Autism Awareness Day
IYASU Medical Bags
IYASU is a luxury brand of medical bags made from eco-friendly materials.
At IYASU we celebrate the sisterhood of doctors and all contributions made by women to Medicine.?Did you know that the symptoms of Autism were described by a female doctor 2 decades before Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger took credit for discovering it?
In 1925 Dr Grunya Efimovna Sukhareva, a talented young Jewish doctor practicing in Moscow, published a paper describing in detail the autistic traits of 6 boys.
At this time Russian papers were seldom translated into English, and her work was not discovered until after her death when British Child Psychiatrist, Dr Sula Wolff, stumbled across it in 1996. Interestingly, however, her paper was translated into German, so it may not be a coincidence that a German speaker came to bear the name of this syndrome…
People with Asperger’s Syndrome often have polarised strengths and weaknesses.
Many of these strengths are compatible with being excellent doctors.
·??????High-achieving, intensely focused perfectionists with great attention to detail.
·??????Strength in pattern recognition.
·??????Creative thinking and “outside the box” problem solving.
·??????Highly developed ability to interrogate – very useful for history taking.
·??????Excellent long-term memory.
The weaknesses which can hold them back in this vocation include:
·??????Difficulty working with other people in teams
·??????Subtly different speech traits which can hinder communication and social interactions.
·??????Inflexibility – making it hard to cope with rotational posts and changes in the health service.
·??????Inability to multitask.
·??????Increased tendency to anxiety and depression. ?
Many doctors with autism may be undiagnosed. Today is a time to remind ourselves of the joy and value of diversity. Let’s aspire to show compassion and understanding, inclusivity and respect for all our colleagues.
Autistic Doctors International (ADI) is an information and peer support group for doctors on the autistic spectrum. Formal diagnosis is not required to join, and they can be contacted on their Facebook page