An Autograph to Millennials

An Autograph to Millennials

"The worst time to be a final year student might be this year" proclaimed a student of mine yesterday during a zoom call.

The lockdown has affected all of us badly and students across the country are no exception to this inadvertent crisis. It is inevitable to stay impervious to the perils of COVID-19 for the next 1 year. Gradually the consequences have started showing up in our spirits, casting dubious shadow in-order to stay driven and these are tough times where we have started reasoning our own ability to cope up with uncertainties in life.

However it is difficult to stay motivated during tough times especially when your social life has been curbed to zero access. The balance to maintain your sanity is a definite challenge and more importantly to stay connected with your goals, an even more difficult task to adhere. Your ambitions & aspirations are incarcerated since there's limited interaction with the peer group & no institutionalised framework to keep you in the radars to sustain your enthusiasm and energy in perusing your plans.

The natural instinct to sit back and find reasons galore to hold yourself to fail is the easiest thing to do but only for the haggard minds.

This could also be an ideal phase of your life to do some retrospection in to your past actions & thought process. To take one step ahead : "Self realisation" -where you are and what you are all about?

At the age of 21, you might be wondering, what exactly does the word “Self Realisation” stand for. It sounds obfuscate, complicated & irrational bound by no quantification theory to substantiate where it comes from. Qualitative analysis of a process is a far fetched idea for any student at this stage of their lives. Right from academic grades to getting names published in a rank list, the idea of success is defined in quantified metrics. Such quantified ideas are no longer perennial beyond a point in anybody’s life. Quantifying your success and placing you in a hierarchy is more detrimental than the failure by itself. The amount of pressure it builds on you to climb up the rungs of hierarchy is least monumental in the scheme of things. 

Competition for excellence is way beyond the sheer thought of metrics, hierarchy and quantification. 

Tasks of excellenece are primarily guided by three factors - Approach - Process - Result.

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards - Steve Jobs. Remember the most challenging tasks of your life and you will realise, every result demanded a process and every process demanded a proactive approach to achieve the desired results. Your actions and decisions at every stage under such circumstances hold great value to reach the point of effectiveness and efficiency with the task.  Eventually, it was these two eclectic collection of your personality trait which played an important role in every stage of the task. How do you pivot them during a crisis when hope seems to be dwindling day by day?

Always be aware of what’s leading you to take such decisions and actions in life. People strongly believe “ it’s better to do something rather than nothing in these tough times”. But what’s the point in doing something without a sense of purpose.

Unless you are driven for excellence with a purpose, there are very minimal reasons to survive failure in any task.

The idea of boundless energy to go back and pursue something with relentless effort and passion is the right approach to a task. And you will commit to such decisions and actions, only when you’re able to connect these two ideas with your sense of purpose in life. Once you are close to decoding this formula, the idea of “Self Realisation” should indigenously occur within you for a better future. And the same need not to be quantified in metrics or defined by words. It can only be realised through the prism of purpose which is you.


Renjit Ravi Keshav的更多文章

