Automating Tasks with CronJobs: A Beginner’s Guide to Scheduling in Linux
In Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, it’s common to have tasks that need to be run automatically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. For example, you might want to run a backup of your files every night at midnight or generate a report every Monday morning. In this article, we’ll introduce CronJobs and explain how to use them to schedule tasks in Linux.
30 15 * * * my-command
This tells the system to run the?my-command?command at 30 minutes past the hour (30) when the hour is 3 PM (15), every day of the month (*), every month (*), and every day of the week (*).
In this article, we’ve introduced the basics of CronJobs in Linux and explained how to use them to schedule tasks. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to automate repetitive tasks and save time.