No, AutoHotkey isn't buggy!
AutoHotkey Newsletter for February 23rd, 2023
Howdy %Name%,
During World War 1 Henry Ford sued a Chicago newspaper for libeling him when they called him “an ignorant pacifist”?At the trial, the defense lawyers grilled Ford with a line of questions to prove to the jury that he was, as they said, ignorant.
Henry Ford’s response is timeless!
“If I should really want to answer the foolish question you have just asked, or any of the other questions you have been asking me, let me remind you that I have a row of electric push-buttons on my desk, and by pushing the right button, I can summon to my aid men who can answer any question I desire to ask concerning the business to which I am devoting most of my efforts. Now, will you kindly tell me, why I should clutter up my mind with general knowledge, for the purpose of being able to answer questions, when I have men around me who can supply any knowledge I require?”
One can argue that, with AI tools like Chat GPT-3, we ALL have this magical row of buttons at our disposal.?Some items are “foundational” and we need to learn them ahead of time (like AutoHotkey), while other things we can wait to learn them but are best served knowing how to solve them when the need arises.??One great way to know how to solve a problem is to have a group of AutoHotkey heroes that can help you.
BTW- at the time of the lawsuit Henry Ford was on his way to being one of the richest men in the world.?It’s quite amazing that now
We all have a row of buttons where we can summon experts?
Now on with the show…
??Hero Webinar March 4th: 17 ways to Automate with AutoHotkey
During the AutoHotkey Hero webinar we will be discussing:
We do plan on sharing the Webinar as a video at a later date however Hero Members will be able to attend live and ask questions.
If you've been envious of the 3 hours per week of Zoom calls and private Telegram group, I'm offering a special for the first three people that act now. If you click this link you'll get a large discount to the program!
A good musician doesn't blame the instrument...
AutoHotkey (especially version 1) used to take a lot of flack with people saying it is buggy, unpredictable, has memory leaks, etc.??But the truth is, 99.9% of the time, it’s our very own implementation of AutoHotkey that is the problem, not the language itself.?In this video Isaias and I discuss the topic.?While you’re on this topic, we do highly recommend you consider switching to version 2 .?It will allow you to easily do more advanced things without jumping through hoops.
Our Painlessly transition to v2 course is still ? off but that won’t last forever!?Act now before you lose-out on savings.?Since our courses offer double-your-money-back, there is nothing to lose and you’re ensuring you stay up to times with the best, free, open-source software on the market!
Create an amazingly editable Tree view with Excel
We all know Excel is an amazing tool with a ton of built-in features.??Wouldn’t it be cool to use the Excel grid in your GUI??In this video we show exactly how we did this for a client .
Sending a lot of text ?Fast?
HotStrings are great however, when you’re sending a lot of text, they can be slow and cause problems.??In this video I show how you can send a lot of text reliably with AutoHotkey.
Jealous of Isaias?
We all watch Isaias use VS code in amazement!?Here’s a secret though, you can watch this video and discover most of his extensions which is part of his magical use of VS code.?Or, if you’re too busy and have a few bucks, you can buy our tool that configures VS code with his extensions and configuration.?Currently it’s on sale for $9.99 so why not save yourself the trouble and get on with your life?
AutoHotkey is magical!
While AHK may appear magical to our colleagues and friends , I do truly believe it is magical for us.?What other free tool out there can so easily change your life???Once you get the “Automation bug” it’s?hard to stop!?The good news is, your addiction leads to very good things like: More free time, Less errors, More consistency, and less complaints about boring/redundant work.??Start learning AutoHotkey and I guarantee you your life will change for the better!
?? What we're reading
?? AI / Chat GPT-3 News / Usage
One reason why Chat GPT-3 is so amazing
By now we’ve all probably “played” with Chat GPT-3.?For most it is apparent at the beginning that AI has grown in leaps and bounds however it wasn’t till the other day why I realized why Chat GPT-3 is a “game changer”.?I discuss the idea with Isaias in this video
??Productivity tips
Use the 80/20 rule (focus on the 20% of tasks that generate 80% of results)
?? A spot of Humor – If you’ve ever worked on a team project, you’ll understand!
12 hours of AutoHotkey a month?
Want more time than the free hour? Have content that you can't have on YouTube? Consider joining the ?? ♀?AHK Hero club! Members receive big discounts to courses , consultations , tutoring , done for you project work , etc.
They also have access to exclusive & pre-released content and a 2nd "office hours" session which isn't on YouTube.
??? ?? Quotable quotes
Live AutoHotkey Support Tomorrow
Don't forget on Friday's you can get free AutoHotkey support on my YouTube channel .?Or you can sign up for reminders and join the zoom room.
Joe, Isaias and staff
P.S.?The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago; the 2nd best time is today!?Don’t let your future pass you by, consider painlessly switching to v2 and take advantage of our ? off sale plus 200% money back guarantee.
AutoHotkey Newsletter for February 16th, 2023
Howdy %Name%,
I was speaking with a good friend of mine Mike Courtney .?Mike's a “Futurist ” and technology wizard?? ♂?.??We were discussing the future of AI and how it will be affecting people’s lives and employment.??We both agree:
life is NOT a “zero sum game”
And that, for as long as mankind has have recorded time, we’ve seen technology assisting people; making people more efficient.??This often comes at the “expense” of people losing jobs but it does not have to be that way.
It’s not like “musical chairs” where there are rules to the game about limited resources.
Bring?your own chair ?? and play your own music ??!
The sooner you realize YOU are in charge of your future, the sooner you will be empowered.?Invest in yourself ; it’s the best investment you have!
Now on with the show…
Call with Mukesh Otwani / Test Automation Expert ??
This Monday, February 20th, I will be collaborating with a brilliant Test Automation expert Mukesh Otwani.??He’s asked me to join his channel to discuss how people can automate Windows programs (not just Browser automation).??So please consider joining the call here on Monday at 9:30 CDT.??If you’re interested in more advanced and sophisticated browser automation and testing, I highly recommend you subscribe to his YouTube channel .?BTW- we’re planning on having him on our channel in the not-so-distant future.
Avoid this Pesky “security feature” ??
We’ve all been there.?We download a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file and promptly open it up to do some editing however we can’t click in it and get confused.?Then we finally spot the warning and click the button to “enable editing”.????A YouTube subscriber asked if there was an easy way to take care of this and Isaias showed a simple way to avoid it altogether!??I wish I knew this 10 years ago!
?? Get Rid of Annoying MS Office Warning with This Simple Trick??
Should you convert your v1 scripts to v2?
In this video I share a great insight as to why, in most cases, it doesn’t make sense to convert your v1 scripts to v2.?Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t switch to v2.?The truth is I think most people definitely should switch which is why we created our great v1?v2 course to make the transition painless.?You can still get it for ? off however the sale will be ending soon so buy it today !
AutoHotkey v2: Is the Upgrade Worth It for Your Scripts?" ??
Quick v1 to v2 converter
Speaking of v2, have you grabbed our quick v1 to v2 converter ???It’s based off the converter Dimitri Geerts worked on .?I wanted something that was more dynamic.?Something that would allow us to select text anywhere (on the forum,, Facebook, or an editor) and convert it (without having to download a file).??Isaias through the script together and it’s really helpful to quickly convert code from v1 to v2.
??Effortlessly convert v1 code to v2 with this great AHK Script
?? What we're reading
?? AI / Chat GPT-3 News / Usage
Reverse prompt engineering ???Very interesting idea we should all steal! ??
ChatGPT: Master Reverse Prompt Engineering
Chat GPT-3 ends the Internet -?I’m a big believer that the world has changed and Google / Bing are going to need to rethink how people use computers.
Chat GPT-3 ends the Internet ?
I agree with much of what the author said but, in this video , I created one pointing out another huge reason Chat GPT-3 is so amazing.
?? Attention: Chat GPT is Changing the Game - Find Out Why?
BTW- we’re making some great headway on a tool that will help people keep their favorite prompts handy!?Hopefully in another week or two we’ll have something to share!
??Productivity tips
Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks based on urgency and importance
?? A spot of Humor : The David Brent Dance
I remember watching this around 20 years ago.?It’s priceless!
The David Brent Dance - The Office - BBC
AHK Hero?
?Did you know?, in addition to the YouTube public “free hour” we have 3 more hours every week where we help people with their automations??Members receive big discounts to courses , consultations , tutoring , done for you project work , etc.?Our members love the program.?Check out what they have to say !
??? ?? Quotable quotes
Live ?? AutoHotkey Support Tomorrow
Don't forget on Friday's you can get free AutoHotkey support on my YouTube channel .?Or you can sign up for reminders and join the zoom room.
Joe, Isaias and staff
P.S.? If you’re wanting to use VS code, you might consider checking out this video where we talk through some of Isaias’ extensions or take advantage of our ? off sale and?purchase his VS Code settings (which lets you click a few buttons and get his downloads and configuration).
AutoHotkey Newsletter for February 9th, 2023
Howdy %Name%,
Advertising agency empire-builder David Ogilvy established a tradition of welcoming new executives with a gift of five wooden dolls, each smaller than the other, one inside the other. When the recipient finally gets to the fifth little doll, the smallest doll, and opens it, he finds this message:
If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs, but if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.
You can certainly take this beyond hiring. It you surround yourself and spend time with people who are 'smaller' than you are, you will stay as you are.
This is one of the main reasons the AHK Hero group is so valuable.?We’re all “smart” in our own areas and are learning from each other.?Not a day goes by where someone doesn’t bring up something cool / interesting in our Telegram group.?You really are missing out!
Now on with the show…
How AutoHotkey V2 is Ensuring the future of AutoHotkey
We’ve done quite a few videos on the pros & cons of V2 .?The other day I had a great insight as to how v2 is really going to help AutoHotkey grow.?Check out this video and let me know if you agree
AutoHotkey's Shocking Future Get Ready for Blast Off! ?
Configuring VS Code and it’s extensions
We’ve had webinars and many videos on how to setup VS code however many people still have difficulties.?Isaias and I both agree, unless you’re a “programmer” you’re probably better off using SciTE4AutoHotkey or AHK Studio (which will be available for V2 soon).
Having said that, a lot of people do want to use VS code.?For them we’ve created a unique offer where people can “borrow” Isaias’ brilliance and have a copy of his extensions and, more importantly, configuration.??Currently the tool is on sale for $9.99.?If you’re wanting to use VS code, I think this is a no-brainer!
Uncover the Secrets of Isaias' Genius Brain ?? ?? Get his AHK VS Config
Are you switching to Version 2?
Our course for painlessly switching form v1?v2 has gotten some great praise!?It’s currently ? off but I’m not sure how long we’ll leave that discount so you should act now while you can save a bundle!?You can learn more about the course here .
Make the switch from v1 to v2 painless
V1 verse V2 syntax and UIA libary!
We asked a Hero member, Ryan Wells , to join us on a call so we could demonstrate converting a script from V1 to V2 .?It turned into a very interesting video because the UIA v2 library is quite different than the one for v1.?We finished the video however, yesterday, Isaias had a 2-hour call with Descolada discussing the V2 library.?So we got Ryan back on Zoom and dove back into some of the very cool updates in the V2 UIA library (which should now be considered out of Alpha)??This means changes going forward should only be patching things and not breaking them.?Don’t forget, if you’re using the UIA library, you might consider donating to Descolada .
?? Upgrade to UIA v2: Uncover Secret ?? for a Smoother Transition ??
Automating Outlook emails
I’ve been loving all the amazing AI tools that are coming out!?While Chat GPT-3 is amazing at content creation, currently you still need to distribute the emails yourself.?This is where being able to use a COM object with Outlook comes in really handy!?In this video I walk through some of the basics.
How to create an HTML email with Outlook and AutoHotKey
?? What we're reading
?? AI / Chat GPT-3 News / Usage
Did you catch the news showing how Chat GPT-3 and Edge were combined??Here’s a short video showing an example (which I’m not in love with).
Highlights from Bing and Microsoft Edge's February 2023 Event
An AHK Hero member posted this video to our private Telegram group.?It’s chock-full of great examples using AI.?Thanks for sharing Scott!
Want to check out a Chat GPT-3 competitor???Here’s Claude
Claud AI by Anthropic Explained ?? Claude vs ChatGPT
??Productivity tips: Triggers & Rewards
Avoid procrastination by using triggers and rewards.??Humans respond very well and are easily conditioned.
?? A spot of Humor
Are you a Marine Biologist ????This is one of the funniest bits in Seinfeld.
Seinfeld l MiniEpisode l The Marine Biologist
AHK Hero?
Want more time than the free hour? Have content that you can't have on YouTube? Consider joining the ?? ♀?AHK Hero club! Members receive big discounts to courses , consultations , tutoring , done for you project work , etc.
They also have access to exclusive & pre-released content and a 2nd "office hours" session which isn't on YouTube.
??? ?? Quotable quotes
Live AutoHotkey Support Tomorrow
Don't forget on Friday's you can get free AutoHotkey support on my YouTube channel .?Or you can sign up for reminders and join the zoom room.
Joe, Isaias and staff
P.S.? All journeys begin with the first step.?Take advantage of our ? price on v1?v2 and make that first step painless .
AutoHotkey Newsletter for February 2, 2023
Howdy %Name%,
The most wonderful person In the world will not make progress until he is dissatisfied.?It is inspirational dissatisfaction that converts the magic of desire into reality.
Every growing organism grows into maturity—levels off and dies unless there is new life-new blood-new activity-new ideas? -- Edward R. Dewey
All the world's progress in every field of activity has been the result of action by people who experienced inspirational dissatisfaction; Never by those who were satisfied.
Dissatisfaction is man's driving force!
There is no doubt It’s one of the driving forces behind Lexikos’ tireless work creating AHK V2 !?And it’s one of the reasons our “Painlessly switch from V1?V2 ” course is selling so well.?Granted, the following facts also contribute to it’s great sales:
Don’t let your future pass you by.??Get the course now , before the sale ends, or you’ll feel like Chat GPT-3 without an Internet connection!??? ♂?
Now on with the show…
Quick v1 ? V2 Code Converter
As I start to learn v2, I don’t want to be bugging Isaias every-other minute so I asked him to create this cool script which allows me to highly text and use the converter tool w/o having to send the entire file.??This also means that I can select v1 code on the AutoHotkey forum and do a quick conversion (w/o saving it first).?Going to be a must-have tool!?Check it out in this video .
??Effortlessly convert v1 code to v2 with this great AHK Script
Don’t manually list keys / mouse buttons
During an AHK Hero meeting Isaias discussed this script he had written which makes it super easy to have lists of keys from your keyboard or mouse.?You can mix-and-match and list a bunch but exclude specific ones really easily!??Check it out in this video .
??Automate ? and ?? keys with this great AutoHotkey Function??
AutoHotkey isn’t multi-threaded but…
Around 1 in 10 scripts for me I wish AutoHotkey was multithreaded.?It’s not very common, and I could switch to AutoHotkey_H which is multithreaded however if you use a Set Timer , that will “fake it” for most of the cases you run into.
How to use a SetTimer in AutoHotkey to mimic Multi-Threading
Troubleshooting Basics
Its tough having an audience that is both ends of the spectrum.??Some of our readers have been using AutoHotkey for 15+ years while others less than 15 days!??If you’re in the latter group, this video can help you get through some of the basics when you “hit a wall”.?It’s extracted from our Intro to AutoHotkey course which is currently on sale.
?? Master AutoHotkey troubleshooting basics in minutes! ??
?? What we're reading
?? AI / Chat GPT-3 News / Usage
Should you be using AI / Chat GPT-3?
The short answer is HELL YES !
Did you get our AHK scripts and the Chrome Extension to help Chat GPT-3??They’re very helpful creating and sharing your prompts .
Lookout Chat GPT-3! Claude is on the move and looks promising !
First look - RL-CAI/Madison/Claude (fine-tuned 52B) by Anthropic - Announced Dec/2022 (RLAIF v RLHF)
Quick Access Popup News – Hello QCE
Jean Lalonde has been busy creating a new tool to help edit and manipulate your clipboard.?Quick Clipboard Editor is now in beta.?I reviewed the tool with Jean last week and it’s got a lot of potential!?I’ll definitely become a regular user!?You can get a preview of QCE here .
Quick Clipboard Editor Overview - Beta release v0.3.2.1
??Productivity tips:?Two minute rule
If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately.?No ifs, ands, or buts!?Get ‘er done!
?? A spot of Humor – I’ve been there!
40 Times People Hilariously Failed to Notice That Someone Was Obviously Hitting on Them .?Thanks for sharing Steve!
Here's one to get you started
AHK Hero?
Want more time than the free hour? Have content that you can't have on YouTube? Consider joining the ?? ♀?AHK Hero club! Members receive big discounts to courses , consultations , tutoring , done for you project work , etc.
They also have access to exclusive & pre-released content and a 2nd "office hours" session which isn't on YouTube.
??? ?? Quotable quotes
Live AutoHotkey Support Tomorrow
Don't forget on Friday's you can get free AutoHotkey support on my YouTube channel .?Or you can sign up for reminders and join the zoom room.
Joe, Isaias and staff
P.S. The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago; The 2nd best time is today!
Start learning v2 now before your future passes you by!
1 年START of A NEW ERA ChatGPT The latest development and buzz around ChatGPT have caused it to go viral in the world of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) since Open AI released the text-based artificial intelligence tool in November 2022. The new read more....