Automated Reasoning, The New Deep Learning, Could the two work together?

Automated Reasoning, The New Deep Learning, Could the two work together?

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Automated reasoning research contributes to the creation of computer programmes that allow computers to reason totally autonomously. It is related to AI, but also to theoretical computer science and philosophy. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are the foundations of the next computer revolution. These technologies rely on the capacity to discern patterns and forecast future events based on data gathered in the past. This explains why big companies make ideas when you purchase online or how you like 80s movies. Although computers that use AI concepts are sometimes referred to be "smart," the majority of these systems do not learn on their own; human programming is required. Data scientists prepare the inputs, choosing which variables to employ for predictive analytics.?

Deep learning with the incorporation of automated reasoning, on the other hand, is capable of performing human-intensive tasks without actually involving a human.?

In this blog, we will be studying what automated reasoning is, what is deep learning and how both can work together.?

What is Automated Reasoning

Automated reasoning is a broad technique that provides an orderly framework for machine learning and deep learning algorithms to conceive, approach, and solve issues. While automated reasoning is more of a theoretical topic of study than a specific technique, it supports numerous machine learning approaches such as logic programming, fuzzy logic, Bayesian inference, and maximum entropy reasoning. The ultimate objective is to develop deep learning systems that can simulate human deduction without the need for human intervention.

Automated reasoning is founded on logic, a field of mathematics that dates back to Aristotle's efforts to comprehend and formalise human thinking. Automated logical reasoning is the oldest and most intensely researched discipline in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI); it is also studied in Knowledge Representation (KR), Deep Learning (DL), and Natural Language Processing (NLP), among other fields.?

There are no hard and fast boundaries between these professions. NLP employs KR and DL methods. KR employs automated reasoning. Deep learning algorithms are components of automated reasoning systems and vice versa. The convergence of all of these more powerful strategies is natural and is now taking place. Several recent advancements in comprehension have significantly boosted the capability of automated reasoning.

What is the New Deep Learning

Deep learning may be thought of as a branch of machine learning. It is a field that is built on self-learning and improvement through the examination of computer algorithms. Deep learning, as opposed to machine learning, works with artificial neural networks, which are supposed to mimic how people think and learn. Until recently, neural networks were restricted in complexity due to computer power constraints. Advances in Big Data analytics, on the other hand, have enabled larger, more powerful neural networks, allowing computers to monitor, understand, and react to complicated situations more quickly than people. Image categorization, language translation, and speech recognition have all benefited from deep learning. It can tackle any pattern recognition issue without the need for human interaction.

Deep learning is powered by artificial neural networks with several layers. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are networks in which each layer can execute complicated operations like representation and abstraction to make sense of pictures, music, and text. Deep learning, the fastest-growing discipline in machine learning, is a really disruptive digital technology that is being employed by an increasing number of firms to establish new business models.

Automated Reasoning and Deep Learning

Originally, computers were employed to assist scientists with complicated and often time-consuming numerical calculations. The computers' power was subsequently expanded beyond the numeric to the symbolic realm, where infinite-precision computations done by computer algebra programmes have become commonplace. The purpose of automated reasoning has been to expand the machine's reach into the area of deduction, where it may be utilized as a reasoning assistant to support its users in establishing truth via proof.

Deep Learning considers automated reasoning to be a subfield. However, both methods and implementations are unique enough to be regarded as distinct things. Deep learning, for example, typically incorporates modal logic, a sort of reasoning that blends classical logic with the statement of modality (possibilities or impossibilities). In contrast to how automated reasoning works, the phrase Deep Learning may also refer to a computer that operates like a human brain.

The most popular use of automated reasoning is deductive reasoning, which is used to locate, check, and verify mathematical proofs using a deep learning system. Checking proofs with an automated reasoning system assures that the user's computations are error-free.?

Furthermore, automated reasoning has applications in many domains, including mathematics, engineering, computer science, and non-mathematical applications such as resolving philosophical problems. However, many of these additional subjects must be expressed in a language that the software understands.

Automated reasoning is a developing discipline that fosters a healthy balance of basic study and application. A variety of theorem-proving methods, including resolution, sequent calculi, natural deduction, matrix connection methods, term rewriting, mathematical induction, and others, are used in automated deduction. A rising number of issues in formal logic, mathematics and computer science, logic programming, software and hardware verification, circuit design, precise philosophy, and other fields are being solved using Deep learning and automated reasoning algorithms. A significant number of theorem-proving programmes have proliferated as a result of the range of formalisms and automated deduction methods.


Most experts believe that much more work has to be done to advance the subject of automated reasoning. Future initiatives will most likely involve ways to improve the efficiency of a variety of consumer items by including tiny chips with automated reasoning capabilities. Larger applications by using models based on deep learning and automated reasoning can give significant improvements in approach for public administration and other high-level management domains.

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