Automating Mobile Apps with Appium and Robot Framework
Evangelist Apps
Experts in mobile app Development & Design for all iOS (iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches & Apple TV) and Android platforms
Mobile app automation is crucial for ensuring quality and efficiency in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. Appium and Robot Framework are powerful tools that can streamline the testing process for native, hybrid, and mobile web applications across iOS and Android platforms. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to set up and leverage these tools for effective mobile app automation.
Setting up Appium:
Appium is an open-source test automation framework that allows you to write tests for various mobile platforms using popular programming languages like Java, Python, and more. Before you can start using Appium, there are a few prerequisites you need to fulfil:
Setting up Robot Framework:
Robot Framework is a Python-based keyword-driven testing framework that supports multiple operating systems and languages. Here are the steps to set up Robot Framework:
With Appium and Robot Framework set up, you can start writing automated tests for your mobile applications. Appium provides a WebDriver-compatible API that allows you to interact with mobile app elements, while Robot Framework offers a simple yet powerful syntax for creating test cases and test suites.
Here’s an example of a Robot Framework test case using the Appium library for an iOS app:
*** Settings *** Library AppiumLibrary
*** Test Cases *** Open iOS App and Verify Title ?Open Application https://localhost:4723/wd/hub platformName=iOS deviceName=iPhone 11 app=${IOS_APP_PATH}
${appTitle} Get App Title ?Should Be Equal ${appTitle} My iOS App
Enter Text and Submit Form ?Input Text id=txtUsername [email protected] ?Input Text id=txtPassword mypassword ?Click Element id=btnSubmit
Verify Success Message ?${successMsg} Get Text id=lblSuccess ?Should Contain ${successMsg} Form submitted successfully
Close Application ?Close Application
In this example, we’re automating an iOS app by opening the app, verifying the title, entering text into input fields, clicking a submit button, validating the success message, and finally closing the app.
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