Author Brian Keene
Brian Keene is the author of over 40 books, mostly in horror and dark fantasy. If you’re looking for a good stand alone novel or want to sink your teeth into a good series, chances are Brian’s got something for you.
Brian speaks his mind and he isn’t trendy, although some would argue he has started some trends (His books The Rising and The City of the Dead practically kick started the zombie trend that some would argue is on its last leg)
If you’re looking for some good tales to while away time between books from your favorite series, I suggest Take the Long Way Home, Urban Gothic, and Terminal (if you can find it) And if you searching high and low for a good series, he has several to choose from including Clickers, Earthworm Gods, or The Lost Level.
If you pick up any of these books, the first thing that you’ll notice, aside from really interesting ideas, is real down to Earth characters. It is said that Brian takes most, if not all, of his characters from real life. This takes a good eye, a keen ear, and some serious observation skills. Above all it takes dedication. When you read Brian’s characters you know they come from real people that he’s either met or c?h?a?i?n?e?d? ?i?n? ?h?i?s? ?b?a?s?e?m?e?n?t? observed. So be forewarned, if you spend any amount of time with him, you may end up in one of his novels.
You can find him here: