job.
- Configure with following image:
- Save it , Build it.
Console Output Of job2:
- Code for job1:
job("task6_job1"){ description("this job will copy the file in you os version and push image to docker hub 2.this will create deployment for website and expose deployment") scm { github('Bobby8249/devops_task6' , 'master') } triggers { scm("* * * * *") } steps { shell('''sudo cp * / sudo docker build -t bobby8249/http:latest . sudo docker push bobby8249/http if sudo kubectl get deployment | grep myweb then echo " updating" else sudo kubectl create deployment myweb --image=bobby8249/http sudo kubectl autoscale deployment myweb --min=10 --max=15 --cpu-percent=80 fi if sudo kubectl get deployment -o wide | grep latest then sudo kubectl set image deployment myweb http=bobby8249/http else sudo kubectl set image deployment myweb http=bobby8249/http:latest fi if sudo kubectl get service | grep myweb then echo "service exist" else sudo kubectl expose deployment myweb --port=80 --type=NodePort fi ''') } }
Now, when the job1 is build it will go to the github where the Developer have uploaded the HTML file and Dockerfile copy both the files the linux system. And build a docker image using the Dockerfile and push(upload) the docker inage in the developer's docker repository in .
now in job2 kubernetes will fetch this image from the dockerhub and use it to create pods and launch the website created by the developer in it and expose it so the it is accessible from anywhere.
code of job3:
job("task6_job3") { description ("It will test if pod is running else send a mail") triggers { upstream('task6_job1', 'SUCCESS') } steps { shell('''if sudo kubectl get deployment | grep myweb then echo "send to production" else echo "sending back to developer" exit 1 fi''') } publishers { extendedEmail { contentType('text/html') triggers { success{ attachBuildLog(true) subject('Build successfull') content('The build was successful and deployment was done.') recipientList('[email protected]') } failure{ attachBuildLog(true) subject('Failed build') content('The build was failed') recipientList('[email protected]') } } } }
Code for build pipeline
buildPipelineView('jobs-view') { filterBuildQueue(true) filterExecutors(false) title('j-jobs-view') displayedBuilds(1) selectedJob('task6_job1') alwaysAllowManualTrigger(false) showPipelineParameters(true) refreshFrequency(1)
job("task6_job1"){ description("this job will copy the file in you os version and push image to docker hub 2.this will create deployment for website and expose deployment") scm { github('Bobby8249/devops_task6' , 'master') } triggers { scm("* * * * *") } steps { shell('''sudo cp * / sudo docker build -t bobby8249/http:latest . sudo docker push bobby8249/http if sudo kubectl get deployment | grep myweb then echo " updating" else sudo kubectl create deployment myweb --image=bobby8249/http sudo kubectl autoscale deployment myweb --min=10 --max=15 --cpu-percent=80 fi if sudo kubectl get deployment -o wide | grep latest then sudo kubectl set image deployment myweb http=bobby8249/http else sudo kubectl set image deployment myweb http=bobby8249/http:latest fi if sudo kubectl get service | grep myweb then echo "service exist" else sudo kubectl expose deployment myweb --port=80 --type=NodePort fi ''') } } job("task6_job3") { description ("It will test if pod is running else send a mail") triggers { upstream('task6_job1', 'SUCCESS') } steps { shell('''if sudo kubectl get deployment | grep myweb then echo "send to production" else echo "sending back to developer" exit 1 fi''') } publishers { extendedEmail { contentType('text/html') triggers { success{ attachBuildLog(true) subject('Build successfull') content('The build was successful and deployment was done.') recipientList('[email protected]') } failure{ attachBuildLog(true) subject('Failed build') content('The build was failed') recipientList('[email protected]') } } } } } buildPipelineView('jobs-view') { filterBuildQueue(true) filterExecutors(false) title('j-jobs-view') displayedBuilds(1) selectedJob('task6_job1') alwaysAllowManualTrigger(false) showPipelineParameters(true) refreshFrequency(1)
Output of Job1:
Console Output of job1:
- Here our job configured, it build without any issue.
Output of Job3:
Console Output of job3:
Here our job configured, it build without any issue and also with the message is “send to production” . Also send email to developer
Output of Build Pipeline View.
This build pipeline also created by seed job with DSl groovy code
Now if you check the pods created by the kubernetes
the pods are launched successfully in the kubernetes and the service is exposed with a random port
kubectl get all
Output of Website.
- Here our basic website comes which is written in HTML.
Thank you !
Author :Bobby Singh
GitHub Link:
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