Automate Reducing Outlook Spam
If you have an entity sending you emails from the same domain or a range of domains that have a common part, you can use these methods to automatically filter them to the spam folder.
Block a single Domain
1. Right click and copy their email address.
2. Right click the email, hover over Junk, and select Junk Email Options.
3. On the Blocked Senders tab, click Add.
4. Paste the email address into the text box.
5. Delete everything before the @ symbol and delete the ">" character at the end (see the given examples).
6. Now you'll see that domain in your blocked senders list. Any further emails from someone at that specific domain will go to the Junk folder.
Block a Range of Domains
Why might you need this? I keep getting spam from these domains. They create new ones on a regular basis and there's no way to use wildcard characters in the Blocked Senders list. Notice, all of these addresses start with "@om." but they're all different.
1. On the Home tab of the ribbon, click on Rules and select Create Rule.
2. Click Advanced Options.
3. In the Rules Wizard, check the box next to "with specific words in the senders address."
4. Under Step 2, click on "specific words."
5. In the Search Text pop-up window enter the common part of the domains to filter out (in my case, it's "@om.") and click Add.
6. Verify your text appears under Search List, then click OK.
NOTE: you can add more than one term to filter out in this rule.
7. Back on the Rules Wizard, click "Next >"
8. Check the box next to "move it to the Junk Email folder".
NOTE: Where it says "Junk Email" above, it might say "Inbox" or any other folder you've assigned a rule to.
8.a. In Step 2, if the folder name does not already say "Junk Email, then click on the blue text where it reads "Junk Email" below.
8.b. In the Rules and Alerts pop-up, Select "Junk Email" and click OK.
9. Verify your Step 2 contains all of the options you've selected then click Finish.
Making Changes
1. If you need to modify your filtered text or remove the rule for some reason, then on the Home tab of the ribbon, click Rules and select Manage Rules & Alerts.
2. Click to highlight the rule you’re changing, click on Change Rule, and select Edit Rule Settings.
3. The Rules Wizard will open and you can modify rules as needed using the method above.