Automating Web Performance - Google Page Speed Insights API
Syed Rehan Ahmed
Manager SQA | Test Automation | Test Architect | OTT | Fintech | Ride Hailing | MS Project Management | ISTQB-CTFL? Certified
Website Performance
One of the key factor for web performance is the how long it take to load page, reder resources, how long an image on the webpage is taking time to load, and theres one tool which help assist these and many other performance points, which is Lighthouse. Google also provide a medium to run this Lighthouse performance through Google PageSpeed insight, to use this tool you just need to go to the URL,
And enter the website you need to check the results of, after running through the analysis and gathering information you need to make sure if there is any impact of the new development on the page speed of the web app, if so need to report and get it fixed before deployment or in case of production after deployment.There are some metrics which help us understand the overall performance of the application, FCP, LCP, etc.
Assessing the quality of experiences, PSI classifies the quality of user experiences into three buckets: Good, Needs Improvement, or Poor. PSI sets the following thresholds in alignment with the?Web Vitals?initiative:
Understanding PageSpeed Insight API
The same that we get from the page speed website can be achieved with PageSpeed Insight API as well, Google provides direct access to the page speed insight database and we can get the same results in the page speed insight’s API response as well, it will be more efficient and fast. There are different options that can be used to exactly get the required response from this API by adding the appropriate/required parameters. The basic API which Google provides is as follows,
Automating the website performance with PageSpeed Insight API using Data-Driven Approach
Getting the leverage of this PageSpeed API we can create an automation script that can run and fetch the desired results, lets deep dive into a simple Python script with data-driven approach, so it could be use for number of webpages, as with some product there could be hundreds of landing pages to access the website, or to cater specific region or strategic partner, there this data-driven approach helps alot. Also there could be a case where we need to test the web performance in different languages, there this data driven approach could be a very useful.
So I have developed a script that takes the URL one by one, from a data warehouse/data source and run the page speed diagnostics on them and save the key matrices along with performance indicators in a result file. So, save a lot of time to individually go to separate pages and verify everything manually,
Python Script Components
import requests
import datetime
# Open the file containing the list of URLs to query against the PageSpeed API
with open('input-urls.txt') as input_urls_file:
output_csv = 'pagespeed-results.csv'
# Open the CSV file to write the PageSpeed results
with open(output_csv, 'w') as results_file:
# Read each line from the input URLs file and strip any extra spaces or newline characters
urls_list = [line.strip() for line in input_urls_file]
# Get the current date and time, which will be included in the results
current_timestamp =
# Write the header row to the CSV file
csv_header = (
'URL, First Contentful Paint, First Interactive, Total Blocking Time, Speed Index, '
'Largest Contentful Paint, Cumulative Layout Shift, Performance, Accessibility, '
'Best Practices, SEO, Date\n'
# Iterate over each URL in the list
for url in urls_list:
# Construct the PageSpeed API URL with the necessary parameters
pagespeed_api_url = (
print(f'Requesting {pagespeed_api_url}...') # Log the API request URL
response = requests.get(pagespeed_api_url) # Send the GET request to the API
api_response_json = response.json() # Parse the JSON response from the API
# Extract the results from the response
lighthouse_metrics = api_response_json['lighthouseResult']
# Extract the base URL from the full URL (excluding any query parameters)
base_url = api_response_json['id'].split('?')[0]
# Retrieve the relevant metrics from the JSON response
metrics = {
"First Contentful Paint": lighthouse_metrics['audits']['first-contentful-paint']['displayValue'],
"First Interactive": lighthouse_metrics['audits']['interactive']['displayValue'],
"Total Blocking Time": lighthouse_metrics['audits']['total-blocking-time']['displayValue'],
"Speed Index": lighthouse_metrics['audits']['speed-index']['displayValue'],
"Largest Contentful Paint": lighthouse_metrics['audits']['largest-contentful-paint']['displayValue'],
"Cumulative Layout Shift": lighthouse_metrics['audits']['cumulative-layout-shift']['displayValue'],
"Performance": lighthouse_metrics['categories']['performance']['score'] * 100,
"Accessibility": lighthouse_metrics['categories']['accessibility']['score'] * 100,
"Best Practices": lighthouse_metrics['categories']['best-practices']['score'] * 100,
"SEO": lighthouse_metrics['categories']['seo']['score'] * 100,
# Construct a CSV row from the extracted metrics
csv_row = (
f'{base_url},{metrics["First Contentful Paint"]},{metrics["First Interactive"]},'
f'{metrics["Total Blocking Time"]},{metrics["Speed Index"]},{metrics["Largest Contentful Paint"]},'
f'{metrics["Cumulative Layout Shift"]},{metrics["Performance"]},{metrics["Accessibility"]},'
f'{metrics["Best Practices"]},{metrics["SEO"]},{current_timestamp}\n'
results_file.write(csv_row) # Write the row to the CSV file
# Log the metrics to the console
for key, value in metrics.items():
print(f'{key}: {value}')
print(f'Date: {current_timestamp}\n')
except KeyError as e:
# Handle missing keys in the JSON response
print(f'<KeyError> Missing key in response for {url}: {e}')
results_file.write(f'<KeyError> Missing key in response ~ {url}.\n')
except Exception as e:
# Handle any other unexpected errors
print(f'<Error> An unexpected error occurred for {url}: {e}')
results_file.write(f'<Error> Unexpected error ~ {url}.\n')
You need to have Python to be installed in your system to execute this script, as this script is written in Python, along with the required packages, you can download Python from here
pip install requests
You need to prepare your URLs file and copy paste the above script in python file, can name it as
How to use it?
$cd C:\Users\<username>\Documents\page_speed_optimization\pagespeed\script
We usually need to verify the effect of the current changes on different environments, so the script is parameterised based on the environment, and it is mandatory to have the environment mentioned to run the script on that specific environment only, for that few changes in the code would be required, and so the structure of the command to run will start taking environment as input, changes in the code could be like this, you need to import argparse along with other dependencies and need to parameters it based on environment provided,
import requests
import datetime
import argparse
def run_pagespeed_analysis(environment):
# Determine the input file based on the environment parameter
if environment == 'staging':
input_file = 'staging-urls.txt'
elif environment == 'production':
input_file = 'production-urls.txt'
raise ValueError("Invalid environment specified. Use 'staging' or 'production'.")
# Open the file containing the list of URLs to query against the PageSpeed API
with open(input_file) as input_urls_file:
output_csv = f'pagespeed-results-{environment}.csv'
Other part of the script would remain the same, the command to run it based on environment could be like this,
#Staging/test environment
python3 staging
#Production environment
python3 production
Command line utility makes it more convenient to integrate with CI, CD, cronjob, etc.
The script will create a CSV file named pagespeed-results.csv in the same directory. This file will contain the PageSpeed analysis results for each URL you provided.
You can define an email group which after completion of the script send the detailed report to that group and if needed any action based on that execution of script can be done promptly.
P.S. Love to learn from others if this helped them or how we can further improve it :)
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