Author of the Book “The Productive Crew Member” to help people become more productive. Book is being offered to donators of Charity: Water
Filipe Martins, MBA
My background includes operations management in F & B and Hospitality, with more than twenty years experience.
Many of us have no idea what it's like to be thirsty. We have plenty of water to drink -- even the water in our toilets is clean!
But many people around the world don’t have that luxury. Every day, about 1,400 children die from diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are simple solutions like drilled wells, spring protections and BioSand filters that help provide clean water to communities around the world.
I started this fundraising campaign to help charity: water build these types of projects around the world, and I'm looking for anyone who can help me.
Please donate to my campaign -- anything you can give is a huge help.
100% of the money will be used to build clean water projects, and when they’re complete, charity: water will send us photos and GPS coordinates so we can see the exact community we helped.
Every day, 5,000 kids under the age of 5 die from water-related illnesses. I'm gonna help change that!
I recently wrote a book to help people be more Productive in their career life.
I'm a human, and as a human I have my flaws. But I also think that this eBook is the best in the world, in this particular subject. I honestly hope you get a TON of value from it.
My book connects you to the best from geniuses from across the millennium. This book is meant to be used like an encyclopedia, it's meant to be a reference, not a rules book, not a novel.
Please click here to the have an idea of the book.
So you are going to know that this 27 U.S. dollars donation went directly into to really changing someone's life in a beautiful way, and you will have been taking part of that.
Charity water team has figured out to get fresh water to one human, for the entire year, for a dollar (one dollar). So with this 27 dollars you donate to charity water to get my book, 27 dollars will get water to a real human for 27 years.
They can build a well in Africa for 5,000 U.S. dollars, that will get to an entire village of 400 to 500 people water for 20 years.
Get involved with this, and you can also write it off in your taxes.
Go do that, click here to make your donation, minimum $27 U.S. dollars.
Filipe Martins,
Email: [email protected]