Authentic Leadership 2017
Sarah Julia Wong
Visual Artist | Sr Imago Creative | Visual Communication | Visual Anthropologist
As a visual artist in healthcare I like to keep on learning. Last year I participated a leadership retreat in India 'The Future of Power' with 100 corporate leaders from around the globe. The teacher asked us to connect with the heart. We all got a little flower and she led us into an experience of compassion for the self! Soon I saw happy faces around and heard some sniffing. Next exercise was sharing our little flowers and we all said kind words to each other. I heard myself saying to a doctor 'I give you my courage to heal yourself'. He said: 'I give you my peace of mind, to inspire your important photo-works for newspapers'.
The lesson we learned was: real powerful leaders have healed their hearts!
So the future of power is a compassionate heart. With all the latest news, in a world that seems to be upside down, I wish you all a peaceful mind and a powerful lion heart for 2017! Namasté!