Authorization App in Oracle APEX Part 3
This is the 3rd part of a technical article regarding the development of an Authorization App in Oracle APEX. The article has educational purposes so I welcome comments and insights on the subject. Here the Part 2:
UPDATE: You can freely download the Final Application in This Github Repository:
In the first two parts we created Objects and App to manage authorizations, now let's create some line of code to use all this stuff. But first a brief recap. We need to define:
- Application (With the name defined in the APP_NAME variable)
- Type Object Name (With the name defined in the APP_COMPONENT_TYPE variable:)
- Object Name (With its own name except when it is a Page, in this case The Object Name is P<page number>.
- Role (The owner of the Authorization)
- Authorization (The bind of the previous 5 objects)
- User (With the name of the authenticated users)
- Group (To group users)
- User Group (A Link between Users and Groups)
- Group Role (A link between Groups and Roles)
If we have all the data we can query this view aut_all_vw to check aut authorization:
create or replace view aut_all_vw as select authorization_id, authorization_name, authorizations.description authorization_description, authorizations.created authorization_created, authorizations.created_by authorization_created_by, authorizations.updated authorization_updated, authorizations.updated_by authorization_updated_by, role_id, role_name, roles.description role_description, roles.created role_created, roles.created_by role_created_by, roles.updated role_updated, roles.updated_by role_updated_by, privilege_id, privilege_name, privileges.description privilege_description, privileges.created privilege_created, privileges.created_by privilege_created_by, privileges.updated privilege_updated, privileges.updated_by privilege_updated_by, object_id, object_name, objects.description object_description, objects.created object_created, objects.created_by object_created_by, objects.updated object_updated, objects.updated_by object_updated_by, type_object_id, type_object_name, type_object.description type_object_description, type_object.created type_object_created, type_object.created_by type_object_created_by, type_object.updated type_object_updated, type_object.updated_by type_object_updated_by, application_id, application_name, applications.description application_description, applications.created application_created, applications.created_by application_created_by, applications.updated application_updated, applications.updated_by application_updated_by, users_group_id, users_groups.created users_group_created, users_groups.created_by users_group_created_by, users_groups.updated users_group_updated, users_groups.updated_by users_group_updated_by, user_id, user_name, users.description user_description, users.created user_created, users.created_by user_created_by, users.updated user_updated, users.updated_by user_updated_by, group_id, group_name, groups.description group_description, groups.created group_created, groups.created_by group_created_by, groups.updated group_updated, groups.updated_by group_updated_by, groups_ groups_role_id, groups_roles.created groups_role_created, groups_roles.created_by groups_role_created_by, groups_roles.updated groups_role_updated, groups_roles.updated_by groups_role_updated_by from aut_authorizations authorizations, aut_roles roles, aut_privileges privileges, aut_objects objects, aut_type_object type_object, aut_applications applications, aut_users_groups users_groups, aut_users users, aut_groups groups, aut_groups_roles groups_roles where users_groups.user_id = and users_groups.group_id = and groups_roles.group_id = and groups_roles.role_id = and objects.application_id = and objects.type_object_id = and authorizations.role_id = and authorizations.object_id = and authorizations.privilege_id = /
For example we could check if the user DEMO can READ a BUTTON named CREATE in the Application AUT - Authorizations:
select count(distinct 1) from aut_all_vw a where application_name in ('ALL_APPLICATIONS','AUT - Authorizations') and type_object_name in ('APEX_ALL','APEX_APPLICATION_BUTTONS') and object_name in ('ALL', decode(type_object_name,'APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES', 'P'||11,'CREATE')) and privilege_name in ('ADMIN','READ') and user_name = 'DEMO';
This query has 4 conditions:
- application_name: (With reserved word ALL_APPLICATIONS for all the applications)
- type_object_name: (With reserved word APEX_ALL for all type object name)
- object_name: (With reserved word ALL for all objects and page number exception like I said)
- privilege_name: (With reserved word ADMIN for all privileges
We can also check if there is an explicit denial for an object:
select count(distinct 1) from aut_all_vw a where application_name in ('ALL_APPLICATIONS','AUT - Authorizations') and type_object_name in ('APEX_ALL','APEX_APPLICATION_BUTTONS') and object_name in ('ALL', decode(type_object_name,'APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES', 'P'||11,'CREATE')) and privilege_name in ('DENY')
Well, now the code, let's create a package with our self-explaining functions:
create or replace package aut_pkg is function is_not_denied ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number; function can_read ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number; function can_edit ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number; function is_admin ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number; function can_create ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number; function can_delete ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number; end aut_pkg; /
And the body:
create or replace package body aut_pkg is function is_not_denied ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number is l_return number :=0 ; begin select count(distinct 1) into l_return from aut_all_vw a where application_name in ('ALL_APPLICATIONS',p_application_name) and type_object_name in ('APEX_ALL',p_app_component_type) and object_name in ('ALL',decode(type_object_name,'APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES','P'||p_app_page_id,p_app_component_name)) and privilege_name in ('DENY') and user_name = p_username ; return 1-l_return; exception when others then return 0; end is_not_denied; function can_read ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number is l_return number :=0 ; begin select count(distinct 1) into l_return from aut_all_vw a where application_name in ('ALL_APPLICATIONS',p_application_name) and type_object_name in ('APEX_ALL',p_app_component_type) and object_name in ('ALL',decode(type_object_name,'APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES','P'||p_app_page_id,p_app_component_name)) and privilege_name in ('ADMIN','EDIT','READ') and user_name = p_username; if l_return = 0 then return l_return; else return is_not_denied ( p_app_page_id => p_app_page_id, p_application_name => p_application_name, p_app_component_type => p_app_component_type, p_app_component_name => p_app_component_name, p_username => p_username); end if; exception when others then return 0; end can_read; function can_edit ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number is l_return number :=0 ; begin select count(distinct 1) into l_return from aut_all_vw a where application_name in ('ALL_APPLICATIONS',p_application_name) and type_object_name in ('APEX_ALL',p_app_component_type) and object_name in ('ALL',decode(type_object_name,'APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES','P'||p_app_page_id,p_app_component_name)) and privilege_name in ('ADMIN','EDIT') and user_name = p_username; if l_return = 0 then return l_return; else return is_not_denied ( p_app_page_id => p_app_page_id, p_application_name => p_application_name, p_app_component_type => p_app_component_type, p_app_component_name => p_app_component_name, p_username => p_username); end if; exception when others then return 0; end can_edit; function is_admin ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number is l_return number :=0 ; begin select count(distinct 1) into l_return from aut_all_vw a where application_name in ('ALL_APPLICATIONS',p_application_name) and type_object_name in ('APEX_ALL',p_app_component_type) and object_name in ('ALL',decode(type_object_name,'APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES','P'||p_app_page_id,p_app_component_name)) and privilege_name in ('ADMIN') and user_name = p_username; if l_return = 0 then return l_return; else return is_not_denied ( p_app_page_id => p_app_page_id, p_application_name => p_application_name, p_app_component_type => p_app_component_type, p_app_component_name => p_app_component_name, p_username => p_username); end if; exception when others then return 0; end is_admin; function can_create ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number is l_return number :=0 ; begin select count(distinct 1) into l_return from aut_all_vw a where application_name in ('ALL_APPLICATIONS',p_application_name) and type_object_name in ('APEX_ALL',p_app_component_type) and object_name in ('ALL',decode(type_object_name,'APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES','P'||p_app_page_id,p_app_component_name)) and privilege_name in ('ADMIN','CREATE') and user_name = p_username; if l_return = 0 then return l_return; else return is_not_denied ( p_app_page_id => p_app_page_id, p_application_name => p_application_name, p_app_component_type => p_app_component_type, p_app_component_name => p_app_component_name, p_username => p_username); end if; exception when others then return 0; end can_create; function can_delete ( p_app_page_id in number, p_application_name in varchar2, p_app_component_type in varchar2, p_app_component_name in varchar2, p_username in varchar2 ) return number is l_return number :=0 ; begin select count(distinct 1) into l_return from aut_all_vw a where application_name in ('ALL_APPLICATIONS',p_application_name) and type_object_name in ('APEX_ALL',p_app_component_type) and object_name in ('ALL',decode(type_object_name,'APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES','P'||p_app_page_id,p_app_component_name)) and privilege_name in ('ADMIN','DELETE') and user_name = p_username; if l_return = 0 then return l_return; else return is_not_denied ( p_app_page_id => p_app_page_id, p_application_name => p_application_name, p_app_component_type => p_app_component_type, p_app_component_name => p_app_component_name, p_username => p_username); end if; exception when others then return 0; end can_delete; end aut_pkg; /
Some comments:
- The code is simple to read, only an explanation: the first function is_not_denied, is always included in the other funtions because a denial always override the other privileges
- The functions are quite similar so we could refactor them (an exercise for you)
- The exceptions management is very poor :( (another improvement if you can)
Now we can create our Authorization scheme:
Let's go to Shared Components -> Authorization Schemes and create New Scheme: CAN_READ
The Scheme Type is a PL/SQL Funtion Returning Boolean and the code is (some new variables are explained later):
return aut_pkg.can_read ( p_app_page_id =>:APP_PAGE_ID, p_application_name =>:APP_NAME, p_app_component_type =>:APP_COMPONENT_TYPE, p_app_component_name =>:APP_COMPONENT_NAME, p_username =>v('APP_USER') ) =1;
Then you have tho choose an option in the Evaluation Point :
Only the last two option are useful because (from the Help)
The options Once per component and Always (No Caching) provide additional information about the component that is secured by the authorization scheme. In authorization plugins, you can use the component.type, and attributes of the t_authorization parameter. For the built-in Exists SQL Query and PL/SQL Function scheme types, equivalent bind variables :APP_COMPONENT_TYPE, :APP_COMPONENT_ID and :APP_COMPONENT_NAME are available.
In the Home Page we want authorize the view of the 2 regions with tha navigation list:
Let's edit the page , go to the Authorization Navigation Region, Security Section, choose the CAN_READ Authorization Scheme previously created and save the page.
Let's return in the Home Page and we will see our region (the first of two) missing because no one is authorized to see it now:
To Authorize we need:
- Application: AUT - Authorizations
- Type Object Name: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGE_REGIONS (We already have)
- Object Name: Authorization Navigation
- Privilege: READ (We already have)
- Role: Can Read Region ROLE
- Authorization: Can Read Region AUTH. IMPORTANT!! The Authorization doesn't consider the page name so is applied to All the objects with the same Type Object and the same Name in the Application. If you want to prevent this, prefix the Name Object with the page number.
- User: DEMO
- Group: Can Read Region GROUP
- User Group: Assign DEMO to Can Read Region GROUP
- Group Role: Assign Can Read Region ROLE to Can Read Region GROUP
Now in the Home Page we can see the Authorization Navigation again.
If we create a new Authorization with a DENY privilege:
this privilege overrides the others so the Region is missing again:
I hope I was clear in this tutorial, comments are welcome!
Founder of Fresa Technologies
9 个月this is very useful for me to provide user group and role groups in my new application, thanks for sharing the same.
Oracle apex developer - plsql - ?????? ????
2 年This is a very bad and confusing solution. I can provide a more flexible solution with less code.