The Real You.
“The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” Joseph Campbell
This is probably the standout quote for me when it comes to being authentic.
To be one’s authentic self is to celebrate the idea of embracing one’s true self and the value it brings to your life and those around us. A vision which often seems unattainable in today’s world of Instagram influencers, unrealistic and fake expectations.
Authenticity plays a major role in our work life and personal relationships. If you’re a manager or leader, knowing and presenting your true self to others can be misinterpreted as a vulnerability, but in truth, it’s your greatest strength. Bringing your true self to work can positively impact both your performance and wellbeing. The same goes for your personal life.
In the work environment, honesty and integrity play the biggest role when inspiring others to follow. If we are unable to be honest with ourselves or have not reflected upon and acknowledged our values, and strengths, how then would we be able to work on our weaknesses and lead our teams?
But how do we know we’re being our authentic selves?
First let’s look at a simple definition – Authenticity is the quality of being real or genuine.
So, to answer the question above, we need to ask ourselves a few more:
Are we self-aware? Because self-awareness contributes to authenticity.
To be self-aware we need to understand our values – do we know what matters most to us, and do we align these actions and decisions with our values?
Can we honestly recognize both our strengths and weaknesses, and if so, are we able to improve on our weaknesses? Oh, tricky one this.
Do we understand our emotions? Because being in touch with our inner most feelings and understanding how they influence our behaviours, enables us to express ourselves honestly and effectively.
Personally, there are times I find myself relaxed and engaged enough to know I am who I want to be, but in truth there are also moments when fear, low self-esteem and external influences cloud my awareness. And this is okay, so long as I can reflect on these moments and learn from them.
To be one’s true self takes consistent hard work and focus. It’s not a once off decision, its numerous decisions intertwined with the conviction to remain strong in the beliefs of our values and identity.
Can we look into the proverbial mirror and accept and love ourselves without judgement? Are we able to dig deep and find the truth of who we are and the ability to express our thoughts and feelings honestly without pretending to be someone else?
All these questions remind me of another well-known quote, “To thine own self be true.” ?William Shakespeare.
Sounds exhausting, but I can assure you it isn’t, though it can be daunting.
To practice authenticity, we should practice awareness.
We need to respect our own boundaries and those of others. It’s also important to self-reflect. To take the time to reflect on our values, goals, and desires which assist us in making choices that are in alignment with our true selves.
The next is a point I particularly like. It also scares the heck out of me.
Owning one’s story. When we embrace life experiences, both positive and negative, as part of our unique journey we can use them as opportunities for growth. This one’s a doozy though, because it’s hard not to be tempted to put on those rose-colored glasses, or to push the bad experiences into the furthest recesses of our minds. It hurts to face the truth. But most notably, it also sets us free.
When we are true to ourselves, our values, and our beliefs, we will discover a deeper understanding of our thoughts, feelings, and motivations. The trick is not to pay attention to what others expect us to be to suit their narrative – totally do able with hard work and dedication.
And like anything that requires hard work, it’s well worth it to remember that baby steps are required.
It does not need to be complicated, just small simple changes over a long period of time.
-??????? Be conscious of your thoughts.
-??????? Practice taking a step back and contemplating your feelings before reacting (My Achilles heel).
-??????? Listen actively.
-??????? Clearly define your core values.
These are but a few things we can apply on our journey toward authenticity.
Being authentic doesn’t mean you remain static or unchanging. We must remember that as humans we grow and evolve. It’s a dynamic process of self-discovery, self-expression, and self-acceptance, and one from which we can reap great rewards in both our personal and work-based lives.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Steve Jobs.
How do you achieve authenticity in your life?
Feel free to share in the comment section.