Automatic Torch height control
This option is very useful while Sheet Is not Completely A Straight Surface, Quality of Cut is Depend of Many parameter and One Important Parameter is Distance between Tip of Torch and Surface OF the sheet(Arc Length) so We try to Keep this Distance all The time while Cutting On a Fix Value
As Much as The distance between torch and sheet is Higher( The Gap is Higher )and Arc length is Higher and because of Air resistance The Voltage of Arc will Be also higher
How Height control Work?
To keep The distance of Torch with Surface All the time in a Constant Value we Can measure The ARC Voltage between Torch tip and Sheet Surface(by Voltage Divider) we Name it Feedback Voltage and compare it with a set point Value and Then Move The Plasma head Up and Down by a Proportional Controller(Regulator) Like below Picture in a Way that All The time Distance will be fix .
Feedback Voltage : Feedback Voltage is Voltage of Arc Between torch Tip and sheet Surface that we measure trough an analog Input Passed a Voltage Devider.
Voltage Divider: As Voltage of Arc is a High value most of time while Cutting is more than 100 Volt and at The beginning of Arc sometime is thousands of Volt So We need to Decrease This Voltage to a Value between 0-5 Volt to be able to connect to Analog Input Of Controller so we will Need an External Device To decrease This Voltage
Set Point Value: to adjust The Voltage on A fix Value we will need also a Potentiometer To connect To one analog input of Controller As Set value of Height Adjustment
Regulator : is a PLC program that compare Set-point and Feedback and Modify Position of Plasma head with definite Speed and Acceleration and Other Parameters in a way To Keep a Constant Distance between Torch tip and surface while ARC is ON and system Cut along the profile .