Automated Machining and the three C's; CAD, CAM & CNC - A brief overview.
Sometimes these initials are used interchangeably and though that is usually sufficient to convey an idea, there are major differences between these common terms. This is a cursory overview of those differences.
CNC is short for Computer Numerical Control and is essentially the language that a computer software uses to communicate specific instructions to a machine. From coffee machines to printers, from routers to lasers, CNC is computer code that drives automation.
CAM is short for Computer Assisted Machining and is the abbreviation used to describe the process or act of; automated machining. Any machine that utilizes CNC codes is a Computer Assisted Machine.
CAD are the initials used to indicate Computer Assisted Drawing or Computer Assisted Design. In order for a Computer Numerical Code to contain the information it needs to instruct a Computer Assisted Machine, a digital / computer generated representation of those instructions are usually required. A vector image or component map is used to generate the code needed for automated machining.