Authority Devotional

Authority Devotional

In a world full of voices, opinions, and shifting truths, the concept of authority often feels tenuous. Yet, Brooke Ligertwood’s song “Authority” beautifully centers us on a truth that is both unshakeable and eternal: the authority of God.

The song opens with the image of creation itself responding to the voice of God. This isn’t just poetic imagery; it’s a reminder of the power inherent in God’s word. The same voice that spoke the universe into existence, that breathed life into dust, is the voice that commands all of creation. This is a voice that darkness fears, a voice that can push back even the longest night.

When we face the darkness in our lives?—?whether it’s fear, uncertainty, or spiritual warfare?—?we must remember that God’s word has the power to change things. The chorus repeats a truth that we often need to hear: “One word from You, things change on Your authority. Your word, it’s true, things change on Your authority.” God’s authority is not just a distant theological concept; it’s an active force that shapes our lives, moves mountains, and silences storms.

The song moves into a declaration that our battles are not fought in our strength but are won through God’s authority. “My fight is not my own, its end is in Your hands,” the lyrics remind us. It’s easy to take on the weight of our struggles, thinking we must fight our battles alone. But the truth is that victory belongs to the Lord. Our response is worship, rooted in the confidence that all things must bow to His command.

The bridge of the song boldly proclaims that heaven will prevail, strongholds will be moved, and spirits will be silenced. This is not wishful thinking; it’s a declaration rooted in the unchanging authority of God. The forces of darkness have no choice but to bow to Him. When we stand in that authority, we can face our fears with courage, knowing that nothing can deny God the glory that is rightfully His.

As you meditate on the lyrics of “Authority,” let them sink deep into your heart. Consider the areas of your life where you need to submit to God’s authority, trusting that His word is powerful and true. Remember that you are not alone in your fight. The God who spoke the stars into existence, who silences the darkness, is the same God who fights for you. What have you to fear?


Lord, I thank You for the power of Your word and the authority that You hold over all creation. Help me to remember that my battles are not mine to fight alone, but that You go before me, silencing the darkness and commanding victory. Give me the courage to stand in Your authority and the faith to trust in Your unchanging word. May my life be a reflection of Your glory and a testimony to the power of Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Action Step:

Take time today to speak God’s word over a situation in your life where you need His authority to prevail. Whether it’s a relationship, a fear, or a challenge, declare His promises and trust that His word will accomplish what He desires.



