Is automated testing for smaller SAP test teams realistic?
Rick Porter
SAP IT automation software specialist; Helping SAP teams serve business better through automation
S/4 HANA comes with the promise of increased agility; an expectation of a faster change cycle. SAP test automation becomes a consideration.
However, implementing SAP test automation usually means costly enterprise-size solutions, a lengthy project, and expensive skilled resources.
Acceptable for organisations that can manage the distraction and have the budget, but what about those who can't or don't?
Is SAP test automation even a practical consideration for medium-sized IT teams?
Barriers to SAP test automation
SAP test automation products such as SAP's solution, Worksoft, and MicroFocus UFT (HP) have been available for decades.
Today, even more options are available, including SAP TTA, SAP ECT, Tosca, Testimony, and others.
Yet most SAP IT teams still use spreadsheets; a December 2021 SAPInsider S/4 HANA report stated that 58% of SAP IT teams still use spreadsheets for test management.
Why is this?
Headspace and time
SAP IT teams are busy.
There is an endless pipeline of business projects, and these are increasing. Updates, upgrades, and infrastructure changes are constant. There are S/4 HANA evaluations to deal with and the 'great resignation' to manage.
Identifying, evaluating, trialling, and rolling out a new SAP IT automation tool takes time.
Windows of opportunity are narrow.
Medium-sized teams have little space to evaluate and try something new. Windows of opportunity are pretty short.
As much as a smaller or medium-sized IT team might like to initiate SAP test automation; the barriers are often too high to surmount. It remains outstanding.
What is needed is an accelerated evaluation, trial and implementation process so teams can achieve a positive outcome within the window of time available.
A different approach
One of the underlying principles of the Software we offer at Leg Up Software is that it must be simple to implement, easy to use, and fast to get up and run.
Qualibrate (acquired by Copado) , a SaaS cloud-based SAP test automation software, fits this exceptionally well. It is simple to use, lightning-fast to implement, and automated testing can be underway in less than a week.
Qualibrate can be running in less time than the number of workshops required to scope out a trial of one of the more significant enterprise-sized alternatives.
Access to a quickly implemented SAP test automation solution allows the medium-sized SAP IT team, or the impatient larger team, to evaluate a solution within the window of opportunity available.
The team can quickly ascertain its value and gain a rapid return on invested time and resources
Something, they say, is better than nothing. An implemented solution that meets the specific need of some of the team is usually better than the hope of a solution that meets the needs of everyone. Sometimes, reducing the scope and looking at alternative solutions results in a way forward.
About Leg Up Software
Our objective at Leg Up Software is to identify and make automation software available to regional APAC SAP IT teams that can make a real difference.?
The right software combination automates and simplifies repetitive system management tasks. It eliminates human error and oversight, helping IT teams better meet business expectations. Complex tasks are completed faster with greater consistency; the Software does the work.
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