Automate Docker With Ansible for launching WebServer

Automate Docker With Ansible for launching WebServer

Ansible is one of the most powerful tool for configuration management. This tool is very simple to use yet powerful enough to automate complex multi-tier IT application environments.

This is a small task in which we learn to launch our own Webserver using Docker and Ansible that use the YAML file to automate the process.

Task Description:

Write an Ansible PlayBook that does the following operations in the managed nodes:

  • Configure Docker.
  • Start and enable Docker services.
  • Pull the Httpd server image from the Docker Hub.
  • Run the Httpd container and expose it to the public.
  • Copy the HTML code in /var/www/html directory and start the webserver.

Installing Ansible in Linux:

I'm using RHEL 8 here. You only need to have Python3 software installed. Ansible uses ssh to go inside the host OS so we also need one more software sshpass. Run these two commands to install Ansible...

pip3 install ansible
yum install sshpass

Configuration of Ansible:

Now we need to create one file where we give IP of our host server...

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Ansible uses this file for check hosts OS and after that Go inside the OS using username and password. This also known as Inventory File.

After that, create one config file for Ansible where we give the location of the host file which we created above. Go to /etc and create one folder named ansible. Go inside the folder and create one config file named ansible.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/ansible
cd ansible
gedit ansible.cfg
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Now for check that Ansible is working fine, Run...

ansible --version
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This is the output of the command.

For checking connectivity that all host node is properly connected, RUN

ansible all -m ping

Now let's come to the task...

We create one file named webserver.yaml which also known as Ansible PlayBook. In this, we write vars and tasks which we fill as we learn further.

- hosts: web
    #varibles go there
    #tasks go there


These are the variables which we use in our playbook.

    - image_name: httpd
    - file: home.html
    - docker_volume: /webpage/
    - docker_host_port: 8080
    - docker_container_port: 80
  • Configure Docker:

For this, we need to Configure Docker Repo First...

    - name: Add Yum Repo
        name: docker
        description: Docker Yum Repo
        gpgcheck: no

Install Docker Task...

Redhat by default don't provide Docker Software now. So we need --nobest option in command for installing Docker.

In ansible, Yum module in Ansible doesn't have this argument till yet, so I use the command module for doing the installation.

    - name: Install Docker-CE
      command: yum install -y  docker-ce --nobest

Install Docker Requirement on hosts...

We need docker-py module to run docker from ansible tool.

    - name: Install Docker Requirement On Host
      command: pip3 install docker-py
  • Start and Enable Docker service:

This task start and enable the Docker Service in hosts.

    - name: start docker services
        name: "docker"
        state: started
        enabled: yes
  • Pull the Httpd Image from Docker Hub:

This task pulls the docker image to launch the Container.

    - name: pull an image
        name: "{{ image_name }}"
        source: pull
  • Task for Copy Html code from controller node to managed Node:
    - name: Copy HTML code to Hosts
        src: "{{ file }}"
        dest: "{{ docker_volume }}"

This code copy the HTML file to the managed Node.

  • Launch the Container and exposed it to outer world:
    - name: Run docker container
        name: webserver
        image: "{{ image_name }}"
        interactive: yes
          - "{{ docker_volume }}:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs"
          - "{{ docker_host_port }}:{{ docker_container_port }}"
        command: httpd -D FOREGROUND

Final PlayBook:

When put the above code in one file...

- hosts: web
    - image_name: httpd
    - file: home.html
    - docker_volume: /webpage/
    - docker_host_port: 8080
    - docker_container_port: 80
    - name: Add Yum Repo
        name: docker
        description: Docker Yum Repo
        gpgcheck: no
    - name: Install Docker-CE
      command: yum install -y  docker-ce --nobest
    - name: start docker services
        name: "docker"
        state: started
        enabled: yes
    - name: Install Docker Requirement On Host
      command: pip3 install docker-py
    - name: pull an image
        name: "{{ image_name }}"
        source: pull
    - name: Copy HTML code to Hosts
        src: "{{ file }}"
        dest: "{{ docker_volume }}"
    - name: Run docker container
        name: webserver
        image: "{{ image_name }}"
        interactive: yes
          - "{{ docker_volume }}:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs"
          - "{{ docker_host_port }}:{{ docker_container_port }}"
        command: httpd -D FOREGROUND

Running the PlayBook:

Command for run playbook...

ansible-playbook webserver.yaml

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Testing the results:

Run IP:port( for checking that your webserver working fine or not...

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Task Completed??

GitHub Repo:

Thanks for Reading...

For any Query or Suggestions, feel free to DM me...?

Akarsh Srivastava

Senior Software Engineer @Axtria

4 年


Anubhav S.

Graduate intern @ Dell | Mtech(CS) @ IIITL

4 年

Great work????


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