Auto Accident Injuries: Spectrum and Severity of Bodily Harm After Car Crashes

Auto Accident Injuries: Spectrum and Severity of Bodily Harm After Car Crashes

In Florida, a state where very few people subscribe to auto insurance and many people fail to obey the law, the accident rate is one of the highest in the country. This poses a heightened risk to life and safety while driving. Also, this means the rate of victims sustaining injuries is higher, too, due to carelessness occurring more frequently than it does in other states. After an auto accident, there are several injuries which occur depending on the type of crash. These can occur on a spectrum; some may be severe, while others may only keep a victim off their feet temporarily.

It's important to speak with a credible doctor to accurately determine which injury you're suffering from. Personal injury lawyers can work side by side with medical professionals during the duration of your case. Sometimes it's necessary to enact a Life Care Plan (which we will expand upon later in this article) to receive treatment specific to your case for a longer period, when the severity of injuries is permanent.

All auto accident injuries can affect a victim's quality of life, while also setting them back thousands of dollars. It's important to seek credible legal advice after an automobile accident, as a victim may be entitled to compensation that can assist with medical bills and lost wages. Remember, a credible personal injury law firm will never charge for a consultation to evaluate a possible case, or an hourly rate after agreeing to represent the client.

What type of injuries result from an auto accident?

The following injuries are a few of the most commonly occurring, however, not the only ones a victim may sustain, or a personal injury law firm may see during litigation.

Spondylolisthesis injuries usually occur in the low back (lumbar region). These could be strains, sprains, but can also be broken vertebrae (without spinal cord involvement). Normally after receiving treatment, a patient recovers from these injuries in a reasonable amount of time. These injuries usually occur when a car is hit from behind. The force of the impact can cause injuries to the lumbar region.

Cervical Radiculopathy injuries usually occur in the cervical spine (neck region). Injuries causing disk rupture or bone to degenerate are usually the culprits. However, in young people, accidents causing disks to rupture can compress nerve roots in the C-spine. These injuries often victims in extreme pain, requiring surgical intervention. These injuries can occur when a car is hit from any angle, because the force causes the head and neck to move back and forth rapidly. In severe crashes, a victim's head may make contact with the windshield or the steering wheel if airbags do not deploy.

Whiplash. Whiplash occurs when the head and neck move rapidly back-and-forth during a car accident. This is often a result of the impact when a car collides with something else on the road. As a result, the force causes the neck to sustain a back-forth-motion too quickly. Furthermore, the result is permanent injury and chronic, widespread pain.

What symptoms may occur after an auto accident resulting in injuries?

Pain in the extremities.  After sustaining an injury of the lumbar spine, there is typically intense, burning pain in the buttocks, calf, thigh (or all three). In extreme cases, the feet may become involved as well. However, if disk herniation occurs in the neck, it's most likely a victim suffers pain in the shoulders and arms. Patients say this pain feels like it's "shooting". They report it can lessen or worsen when changing positions. This sort of pain can affect activities of daily living (ADLs) and reduce or even diminish quality of life for an extensive period of time.

Numbness or a tingling sensation in the hands or feet. This is a common symptom of a herniated disk. Numbness or tingling in the extremities can be uncomfortable. The cause is usually due to impingement or inflammation of the nerves.

Muscle weakness. Nerves are what provide strength to muscles. Therefore, when they become inflamed by a herniated disk injury, the victim may suffer muscle weakness and atrophy (deterioration of muscle due to inability or lack of use). Those who become affected by muscle weakness or atrophy due to a herniated disk may be at-risk for falls, and must take care when using stairs or attempting to stand up, as well reduce the risk of further injuries by limiting other tasks such as getting in or out of the bathtub without assistance from a grab bar or shower chair.

What is loss of quality of life after an auto accident with injuries?

Loss of quality of life is not only loss of hobbies the victim enjoys and can no longer pursue. While this can certainly cause feelings of isolation and take away quality of life, a person loses much more. Loss of quality of life means becoming unable to complete activities of daily living (ADLs). Activities of daily living are simple tasks that ambulatory (able to move freely) individuals may be unaware are important; they complete them without a second thought. After an auto accident with serious injuries, victims may no longer be able to care for themselves–either temporarily or in some cases, permanently. If this is the case, quality of life may be non-existent. Auto accident victims can find themselves suffering depression, isolation, and PTSD. These symptoms fall under mental anguish.

During trial, the judge will always take all factors (mental and physical, as well as financial) into consideration as they pertain to a victim's pain and suffering. Also, the expenses a victim incurs for medical treatment will factor into the final determination of verdict or settlement. This is financial recovery. Financial recovery and can include the victim as well as their family, as financial and mental anguish may affect those who care for and live with the victim.

What is a Life Care Plan after an auto accident with permanent injuries?

Unfortunately, permanent injuries change a victim's life forever (and this can result in tragic outcomes mentally and physically). Any pain and suffering from physical changes victims must come to terms with will unduly cause undue stress and anguish. One second, a person is active and healthy, the next, they require a Life Care Plan. These changes pose both physical and mental trauma when they occur suddenly, and the result is a drastic loss of quality of life. So, what is a Life Care Plan?

A Life Care Plan is exactly what it sounds like: a plan of care for a victim after sustaining a permanent injury such as paralysis or traumatic brain injury. The plan is created in coordination with a victim's lawyer and doctors. The two parties work together as a team to create a plan of care that will account for the costs of the patient's lifetime care. On the legal side, this ensures that a personal injury client will never have to endure financial hardship while undergoing medical care for their injuries.

A Life Care Plan is unique to each personal injury client. It can include the most basic needs such as mobility aides (wheelchair, walker, arm crutches) to more involved treatments such as a home health team or modifications to a client's home. If a wheelchair ramp is necessary for lifelong, safe access after paralysis, the Life Care Plan accounts for these needs. In cases of injuries in which paralysis or TBI occurs, a Life Care Plan will be in place prior to trial. The judge will consider every aspect of the plan when determining a verdict.

The importance of legal representation after an auto accident with any type of injury

It's important to understand severe pain and suffering may result from auto accident injuries. When a person is not at-fault, it's important to seek legal advice as quickly as possible, after all medical needs are stabilized. There may be medical bills, lost wages, and family expenses to cover. Best Florida personal injury lawyers can seek compensation on a client's behalf after an auto accident with injuries.

In closing, however, there is no amount of money that fully restores lost quality of life.This is especially true when the injury is permanent such as in cases of traumatic brain injury or paralysis. After severe injury, a client undergoes extreme pain and suffering, stress, and mental anguish. However, expert lawyers do their absolute best to mitigate the suffering and litigate such cases fairly with outcome most favorable to the client. There is a high level of ethical, moral, and empathetic expectations that presents itself when the case is one in which a person is suffering permanent injury. This means top lawyers fight for what the client deserves and will never walk away with a penny less.


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