Automate Your CI/CD Pipeline with GitLab Runner(SSH) on Ubuntu

Automate Your CI/CD Pipeline with GitLab Runner(SSH) on Ubuntu


GitLab Runner is an open-source tool that allows you to run your GitLab CI/CD jobs. It can be configured to run on various platforms, such as Linux, macOS, and Windows, and it supports different executors like Docker, Kubernetes, and Shell.

To register a GitLab Runner, you can use the GitLab-runner register command, which will prompt you for the necessary information, such as the GitLab instance URL, a registration token, and a description. You can also specify these values as command-line arguments or environment variables.

Once registered, you can manage your GitLab Runners using various commands, such as GitLab-runner list to list all registered runners, Gitlab-runner unregisters to unregister a specific runner, and Gitlab-runner reset-token to reset a runner's token.

To run a job using GitLab Runner, you can use the GitLab-Runner run command, which will start the GitLab Runner service and execute all registered runners. Alternatively, you can use the GitLab-runner run-single command to run a single job using a specific runner.

GitLab Runner also supports debug mode, which can be useful when troubleshooting issues. To run a command in debug mode, you can use the --debug flag.

Finally, GitLab Runner can be configured to use different executors, such as Docker or Shell, and you can specify the Docker image to use for the Docker executor. Here is an example of running a job using the Docker executor with the GitLab-runner run-single command

Image reference from Google


1. Gitlab account with the project and a repository

2. An Ubuntu instance with git installed

Steps install setup:

Step 1: Update the Ubuntu

Command: apt update?        

Step 2. Install the curl?

Command: apt install curl -y        

Step 3 Install GitLab-runner using binary installation

We are installing the GitLab-runner using

Below are instructions to install Gitlab-runner

  1. Simply download one of the binaries for your system:

Command: sudo curl -L --output /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner "”        

  1. Permission to execute:

Command: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gitlab-runner        

  1. Create a GitLab CI user:

Command: sudo useradd --comment 'GitLab Runner' --create-home gitlab-runner --shell /bin/bash        

  1. Install and run as a service:

Command: sudo gitlab-runner install --user=gitlab-runner --working-directory=/home/gitlab-runner        
Command:sudo gitlab-runner start        

Step 4. Copying ssh keys ?

  1. Generate ssh-keys using root and copy the key to the GitLab account

Step 5. Clone the code in the GitLab project locally using SSH

We need to clone the repository using SSH

Example: git clone [email protected]:abc/ssh-test.git        

Note: we are cloning the repo using SSH, not https

Step 6. We need to configure the GitLab-runner

Navigate to? Repo>Project>Settings>CI/CD>Runner

We are choosing the operating system Linux we need to specify the tag and then create the runner

Register runner:

GitLab Runner must be installed before you can register a runner.?

Step 1 Copy and paste the following command into your command line to register the runner.

$ gitlab-runner register
--token glrt-CWQLfY4a4YeBofk-uoci        

?The runner authentication token glrt-CWQLfY4a4YeBofk-uoci? displays here for a short time only. After you register the runner, this token is stored in the config.toml and cannot be reaccessed from the UI.

Step 2: Choose an executor when prompted by the command line. Executors run builds in different environments. Which one to select??

Step 3 (optional)

Manually verify that the runner is available to pick up jobs.

$ gitlab-runner run??        

? we can use other options like start, stop, restart, status?

After creating the runner we can verify the runner status is online?

Note: We are using ssh instead of https so we need to configure env variables in the /home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner/config.toml

Env variables:?

Note: delete the .bash_logut file in /home/gitlab-runner

concurrent = 1

check_interval = 0

connection_max_age = "15m0s"

shutdown_timeout = 0


session_timeout = 1800


name = "ssh"

url = ""

id = 33217256

token = "glrt-QpdzCxasfbyxpq3Vnsc2"

token_obtained_at = 2024-02-28T11:37:24Z

token_expires_at = 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z

executor = "ssh"

environment = ["GIT_STRATEGY=none"]

pre_build_script = '''

# Fetching using ssh (via pre_build_script in config.toml)

if [ -d "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" ]; then rm -rf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}"; fi

mkdir -p "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}"


git init

git remote add origin "ssh://git@${CI_SERVER_HOST}/${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git"

git fetch origin "${CI_COMMIT_SHA}"

git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD



MaxUploadedArchiveSize = 0


user = "root"

password = "Password@123"

host = "ip address"

port = "22"

identity_file = "/root/.ssh/id_rsa"Step 7: Then after doing the changes restart the GitLab-runner

Command: gitlab-runner restart        

After restarting make sure Gitlab-runner is active in GitLab

Step 8: Creating Gitlab pipeline Script

In the .gitlab-ci.yml file create a pipeline as follows, after committing the changes we can verify the job is successfully installed (java, maven, docker, and? docker-compose)

- Orchestrate
?stage: Orchestrate
- cd /opt
?- wget https://<ip address>/path of tar.gz
- tar -zxvf test.tar.gz --directory=/opt
?- cd /opt/scripts?
- ./
- ssh-test        

Note: we need to specify the runner name in the tags

Step 9: Result

I hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the topic at hand. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, there's always something new to learn and discover in the world. By sharing my knowledge and experience with you, I hope to have sparked your curiosity and inspired you to explore further. Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.

Written By,

DevOps Team


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