Autodidacticism Case study Modern Project Based Multimedia practical education system universities.

Autodidacticism Case study Modern Project Based Multimedia practical education system universities.

The detailed article has been explained in the below 1 minute video:

The video is based on a series of practical education system earlier case studies and examples by Dr. Farooq Buzdar..

Dr. Muhammad Buzdar is of the opinion that a practical education system is important because of advanement in technology, where student dont need to ask from where they can learn something. they know where they can learn online. the question they ask is "How can I learn something"

Several universities in the world no longer ask about the classroom lectures and do not test students' ability based on their memorization. Universities are giving the practical knowledge through projects. A practical example is given below.

Conventional univeristies if not changed to practical education, will be replaced by practical education system of bigger companies such as Google and Amazon courses. For case study the google for startups has been explained below.

A practical education system is vital because, in several parts of the world, the machines are replacing humans. Machines are replacing humans a live example is given below.

Dr. Farooq buzdar advocates practical education.If the conventional univerities dont change themselves the google, amazon, facebook new online univerities will replace the convetional univeristies. the google for startups is an example:

Similar to this dr farooq buzdar often bring the projects and case studies in educational domain. Recenlty dr. farooq buzdar has explained how the universities are teaching practical business to the students through practicla on field classrooms.

in this video dr faoroq buzdar has talked about practical education system that is required in india and pakistan. Higher education system of pakistan must hire the teachers based on their practical experience in industry. The modern univeristies must have libraries and lobortories where students can seek the answers of their questions through practical questions. the students are also expected to start their own projects so that they self-learning, In paralel with their studies and bechlor, master and phd degree they get the practical skills of making things.

Education system in 21st century must equip students with modern skills. There is no point of teaching theoritical education to the students in the univerities as through internet and youtube, there are alreayd lot of platforms where students get the theoritcal education. He is explained about it in his this univerity.

the univeristies of today in 21st century are expected to provide a ground to students in the field about the important aspects of life.

Dr. farooq buzdar an in aninterivew also explained about it earlier.

He said there is a big gap in academia and industry in india and pakistan. the only way to reduce the gap between academia and industry in india and pakistan is to started projects as multimedia univeristy cyberjaya does. the multimedia univeristy is a practical univeristy as it is funded by the telecom malaysia. Dr. Muhammad faoroq buzdar in this video has discussed that how multimemdia univeristy has the setup to educte the students in parlel with practicing their practical skills. the multimedia univeristy has the required loborties and equipment in the class rooms.

the practical education has become important because of two reasons. in ealrier conventional education system there were limited resources to start practical projects. the practical in exams were hardly conducted. However no due to technology and available of online data through different mediums, it has been confirme that now students can learn theory online. they can watch the practical turotorials online, so job of the univerities has changed from provide information to facilitation. the unvieristyes of today are expected to teach the students about the modern skills through practical class room equipments. the practical skill based education can be both formal and informal. thansk to youtube classes and online classes and teaching now students are not depdentend on their teachers. they can learn from the best industry through simple contacting the teacher or required univeristy online.

Dr. farooq buzdar has promoted self learning several times. Self learning is a project based learning where iwht the start of the learning students have th end of the project in mind.this self-learning method helps the students in staying comitted with the project. this method of self-learning is also important as it also help the students in getting the recongination and reward. Often the old education system delays the reward the student lose the interest in the fields. dr faoroq buzdar has explained it in his this video.

Dr. farooq buzdar is of opinion that if we want to teach the self-learning to our students, we must teach them to ask right questions. instead of asking "when i can learn something" or from which univeristy i can learn something, the student must ask "How they can learn something", this methoid of learning is called Autodidacticism (Self-learning / Self-stuyding) which also explaiend by dr farooq buzdar in Urdu Hindi

Often indian and pakistna universities are critized for being un-practical there is a big gap between academic and industry . This multimedia univeristy is made by telecom malaysia. The univeristy is funded by telecom malaysia TM. So tm has a strong infulence in it. The univeristy creative multimedia univeristy has been shown as an example in paralel with the students project work.

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